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Everything posted by AprilA

  1. For some of you who have not yet known, Flow state is the state of feeling where you're fully immersed on the task at hand. Your attention is focused on the movement and angles of your body, your breathing, and feeling is one. You lose yourself in the moment, so much that before you know it, time has flown by. You are in the present, in the NOW. Your question is how to enter the flow state. This article explains the 17 flow triggers to hack into the flow state https://www.cwilsonmeloncelli.com/17-flow-triggers-to-hack-into-the-flow-state/ It is basically the ff: 1. Find a Challenge - Choose something that you enjoy doing and challenge yourself. 2. Have clear goals - You should be very clear on what you want to achieve and how you'll know you're succeeding. 3. Avoid interruptions - Focus completely on the task at hand and eradicate all other distractions. 4. Focus on the process and not the end state - While having a goal is important, enjoying the journey is also essential. Allow yourself to simply live in the present moment without worrying too much about the ultimate result. 5. Perform Mindfulness Meditation or the Flow State Training program - Remember that your body and mind is your instrument for expressing your skill, sport or profession so you must effectively work on both aspects to keep your instrument in perfect tune.