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@HelloThere Thanks a lot sir, you helped a lot
@HelloThere I have heard that 95% of our actions are controlled by our subconscious mind, so if we intellectually know that we are at level 5 but subconsciously believe we are at level 3, we act like a level 3 person. Even if we want to act like a level 5 person we are unable to so as 5% of our conscious mind fights against 95% of our subconscious mind and ultimately the later wins. Am I right? And do you have any ideas on how to change limmitting beliefs and subconscious mind fast, as my exams are approaching soon.
@HelloThere A sound explanation.Loved it. Thanks a lot. One more question. I am a student with a particularly good record but I was lazy. But due to some reason I hated studies even though I was good at it. I never wanted to study but then the moralising and the 'shoulds' were making me study. As I hated studying, I subconsciously started to tell myself that i am too dumb to study, maybe to prevent myself from the guilt of not studying.At last I reached a point where I believed that I was an idiot and I can never study which relieved me from the pain of sitting and working for hours (I know it sounds weird but I actually did it ). Now I could enjoy life as I believed that studying is not 'MEANT' for me. Obviously I wasn't aware of beliefs and over generalizing things at that time . But now I know that I am not a fool, my conscious mind accepts this fact, but it seems that my subconscious mind is reinforcing the idea of be being an idiot, against my will. I know that I am at level 5 but I am able to reach only level 3 even though I want to reach level 5 with all my heart. Its like an invisible force that paralyses if I try to cross my self image (is it the terror barrier ?). I am not able to study.Whenever I pick up the pen I am full of fear. Its like my mind goes blank. Maybe its my subconscious trying to hold and justify the old belief that I am not capable. Also, I don't know what do I I fear,maybe fear of failure (as I didn't fail for a long time as I didn't even study) maybe I fear that my self image and personality would begin to change if I start studying , is it cognitive dissonance kind of thing. Any idea bro what might be happening ?
@Damir Elezi I agree with what you said, what my question is that if an ugly person believes that he is beautiful (and he has no doubt about it), he may project it in the outside world,and he will behave like he's beautiful, but how does that change the fact that he is ugly ? In other words what I mean is that If I believe that I am a millionaire, just believing won't make me a millionaire, although it might help me to earn the money faster and with ease to become a millionaire. Am I right ?
Recently I've been doing a lot of research on self image and beliefs and how they prevent us from reaching our full potential. I've heard people say you can if you believe you can, or as Henry Ford said: "If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right." I get the point (somewhat) and I can see how beliefs can limit our possibilities.Here's what I don't understand fully. If on a scale of ten i am at level 5, a self limiting belief can keep me stuck at level 2 or 3, but can a positive belief take us directly from 5 to 7 or 8 without any hard work as the negative (self limiting belief) did (it brought us from 5 to 3 without doing anything ).Is it that the positive beliefs only help us develop faster. What I mean is that do beliefs only hamper our growth or they are promoters in some way.I am a newbie in personal development I apologize if this sounds silly but I really needed this cleared. I have a little idea but it would be great if I could get other opinions and insights. Ignore my english