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Everything posted by Visitor

  1. Do, or have, you partaken in art therapy? What have you learnt, from art therapy, that has contributed to your self-improvement?
  2. @AleksM Yes you are right about real fear, which is a small portion of the fears we experience. Most of our fears are ego based. The main one being the fear of judgment, followed by fears of rejection, segregation, abandonment, and annihilation. If a person truly (the truth system) knows themselves, and no longer keeping any secrets of self, then they have no fear of judgment (or surprises of exposure) and all its fear-based subsidiaries. With such a liberated mindset they can discern the value of a real fear (threat of life) and knowing the best corrective measure to circumvent it. It is knowing and accepting the truth of the matter which disarms fear. The best way to deal with fear is to acknowledge the fear for what it is and face it (accept it), and in that acceptance the fear (of not being able to deal with it) disappears, because you will know how to deal with it. The saying 'the truth will set you free' is related to freedom from fears. A non-truth is a deception. All deceptions are based on the fear of being found out (the truth). To be truthful is to be fearless. A true person can overcome mental and manage biological fears. The truth of anything is the only reality, anything else is not real. A truthful person has nothing to prove (a rested ego), and from their truth comes unconditional love. For love and truth share the same characteristics (reliable, not needing anything, restful, supportive, clarity, fearless, doubtless, decisive). A truthful person is a loving person. The peak of self-actualization (the fulfillment of one's potential) is to become true (truth system). Truth is the highest potential and reality.
  3. Do not seek to understand that I may believe, but believe so that I may understand.
  4. It would be better for me to work on the control console at home rather than at the museum. The main reason, besides having the tools, is I need to make a reasonably large wiring harness. The museum has not got the space for that arrangement. So the museum staff transported the console, and now the console is in my living room. It sure is getting crowded here.
  5. Are you now meeting collective consciousness of our solar system planets and Milky Way star systems?
  6. Is not the word mental related to the mind. And the word biological related to the organism, such as the brain? The mind is a by-product of brain activity. The ego is a fabrication by the mind, so to is fear and other emotions. The brain is biological for sure. If we dissect the head we will see the brain, but not the mind. We cannot point at anything biological and say "Look. there is the mind", or "look, there is the ego, and over there is the fear". So the mind, ego, and fear are mental systems; are they not.
  7. When at the rock-bottom of self-actualization, at the basics, one's self-esteem (ego-energy) is in a low/poor state. The idea is to build up that self-esteem to a point where one can start improving psychologically. And start working towards the next levels of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. When you get to the top level one starts to realize that they no longer need to be fulfilled; because they already are, and have been all along, but fear blinded them from that truth. In other words, the idea is to build up enough self-esteem to no longer need it. They still have an ego because it is part of the mind, yet they know that they no longer need it, so the don't give into its deluded fears when they arise. A strong ego usually means, and points to, the opposite direction of being gentle, patient, tolerant, forgiving, allowing, accepting, humble and loving. A strong ego usually means tight fisted while a humbled ego is open hearted. I cannot see how a truthful loving person as impractical, when in fact such a person is authentic, reliable, honest, patient, and efficient in all aspects of life.
  8. My words in blue. The system that created fear is the ego. And it fears the truth. The truth that it is invalid. Any truth is a potential threat for its exposure of invalidity. Truth is the only thing that can penetrate all denials, all cover-stories, all deceptions, and the ego-self. Without fear, only the truth will be known. Fear causes tension in a person, like a clenched hand. It squeezes and drains a person life energy to an earlier death. The truth in a person has been covered up by stories of fear. The person tries to avoid fear not be truth but by deception. All fear based deceptions are created by the mind to protect its own identity, the ego, so it can make sense of itself. This originally happened when the mind could not sense itself or its originator - the brain. The brain has no nerve ends on itself and cannot be sensed. On the other hand, love causes relaxation in a person, like an open hand. It is the opened heart which allows truth and love in a person to fill the being with radiance of uncreated light - pure unconditional love. This love is fearless and all knowing. It requires no system other than faith.
