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Everything posted by Bojan

  1. I wish I was born in Germany. They have such a good educational program there you learn what you need to know. It's such a good country. The Swiss, Austrians and Germans are multicultural, scientific and usually fluent in at least three languages. I don't know if there are any psychos and sociopaths living there causing harm to others, but I like to think that the primary goal of authorities in these places is to help every German, Austrian and Swiss citizen live a good life. I made a big mistake when I got born here, when I didn't realize that I'm in an abusive household, and when I didn't align myself with the right side, seeking the right national identity and the right language.
  2. Happy day, what a happy day. I wish you have a happy day too. Happyday to you!:)
  3. Like, I know what is healthy. But i just like eating a bit more than once or twice or sometimes even three times a day and somerimes at night i like to eat more than one plate. But i cannot make enough money for enough healthier, yet still not organic, food options. So sometimes like now, when i experience huge stress because my rights have been violated, I feel down, and i live with unhealthy people who make bad food for me, but now pretend it is good cause it is with a different sort of flour. I say i will not eat it because it is full of hydrogenated oil and that flour is still bad. Then i try a little bit. Then i cannot stop and soon enough i am told that i am selfish and bad for eating everything, although i thought the person already took some. Of course, the splution is to get rich, but telling a guy like me to do that is like telling an ugly girl to get beautiful actually. And restraining, moderation,one meal a day, too little cakories, i just cannot. Because i am not overweight, but i do have a higher fat percentage cause of this. Night. Sorry for sharing this victim mentality. I probably do not want to affect you and turn you into a victim, but then again, i do not think that my message has so much power.
  4. Let's gather this somewhere. Anywhere! So the Bible is Stage Blue, as well as the Quran. What about Hamlet, Moby Dick, and other classics? Hero myths and legends are stage Red? Like the iliad and odyssey. Stage orange books are about money and sex, like The Great Gatsby or A Change of Place. Stage green books?
  5. These are the symptoms: inner restlessness and agitation being crancky and angry attention deficite unable to concentrate social anxiety fartigue and bodily tension cold hands and feet at winter when others don't have cold hands and feet lowered intelligence little physical and mental stamina heart palpitations diminished memory diminished eyesight at a distance + black spots and lines in my eyes; they are like broken glass, but it's not that bad, I can even forget about it tinnitus yellowish hands, fingers and feet compared to the coler of my skin and other people's hands I hate drinking alcohol, it makes me feel bad and it tastes gross etc. I cannot get tested.
  6. Yellow hands and fingers Dark circles under your eyes Fatigue List some of the symptoms you have. Like, I've never been born Asian to have yellow fingers (just one arm now, the other is broken). I've never taken drugs, plus alcohol and cigarettes just handful of times in my life, yet I have dark circles under my eyes. Fatigue is often reduced or even gone when I'm alone in the village house, but still, it is often there as a symptom. I could bet my life that I'm poisoned. Now is it lead, mercury, arsenic, or plastic or something else, I don't know.
  7. I am neurotic and paranoid but only under certain Life Condition. The conditions that are causing me problems need to be identified and changed.
  8. @Phil King Mr. King, you probably already read my post that was created on 10th of January and deleted on 12th. I was asked for more details of my situation by Mrs. @flume and wrote the following... Neurotic: "Behaving strangely or in an anxious (= worried and nervous) way, often because you have a mental illness." No. I have a LOT of unresolved trauma and financial/education problems in life. Do not confuse that for neurosis. Paranoid:"Feeling extremely nervous and worried because you believe that other people do not like you or are trying to harm you." But Mr. King, why do I get called paranoid when I believe that some people don't like me and are trying to harm me, but some of them don't get called paranoid when they do the same thing? They crossed all lines. I saw one is very judgemental of me, and has no reason to be and he also provoked me to anger once. It is a very manipulative person who exploits everything you say and do behind your back. The other is confusing as hell. Does he wish to harm me or does he want something else? What does he want? The third one is just too biased, leaning on the side of the first one. The fourth one is not an enemy, because we totally misunderstood each other.The fifth are the ones they brought as pawns (various other emotionally harassing people, one's with g's as well) against me. Also, people who have harmed me in the past are here to help, and are treated like royalty. "Wish you all the best" = good luck with that bastard (Meaning me. Back into the past and you would see how badly that person treated me for no good reason, intruded and manipulated. Then the other started doing something similar, but I don't get the other guy. See, I cannot investigate and get truth from people. The other day, when I was sleeping, my mom or brother got into my room and went through my stuff, probably reading my diary as well, but how do I get a confession from them? It should be cristal clear that I don't want them doing that. And one of them did it anyways.) Enemy: "a person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something; a person who hates or opposes another person and tries to harm them or stop them from doing something." I can call them "haters" instead of "enemies". But you cannot underestimate someone who has the power to deal with you by all means. Please ask them why they hate me, because I cannot. They would lie and call me neurotic and paranoid like you do.
