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Everything posted by Seed

  1. From enlightenment's point of view, rape isn't wrong, purely because the concept doesn't exist. However, from a perception point of view, then the judgement is your own. In which case arguments are valid. Correct?
  2. @AlwaysBeNice @AlwaysBeNiceAlwaysBeNicewAlwaysBeNiceAlwaywaysBeNice Maybe I was being too subtle, but my referral to being offended, was actually hypothetical. It is impossible for you to know which comments would offend me without going inside my mind at the time of insult. The complexity of our own mind is a big enough labarynith for us to comprehend with our limited consciousness, let alone someone elses, so we will leave it at that. You will find that in her further reports and discussion that she admits to having extensive therapy and being highly traumatised for months after. Anyway, I leave your ego to continue making it's judgements, however, I don't care to continue defending myself or views as it contradicts the openness of the forum. I am completely open minded to all stances and perspectives which is why I enjoy the forum so much. I love evolving and expanding my mind and this forum has particularly helped me to do that. If you don't agree with me, that is OK, we're not meant to always agree, life would be pretty boring if that was the case. :-)
  3. @Barna haha... Oh the irony
  4. @AlwaysBeNice I find your language highly offensive, please check the forum rules, and adjust accordingly. In my defence, I don't view the end bit as 'good'. That is merely your own perception of the events that took place. You will also find, If you want to continue discussing 'the whole story' that she developed PTSD which led to her needing extensive therapy to move on from it all. Now, whether it was a 'good or bad' trip, she 'should or shouldn't' have done it, is completely judgemental and irrelevant and you have misinterpreted my intentions. I didn't want to make the post ridiculously long, so I quoted what I felt was most informative in helping people understand the infinite power of this substance and what they may or may not be having to deal with. We definitely arnt short of mind blowingly, amazing reports on this drug, so I just thought it may help balance it out, by quoting a not so wonderful report. You are entitled to your opinion, as am I, so let's remember that and allow everyone to express themselves, in a non aggressive and informative manner.
  5. Hey guys, and if you do manage to get the dose just right , you could end up on a trip as cool as this one.. 'The next thing I remember is not being human. I do not remember what was happening, but I know I was increasingly losing control. In the video, I am beginning to kick my legs and run in place, though I have collapsed on the ground. My throat sounds start low and gradually become higher-pitched and more afraid. Things begin to turn inside-out in ways that don’t make sense at all. Every atom in my body is attacking me, and every dimension that ever made sense is imploding and taking me with it. I have no thought of Self or my name or my body or 5-MeO-DMT. I am gone completely. Completely. Lost in ever-evolving agony. And I'm more and more out of control. I don’t even have these thoughts. My essence is twisted into all that is Hell--and it’s only coming on faster and more intensely. If I even attempt to find myself, I am punished with more horror and pain. I do not even know the word “release” or the term “let go.” I am in the grip of Hell itself. Pain and horror that cannot be described here. In my Hell, the water they pour becomes another part of the madness and propels me into farther, more isolated levels of Hell. I am drowning, I am dying, I am dying everyone’s death, I am all the pain that ever has existed, and that’s a silly understatement. I begin to truly panic. I see myself clearly suddenly. I have finally done 5-MeO, the ultimate thing I’ve been so foolishly chasing. And I’m trapped. I am worse than insane. I am trapped in a Hell that is compounding upon itself infinitely with each unfolding moment. It cannot get worse…and then it does. Again and again. Shockingly. Disturbingly. Infinitely. Over and over and over until my sheer terror makes me crack wide open and accept it' Please be careful with this kind of substance, nothing can prepare you and you don't know how you'll react. That is all.
  6. I think she is overwhelmed. Maybe she needs to step back into ordinary reality to for a while, to calm herself down. that is the game right , so we may as well play it whilst we're here.
  7. @Leo Gura have you take it many more times since? Do the experiences differ?
  8. @jse thanl you for sharing this... I does worry me, as this tortured soul could become anyone on this forum, if taken at the wrong time... And in the wrong hands... I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. It makes me very sad. :-(
  9. That poor, poor girl.
  10. @Dead_MouseMouse was this after taking 5meo??
  11. This story gives me infinite chills... Does anyone know what might have gone wrong for her?
  12. Finding the balance between developing myself, and my understanding of the spiritual non - dual world at the same time as parenting a 3 year old and running a demanding 24/7 business..
  13. @Leo Gura have you had many more 5meo trips since that first time? If so, how did they differ?
  14. Or like trying to explain an infinite dimensional world to a fish... no wonder we are driving them nuts!! A weird part of me gets it though.
  15. @Barna Got you! Moving swiftly on...... Please, please forgive me! But, this question is admittedly off topic, however, if I dont get it answered, then I wont be able to post any further 30 - 100% 5-MEO related posts... so please help me with this one. I can even delete the question once it's been answered. So a swift non judgmental reply would be beneficial to me and the whole thread. And the question is... How do I delete a preview quote or previous tagged user from my pre drafted message, i am currently stuck with the same draft every time I go to type a new message? Is there a way to instantly remove a previous quote so it isnt stuck there forever? Sorry and thanks..
  16. Ironically, discussing whether my question is on or off topic, is actually taking the thread off topic. Should my question completely take us to another entirely separate discussion , then we can address that at the time. However, one question relating to my own personal journey and understanding of 5-meo-dmt, does not call for a whole new thread, not to say that it might have to become a new one, should the demand and responses be there. Which I am sure you can admit, is highly unlikely. There has been far more off topic comments arise from the need to justify my question, than the question itself. So let's all calm down, and see if @Leo Gura wants to answer. It's his website, forum and question, so the decision to answer is his own. He can decide to PM me, answer on here, or just ignore. It's really not an issue....
  17. @Snick-The ThinkTank Yes I do have a sense of humour, but that doesn't mean I am not serious about the topic, the two can coincide .. If I wasn't serious, I wouldn't be wasting my precious time writing on this forum..
  18. @Barna how can you say I am off topic? You don't know my reasoning for wanting to know why? It's to do with my individual, spiritual journey and may or may not point me towards this powerful substance which is the very topic of this thread. However, this is an open / non judgemental forum, so i shouldn't really need to prove my question is valid to you. What you make of it is irrelevant, I am afraid.. I won't judge you, so please don't judge me.
  19. @Leo Gura I think we'll just have to take you word for it... I have one more burning question.. Why do you choose to live in Vagas? Hopefully I wont need I a dose 5-Meo-DMT to get my head round this one.
  20. Is that all??? How underwhelming..
  21. @Barna totally get you! Thanks for sharing and enjoy! :-)
  22. @BarnaBarna I am open to the idea of infinite universes and possibiltys, of course I am, it's what I've always thought anyway.... That is not what I am disagreeing with here, people keep assuming I am saying you are wrong. I am not. Who am I to know anything!? What I am saying is.... Surely, with a brain as aware as your own, you can be open to the fact that your experience of Truth has been recollected as a past experience and is therefore a memory. A memory which is possibly another illusion? If infinite possibiltys exist outside our realm of reality, then the possibility of your truth being entirely inaccurate must be possible? You must be able to see where I coming from here?
  23. @Leo Gura @Leo Gura @Barna I'm not the one trying to define 'Truth'. I would never be so ignorant to think that I could. All i am saying is that our mind is capable of deluding ourselves into believing anything. As anything is possible. Therefore, how can you be sure what your saw is accurate? And in terms of Infinite possibility.... We are infinitely deluded.. I don't need any help. But thank you for offering. I am very happy here in my perceived reality, fumbling around with my monkey mind..