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Everything posted by Seed

  1. Yes it comes across to me that you are leaving a trail of clues in an attempt to get her to work things out for herself. ANd i just wondered if that was the case. Clearly not.
  2. Hey @Nahm Just curious as to why you don't want to be clear with her?
  3. Thank you so much! All great responses and so helpful. I do agree, a lot of it is to do with my belief system getting futher entrenched and I need to find a way out. Lockdown has certainly emphaised any emotional havoc that we have, that is certain! It is weird, as when we first were 'allowed' out again, I was fine, I think due the excitement and adrenaline of it all... but these beliefs seem to have crept up on me. I think just keeping on being out and about as much as possible is key! Keeping on ploughing through. Thanks all!
  4. Disagrees with 'some doctors'. Some doctors would say this is not the safest route, However this is obviously not advestised, In every scientific trial there are always some for and some against. However. In situations like this, Where there is no absolute answer, I go with my gut. Just because the majority of experts recommend something doesnt mean they are not fallible. And doesnt mean I have to do it. This is not what I said. What I said is very clear. My solution is to continue the brilliant research of modern science, but give people the choice as to whether they want to offer their body up. I made that very clear. My line is that people should not be forced to have anything. Very simple. I also think we should look at the reactions of these people who have offered themselves up very carefully. And continuing to push despite the current highest side effect of a disrupted mentstual cycle, is not in my opinion the wisest course of action. Remember, nature is a process, often there is not a 'solution'. I reiterate, let's try and do what is in our power to help people but at the same time, let's respect that science and medicine is constantly developing and evolving and proven wrong. We as human beings have a right to choose when and where and what we take part in. That's my line.
  5. I am not a virologist so these ingredients mean nothing to me. I can’t speak for the entire population, but logic tells me that rest of the vast majority will not have a clu what these ingredients are and their combined reactions either. Let’s not insult the science community here, who have spent years studying this stuff to assume we too know wht is in the vaccine simply by reading words on a list!! Also. I don’t believe that what I read on the media is accurate given how much is already and blatantly censored and manipulated. I believe the right route is not worsening the situation by causing more division, more fear and what I potentially believe subsequently weakened or potentially destroyed immune systems and further virus mutations !!! I am also extremely cautious of anything that puts so much stress on the body the menstual cycle is affected, That is not a reasonable way out, that is causing more damage. And highly risky for something we do not yet know works. I also believe we should continue to develop medicine as safely as possible and offer the vaccine for those who’d like to have it! Medicine should always be an option!! Absolutely! But forcing people to take something by witholding their rights is totaly not the right route. I have a moral obligation to look after my body and I believe (at this stage) to have this vaccine would not be taking care of it and therefore morally irresponsible. I also think we have to accept Mother Nature. And I know this is very upsetting but death is a part of life. And sadly some people will not be able to fight it off. Again, not that we shouldnt try. But there is a line. Medicine is a study which is always developing and evolving and involves trial and error. Humans have the right to take it or leave it. It's up to them! I personally think this vaccine is not the safe route. I am sorry if that offends people. As far as i can see. Science is at war with nature and just can’t see it ending well. Again. My thoughts. Not saying i hold the absolute truth. I am one opinion in 8 billion. And thanks for taking the time to read them
  6. Some key difference here in car safety law and a mandatory vaccine roll out. Not one car safety law involves forcing citizens to put a shot into their body, that is not sufficiently tested, have no idea what is in it, whether it even works or what the side effects are. And those are just the facts. If people choose to be part of this giant human experiment, then fairplay, that is very brave and helpful for trial and error. But it should be totally within that person's choice whether they want to have it, at this very early and still unpredicatable stage. Also, if people do not wish to follow care safety law, they can take other forms of transport to ensure they can still live a quality life. Having rights take away for not taking this shot, does not equate to this. I currently feel I will eventually be forced to choose between my health and my rights. And I personally, as a healthy young person, feel this is wrong. However, I respect everyones views here. There are of course 8 billion people on the planet. SO there will be 8 billion views. From a collective perspective, I just feel this vaccine route is wrong on so many levels. This is my personal opinion made from what I can see going on around me. Many of my friends periods have stopped since the vaccination and / or they are having very erratic periods. If this vaccine is strong enough to throw off some as natural and key to health as the monthly cycle, just what else is it capable of. Medical experts are saying it will 'settle down'. However my friends still havent 'settled down' after three months. Yet, in our country (UK) 16 - 17 year olds are now being pushed to take the vaccine without parental permission. And if you do not believe me, please google periods, covid vaccine and see for yourself. It is the most common side effect. I am just using my brain (and intuiton) here. And there is something very 'off' about this route. Please think for youself and take care.