  9. I want to use the memories that are left and writings if they were not edited, to write this. How do I go back into my past, especially when the people that have hurt me are still in my life, denying that they did. If I do not do this, the symptoms I have now could be rationalized as my "crazy nature", not nurture and poisoning and the things they did to me, rationalized as something they did to a crazy person. I didn't have this before 7. Ater that there was a lot of trauma and stuff going wrong in my life that it must be explained now. Then I got poisoned. I don't know when or how. Was it intentional or was it from the fish, the tap water we all drink, or spices, maybe chicken liver, I don't know. Maybe it was both. Need advice on going back into the past and writing about it. It might be better to do that in the future though, when I detox from heavy metals.
  10. I get futigue after I eat gluten, of course. I never heard about celiac disease before. I certainly have it, but can't get tested if I'm not in Sweden. It is very important to me that the tests get done by people I trust 100%, because if I don't get proof that my symptoms are caused by poisoning, I will blame trauma and physical abuse for my lack of energy, because I know that I was a perfectly healthy baby before 6 or 7. Later I didn't want to be in school because I couldn't learn at home because my grandmother had health issues, and my grandfather died. He wasn't there to take care of me, direct me and protect me. So I would love to do the detox, because I want to be healthy again and easily accumulate knowledge. I need proof that I am poisoned, not that I am not.
  11. "Love always wins in the end" - ________ Well, I love bread, pasta, doughnuts, etc. It is also cheap and available. But I love not being fat as well and that mental clarity that is so hard to imagine, but you can feel it without junk food and some incompatible persons. You basically succumb to it after spending time in my miserable existance. Of course, when I'm living alone in the village, I can be without food and water and function better than now. But it lacks the basic necessities.
  12. I sleep 8h almostvevery night. I don't have a job, because I didn't get the right education, or I almost got none of it, except for following and reading content, wikipedia, etc. I have time, but currently I don't have a good place for relaxation. Because I excluded fish, I eat a little meat, I try to avoid gluten, diary, refined sugar, soy, additives, so I eat a lot of beans and rice (will be excluded). But I'm afraid that gluten always ends uo being added into my food, and even I sometimes want some bread, doughnut, macaroni or spaghetti (and love always wins in the end), because that food is everywhere around me all the time, and fruits and vegetables are expensive, while beans and rice taste bad in these circumstances. I didn't try to do the test, because my rich enemies with high positions in society and very good image with a lot of respect and influence, make me worried. Sometimes I think they might even be psychopaths, because I already experienced fraud and harrassment which I bet they organized with the help of their collegues that are either evil like them or utterly ignorant and deluded. I'm afraid they will corrupt and bribe the people doing the testing or threaten them, or they will somehow switch the samples, because they have politicians in their hands and operate from the shadows. They suddenly appeared in my life, because the world is changing fast and I'm stuck in my family that fucked up my life. Why do they hate me? Because I offended them all the first time I saw them. So then they could not resist attacking a wounded person from a big family like the Hasburg Monarchy that does him more harm than good. And cause of the wrong family (I am not talking about money. A poorer but more compatible family that I fit in and in which I am protected, educated and properly raised, would have done the trick.) I was also attacked/wounded/manipulated by some other members of my county/ry. Etc. I'm not blaming my family for my problems. It is God's providence of course. He wanted reality as it is now, and he got it. Or if he has no consciousness and intelligence, then it is natures accident that just happened and is a part of evolution. Otherwise, I'd be a movie star by now. But I realized that I will never be Brad Pitt after all.
  13. It means that I can be very attached to some people and fearful of them at other times or at the same time. I don't know. I just answered the quiz and that's what came out.