  9. Finished painting the road. Added centre and fog lines, plus centre road reflectors. Couldn't help myself playing dramatics with 1/72 scale cars. These will be positioned on the road at the end of the project. The reason is that nearly everything else (position-wise) will be fixed to how it is in real life. The cars can be anywhere on the road. My thinking is to place the cars where it will assist in the overall balance of the composition. I am going to take some time off from hands-on work on the project. I have some learning to do about making landscapes like they do with model railway. Also waiting for electronic parts to arrive. Besides hands-on work I also draw and write information for the service manual. It also includes the diorama is being built. A big part of this is the electrical side of it. Working out the new wiring for the control console has shown me that even logging everything down can still be misleading. The wiring diagram is too complex and large to have all the electrics drawn on one sheet of paper. There are several sheets to follow. It can be somewhat discouraging, until I accept it, that I can think I got it worked out only to find that a wire/track is not going were it suppose to. The main problem is that certain parts need to be modified for one reason or another to make things work. These modifications generally require alternative wiring. Changing on wire can suddenly change others that are connected to it. This reminds me of Chaos Theory. Anyway, I will be doing some researching and juggling jobs for a while. I got a feeling that future updates will be more sporadic than it has been. Hope you have enjoyed the journey as much as I have. It sure feels good to be creative again. As an only child, creativity was my dearest friend. It is nice to be reunited.
  10. The common system in all the 48 outcomes is fear.
  11. To be authentic requires full openness of heart for the truth in you to fulfill your being. Then your truth will become you, and you will be authentic and real. In authenticity there is no tension or fear, but softness and loving. There is no deception, but honesty. There is no false witness, but whenever you speak you only say what is true. The price of authenticity is high. Not only does one require to gag their ego, but be gagged by the majority. Truth is the greatest fear of everyone's ego. Though truth is admired, most fear its consequences. You will be a diamond in the rough, yet no dishonest person can obtain it. Is authenticity sustainable? Yes.
  12. Interesting nobody mentioned dying. Knowing that you are about to die, and all your life's preperation for this moment is about to be tested.
  13. If you remember what you observed then that was censored by subjectivity. If you don't remember what you observed then how did you know you were observing. What is commonly referred to as 'without judgement' really means that what you observed was tagged/labelled as not important to one's ego. The subjective idea that one was not judging is a judgement (another paradox).
  14. My body has been attacked by some cold virus for the last few days. It is winning the battle. Tomorrow it should be okay. Hopefully, weather permitting, a few friends and I will go for a cycling ride. Most likely the usual 40 km flat route. We've had several days of rain and cold winds. It has been keeping us indoors, and some of us have already expressed symptoms of cabin fever (restless, irritable and discontent). Getting back to the bridge. Painting the road surface within the bridge span has been a real challenge. There is not much room between the span framework to access the road surface. It has been a test of patience and persistence to do the job as well as the rest of the bridge.
  15. Yes it is. Realistically, all is subjective, because the mind must be used to perceive what we call objective.
  16. Is my future already mapped out? If so, then what's the point of changing if my future is set. If I stopped changing now, is it because I decided to or not. Does that mean my next keystroke will be
  17. I heard this one today: The heart has reasons that know no reason.
  18. We are still alive and still surviving. Meditation is for stilling the ego-mind and concerns (ego-fears) fade away. Yet we cannot survive on meditation alone. We still need to abide to human values for bodily survival/longevity.
  19. Attempted to paint the road surface on the bridge and blotched it. The road surface is concrete (cement and gravel), so I decided to splatter dark grey paint (same colour as the bridge framework). It started of okay but soon over-splattered in some areas while trying to reach the sparser bits. I was tempted to repaint the surface with the light grey and start over again. But intuition told me I can utilize this to my advantage. So I dried brushed (brush carrying minimal amount of paint) the lighter areas with dark grey and the darker areas with the light grey. Then proceeded to do the whole area again but with a fine paint brush. Very time consuming, but I think it's looking good. The bottom right hand picture shows on end of the road and as far as I got.
  20. The universe is definitely alive.
  21. IMHO. There is still a need for concern. To explain. The mind is a phenomenon as a result of brain activity. It is a field and a means for life energy to flow. The mind can direct this energy for use on what is true (love), or what is not true (fear). The first is used for creating/materialization (existence), the later for dematerialization (extinction). Beliefs are mind agreements of what to hold onto, truths and/or non-truths. The result has a bearing on the condition of the soul, the inner source of life energy (existence). For the human body to survive longer requires its body-mind to pay attention to the human values of right and wrong. For the mind-soul, the spirit as some call it, is still subject/influenced by the mind, especially the belief system. Hence the idea of good (existence) and evil (extinction). For the soul, there is only pure truth and its expression of love. It is unadulterated creation. Some say it is part of God/Truth. However, the mind has an influence on how its energy source is to be utilized; to be used or wasted. For the one thing, uncreated light energy, the source of everything to be created, there is no differences for it is one thing, energy.
  22. We seem to suffer from various sorts of -ism. I, Self, Me.
  23. @Key Elements What is love? The expression of truth. Love creates truth. Truth sets you free to love. Fear creates deception. Deception enslaves you to fear. In a relationship where truth is primary, love exists, even in an environment of fear and deception.