  7. I understand what a logical fallacy is, I was asking you to explain exactly why you personally feel that the logic is faulty? Just so I can get a clearer side of your position. I personally feel what I am saying is logical given current state of big pharma and the ways the manipulate and exploit, sp my confidence and in them is understanbly low. An example of this is this that I was forced by a pychologist to take Ritalin at the age of 13, which completely numbed all my emotions, made me totally obssesive and supressed my appetite and desires.Subsquently, I lost tons of weight and turned into a robot. I was precribed this 'medicine' after a 20 question diagnosis quetionnaire on whether I had ADHD, which came out as moderate to high. I can assure you now. I didn't have ADHD. And that experience ruined my childhood and still affects me to this day, mentally and emotionally. This is a personal example, but I hope helps you to see my point of view. I'd love to see some examples from you of why you feel my fears are illogical. Thank you!
  8. Please explain why? I really want to learn more.
  9. Thanks for your opinion, I will take it on board. Also, just to clarify. I haven't been reading any media sources on this matter.
  10. I don't know about America, but vaccines in the UK, have never been mandatory. I am not anti vax or pro vax, but I am pro choice and thinking for yourself, as well as the greater good. And given how corrupt the pharmaceutical companies are and continue to be; my fear is not the Covid vaccine it itself (I can see why that is needed), but that these big pharma companies use this gateway to further expoit the masses, creating more 'mandatory' treatments, as they years / decades go on. Which could potentionally be very harmful for the collective. And the planet. We all know how much damage has already done by pushing unnecessary medicines on otherwise healthy people and I would hate to see things escalate!!! That is my fear and I am entitled to have fears and share and discuss them. I repeat - I am not a believing in a conspiracy and also no anti vax. So please no labels. I think it's important to discuss all of this and listen and empathise with everyone's views.
  11. Extremely eye opening video from Russell .. Exactly how much government control are we willing to take and when / where does it end?
  12. I think she is worried you may dump her after having sex with her, so wants to make sure you are commtited.
  13. I agree. This forum has definitely lost its way over the past year or so and become very ‘culty’ It’s a shame. It definitely needs more empathy, more open mindedness, more.... I suppose groundedness. Hope that makes sense and hope we can all make effort to improve ourselves to bring about this environment
  14. This puts a lot of responsibility of those mods.... and of you. Is this really possible? What if one still slips through the net. How will you / they cope with this? Knowing they or you were actively involved in their last moments. I am a therapist and have to have extensive therapy to deal which such potentialities... as well as 4 year degree of practical and theoretical training. I also have insurance. The emotional impact and implication of putting someone else in this position of care is a huge. Edit: also without proper boundaries in place, there’s also high risk of vulnerable people become codependent on the mods. Please be careful. ??❤️
  15. Russel Brand - Under the Skin - would be EPIC! Could also chat with Teal Swan
  16. Why does this always happen? I make good, gradual proactive changes. I chip away at my belief patterns until one day they lose all sense of having existed. I finally start to feel a sense of true nature. Happiness, joy and clarity. Obviously, still plenty of ups and downs, but i can feel my centre and get up when I fall. And then suddenly out of nowhere, I wake up back where was a year ago, and then years before that too. It's so disheartening. Here I am at beginning again. I feel self concious, my mind goes blank, my sense of humour is nowhere to be seen. My relationship dilemma that I firmly conciously made a decision to stay in and have been content with for months is now churning the same nonsense through my brain again. I am assuming this is ego backlash? Or maybe something that needs addressing? Any advice would be most welcome. Atm I am just using coping mechanisms to get through and hoping itll pass - such as mediation, excersize, work. Thanks in advance wise ones.
  17. It's just bringing up the same ego related relationship issues that I had previously put to bed. Telling me to do things that are against my highest values and waking up dead emotions...... that have no use to me. Thanks fo the advice. x
  18. @Michael569 Brilliant advice. Thank you!
  19. @Eternity Thanks, I have ordered the book.
  20. @SonataAllegro @Swarnim great advice!! Thank you ☺️
  21. But Leo, girls ARE better than boys!
  22. I have this niggling, ridiculous problem and that is when people refer to me as sweet.... 'that was very sweet'..... 'you are such a sweet person' 'you're so adorable' etc I get very insulted. One of my, very new friends refers to me as her pixie fairy, which she means as a compliment, but it drives me up the wall. And it seems to happen ALL THE TIME! I find it extremely patronising and disempowering. Even though the people who are saying it, are saying it as a compliment. I still can't stand it when it happens and it gets me down. I understand that the issue is within me and I need to work out how to not let it get to me. Not care..... I realise it is a petty thing to get upset about. So therefore, is the solution to not get so attached to labels? Or should I work on being less sweet, seeing as the adjective offends me so much. I could also bring it up with them, but that won't stop it from happening, as new people will say it. And the damage is already done. Unless i change my core personality. I suppose the issue is here (and yes, I am half talking to myself) What is my deep rooted issue with being called sweet?!? How can I accept this part of me? Is it reallly such an awful thing? Thanks is advance for any suggestion on how to either not care, or reframe the phrase.
  23. Yes - I definately prefer 'that was sweet' But I rarely get told that, mostly.... 'you are so sweet...'