  14. Disorganized Could it be possible that parrnts do not love their son? Could it be possible that they do not love one of their sons? Could it be possible that parents have conflict of interests, a bias, prejudice, cognitive dissonance?
  15. If you are gonna be on a water fast, it is not necessary.
  16. Hmm... Does eating 1 chicken a week, and no meat the other 6 days of the week make you a vegan? ? No. But why go fully vegan and not eat a pound or two of meat a week? Your body needs it.
  17. Yeah, I had problems with them. They scammed me (it must be them and not hackers or someone from my town). If I was you, I would order from Luxembourg.
  18. ?I am not against vaccination. It is just, I was vaccinated and had a worse experience after that than after Covid-19. My mother, who has lung and heart issues according to the doctors (there are a lot of good doctors and I love to be their patient, but there are also just bad ones, the same with nurses), was not vaccinated andvhas survived Covid-19, and apperantly my 83 years old grandmother. How is Covid killing anybody then? I am not denying it exists and is taking lives around the world. But I did not see one person die from it. Of course, just because you don't see something, does not mean that it does not exist. BUT, I recommend everyone gets vaccinated. ?
  19. I don't know when exactly, but after I talked with the bank worker and recorded him just like they recorded me, I got almost all my money back, and the supplements I ordered, when they arrived, they were not delivered the usual way, with a mail man coming to my door with the package or with a ticket for it. Instead, I got a mail from another city to immediately call them back. I did not want to, because after being traumatized by with their manipulative schemes and messages, I was afraid that I would not get the pills I need, so i did not call back. Now they want me to pay for the package I did not get because they did that to me, and the bank recorded me saying that I wanted the money back to send it to them via some link they sent me, but I did not know then that they were manipulating me, I really believed them that the bank was the problem, and it probably was, just not in the way I thought. The website and the business probably made a behind the scenes deal to do this to me. So what now? I need a lawyer, but I don't have money or idea where to find one so if you are one, please help. I could wake up one morning and get mail to show up in courrt in 2 days with even more money and then what? Edit: PS: I recommend to everyone to stop buying from I am not a rasist and I wish Africa all the best. But who says that these people are black? And even if they are, they are corrupt schemers and not a good representation of their race, except for their above average IQs. I'll give them that. This is incredible, the manipulations and showing of empathy without having any. Literally very smart people, but unfortunately they steal, lie, cheat, manipulate, fool you around, and God knows what else. They might even poison you with their pills.
  20. Hello. I'll try to explain again, but I know that I won't do it well. I tried yesterday, so for you who read that post... My bank denies that my money was sent to a supplements store where I buyed DMSA and ALA, cause I think that I was poisoned, and that this might have been even kind of Russian like attack on my health. I was in the bank. There are only women working there, the corruption is behind the scenes. I cannot scream at them, that makes me appear violent and that guard they placed there, is not to guard your money, but to guard the thieves, the corrupt people that work in that bank. This is organized evil. I have no one to investigate this and find out who is behind this. But I already suspect. It's obvious. I just don't have evidence and proof and cannot do anything about it. Almost a thousand is gone and when I called they said that I was like neurotically buying, yet they were declining the transaction. I told them the website didn't get it, they said it is sent to their country and that they pulled it so if I want it back to send it again, I should tell them to give it back. Denying that they are responsible for this. It is almost a thousand and that's a lot of money for me in this underdeveloped and unequal country. I knew that I should move out years ago, I just didn't for various reasons. I didn't know how, and I still don't. And it just keeps getting worse, and worse and worse and worse. There really is no justice here for me. Of course, I cannot tell the police, cause they would just attack me and would do nothing about it. Also, how do I know who I'm talking to now? Are you one of the bad guys? Are you the one I suspect? Also, it might be that someone else who hates that person is making it appear to me that this guy is to blame. Or it's just someone who doesn't care and just attacks me for no reason. But I suspect this guy is smart enough to manipulate my mind. I swear to God that my fucking bank stole my money. Either someone from it, or they're all in collective denial, working together. They're evil, cruel, selfish. And it's okay, I don't care. I had this intuition before buying online to change the bank. And I went to another bank before I decided to put a thousand on my account. But in that other bank, I was disheartened for some