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Everything posted by Bojan

  1. I won't be able to read "Amalgam Illness, Diagnosis and Treatment", or Andy's protocol right now. Maybe later. My focus, peace, concentration I think are decreasing right now, can't start changing for another month. But my question is: Can Andrew Cutlers protocol be simplified? Like from the article I read, I should basically buy DMSA and start taking it in small doses, every 4 hours, for 3 days, then rest for 3 days, then increase the dose until I reach 25mg. Then I can add ALA and take these supplements every 3 hours. This should be done for a year or more, so I would need a lot of supplies. Also, I should basically get water filters, get on a more strict diet or just an affordable, but less healthy diet that won't make me starve. I have to make a post about the kind od dangerous boxes of medicine my mom is taking for her condition and ask how to get her off that and help her somehow...
  2. Of course, what was I? This leaves me thinking that white rice, bananas, beans, vitamins and maybe peeled vegetables are the only way to stay away from toxic chemicals. I ate a lot of canned tuna and macarel in my life, went through a phase where I thought fish to be healthy so I just ate those tunas for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Veggies are certainly full of pesticides. But the biggest hit is every time I inhale paint, I lose energy and strength and heavy metals from the paint are probably responsible for that. I must detox with Andrew Cutlers protocol as soon as possible.
  3. Leo, if all humans started eating fruits & vegetables only, using electric cars only, creating electricity the eco way (Sun, wind, water), would then all people on Earth be feed, and healthy? Is this maybe the next practical step for societies when most people are green stage psychology? How to help solve problems like basic human needs? Maybe we would not have many diseases and problems like today, if we apply these ideas. Sorry for wasting your time, a lot is missing, I think that what you are doing (improving people), will maybe lead to the world for humans with these ideas applied. The cartoon idea of robots doing the agroculture and other kinds of work seems nice! Nice Iideal for humanity.