reason, it was too good, I felt inferior. And the cost of having a debit card in that bank was a bit higher and i had to get some paper to prove my residence, so I just decided to stick with the old one. The people there were also more developed, the women, they appeared more calm, more conscious and loving. My current bank is like "Fox News," so to say. I will try to write it better next time, but for now I just need to get the communication about this going. I cannot go and argue with them, not over the phone, or in the bank. I don't have anything to take them to court and even if I had evidence, which I don't, I still wouldn't know how to take them to court. But it's just an attack. So what do I do? Cause I'm severely wounded, financially, health-wise, and also emotionally. It would be much better for the person who is doing this to just, you know, send someone for me, but he has no compassion or mercy and is slowly ruining my health, my finances, my reputation, etc. This is a sophisticated aggressor. F&Q So, if I ask, "What should I do?" There is no answer. I know everything you are gonna say already, and I know it's not gonna work. Move to another country, find a job, take responsibility, go dispute it with them, etc, etc. Learn programming, lol. But anyway, I'm not gonna be able to do any of these things. So, I have another question, and I probably know that there is no answer to this one either... How to get the person behind this? How do I find and prove who he is? What do I do? PS: I want you to understand that I'm sharing information that is really sensitive and that this is not a joke. I hope that I'll add the details. For example, usually my bank sends me a PDF file for "Reserved Amount" and then another when the money is sent, stating the new amount. This time, it just sent the PDF file, a day after they said the money was sent, and on the day they said that it would be back on my account, cause on Monday, I went to the bank to tell them that they should put it back on my account, not knowing that it's them that were actually playing this game with me. Not knowing that it's them who declined and them who are making the problem. Not them, but someone in there. But who? Or is it collective? I doubt. Definitely a teamwork kind of thing, though. I believe it's not because they need money, I believe it's because they, to put it nicely, really don't like me. Or it is someone from the government or outside the bank, that has connections with it, interfering and trying to harass me. Most importantly, what do I tell these people who sent me the package before they got the money? And now that I'm asking that, it seems kind of odd, all of this really. I mean, it really seems calculated against me. I cannot get that money if the bank is so dysfunctional it steals!!! How do I pay? And how do I detox from heavy metals now? I'm losing so much crucial time/my life. I need my health back. Okay, I know you cannot help at all. But you actually can do me a favor. Just write something that will make me feel better. I know that I have to solve problem on the material level though, that wanting comfort from you is not gonna help solve that. I'll be fine.
  21. In the book, dr. Cutler wrote that if you cannot afford DMSA, you can do chelation using only ALA. But you have to do 10 day rounds instead of 3. I need some more comfirmation. I need DMSA for removing lead and arsen. But can ALA, by itself, protect me from at least mercury poisoning? Can it remove the mercury?
  22. I'm not afraid of someone breaking into my house and stealing my money, cause I would be able to call the police then. But what if someone unlocks the door, puts something into my food or water, then locks the door again? If I call the police, they will ask what drugs I'm on, send me to a psychiatrist, and lock me. And yet, this is exactly what might be going on. How do you call these people? Cause you can't call them "criminals." And then they fool around with me, stopping me from getting the medicine I need, etc. Yes, exactly. That's what I'm thinking about. Just don't know where I'm gonna move or how yet.
  23. No. I was just emotional that night. A portion of my life savings was stolen on the internet, and I didn't get what I needed. If it really was the website that stole my money, why would these people do this to me? They did not do this to many of you who probably bought there as well. I can trust people is what I'm trying to say. Many people, including you. Okay, I will see some of those videos. But you can find videos on You Tube that can prove this point to you, that regular door locks are not a good security measure. And about my childhood traumas, I've tried so many times to deal with it, contemplate it, journal about it. But past is in the past, and you can't change it. And to add to this, years ago, me and a bunch of other kids were playing hide and seek. We hid behind an old car somewhere, and someone tried opening it. It was unlocked. We entered. In it there was spy equipment for unlocking doors. I swear to God this is true. I think that every time I don't eat grains for breakfast, my energy stays stable. But I still have to test this, cause I'm not 100% sure.
  24. Legumes have carbs and other things that slow you down. But in this situation that I'm in, it might be a wise choice to go vegan, for the most part. Challenge accepted.