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Everything posted by Bojan

  1. We talked in the past, I thought you maybe knew where I'm from. I don't need hobbies and the gym. I can do that at home with books and weights. Traveling is also a luxury I cannot afford, but I'd like to have a car. The biggest problem for me is that I cannot trust anyone, because even my mother has literally shown that I'm not in her interest and am disposable. She doesn't want me either. So even if I had that job with 700 euros for rent, car and food, I'd still be living in fear that someone is entering that place while I'm out of it, to ruin my health, and so on. You better believe it's possible. If I say something is possible, then it is possible. Safety has a price as well, and it's price is very high. For me, it can only be found somewhere else.
  2. Unbelievable. My mom hears this and she acknowledges to herself the fact that the bank did this, she believes me. But she also is against me and attacks me and provokes me and manipulates me. It is because she is stressed and hurt as well and afraid. But now she's afraid of me and she attacks me and does even more damage to me. Everything I do, I can see that they will plan 2 steps ahead to sabotage me. This is not one individual. This is a collective and organized attack. Oh, I really feel hurt.
  3. I couldn't have dissected it better myself.
  4. Thumbs up, lol ???? 250 euros is literally the minimum for rent. Ideally, for food I would need at least 200 euros or if I was able to grow my own food and not fear someone spraying it when I'm gone, that would be great. But then, I'd need a car, and that's an extra expense. Travel, also at least 200 euros a month. Hobbies and gym, that's around 50 euros plus books and so on... Even more. But the problem is that no one here will give me more than 250 euros a month. Even that's a challenge, as I've learned from my last experience. It is weird that food here costs as much as it costs in other EU countries. Well, I don't know about meat, but fruits and vegetables. Even meat, actually, I once ate in a German restaurant for 6 euros a fucking full meal with chicken breasts and a salad. Numbeo is fake.
  5. That is really not funny. Poor woman.
  6. This was like my last hope of changing my life, and they put a stop to it. I literally decided to invest my life savings in this, and took out of that. And...
  7. I can try to go into detail if you want. What they say is not true, though. It is a local bank in a country that is not even recognized as a country or it acts as though it is a country. That's exactly the easiest explanation and conclusion that everyone will jump to automatically, and that is why I cannot sue the bank. NO one will believe me. It could not be that I was cheated by the online store. This store is not in the business of cheating it's customers. It is very famous even in America, and satisfies probably millions of customers internationally. It is a Western store, but the production and headquarters are located somewhere else. There are successful transactions even in neighboring countries. Plus, it is not in it's interest, as you pointed out about the banks not having it in their interest to steal money, well, this business also doesn't have it in it's interest. BUT it could be that an offshore account was created and that my money was redirected there. Ask God, I don't know. It is definitely my bank that did this. Not the website. For example, usually it sends the PDF file that the money is reserved, this time days went by and it didn't. In the end it just sent me that the money is gone to that place and country. Saturday I buy. It is declined. I call, they tell me that the money is reserved. I call on Monday, but cannot get them on the phone. I go in the bank to tell them, waiting in a big line for an hour. I talk to the bankteller and she calls someone on the phone, and they want my personal information. She tells me that the money will be "not reserved" or back to my account tomorrow and will give me a call at 10-11AM. I don't get it and at 13PM they call, but I don't answer cause I was angry. I think the money is back and I try again. It is declined, again. At night, they send me a PDF file that my money is now gone. On this day! But because I was told to give it a few days, I don't check my email for a couple of days. When I did, I could not believe it. So this Saturday I call the bank over the phone again, and thank God I get on the line. I tell them that the problem is that the people I sent the money to did not get the money. They redirect me to another line and I'm now talking to another person, explaining it again. The person say that it was bought on Saturday. Then I say it is impossible, cause the money was there on Saturday in a reserved state. He says they don't work till Monday so the "Closing Entries" was done on Monday. And I'm gullible and trust this guy still, but say that I was there on Monday, unfortunately, very vaguely and incorrectly. I should have said, "The money was here on Monday as well, so that is impossible as well." So now I'm supposed to call, but I cannot call, cause they will just put the blame on me and that's it. I am feeling too down to do it. It is ridiculous that you would think that a business on a mission to heal people around the world using Andy Cutlers protocol would be responsible for this. But this is exactly what everyone will conclude. Edit: In other words, on Saturday I was told implicitly that I'm stupid, and that's why I got screwed over the internet by this company, from this country. That no one will believe otherwise. I'm not closed-minded to think this way. What do you want me to do? To consider the possibility that they played me? The people who's job is to sell detoxification supplements? It is easy to put the blame on them. But let's say they really are the corrupt ones, not my bank. Okay, so then that means that they masterfully manipulated me. See, they said that they never shipped anything to my country, so that I cannot choose more than 8 items. And if they would profit more from repeated business transactions with me, why on Earth would they do this? Consider the possibility that you might be wrong.
  8. @Gregory1 Question Answers: 1. No, I bought something for two hundred and tventy four. Something like that. But it was declined and so I tried again. The bank was declining the whole thing withthe payment gateway. 2. No, it is not. 3. No, it didn't. 4. Not sure if I should tell. 5. Cannot say. My word will not damage them the least. It can only damage me. 6. Well, there is no proof that they stole it so it is as though they abide by law. How do I know why they did this to me? I jump to the conclusion that some in power do not like me and are ruthless. 7. I hope I can have some privacy here. BUT I think this is all pretty clear from what I wrote.
  9. What actually disheartened me from changing the bank was that I thought I was wrong like in the past when I overreacted and was reminded of that constantly. I was like, "no it is impossible, i mean yes, I see that bad people are trying to damage me, but no, they cannot do it, there are lots of good ones that willl prevent it or at least be there to dishearten them." But it so appears that they got mind-controlled or something. Or they got fired. Unbeliavable! I cannot believe what kind of bad luck follows me throughout my life. It never ceases to shock me. Literally I could start to even enjoy my suffering or bad luck. But not of the people around me with the same thing.
  10. If there was enough of it to fill me and fulfill me, it would be easy. But even now, the reason I ate the fritters and am feeling so tired, but cannot sleep, is because there was very little soup left and I wanted to have enough for tomorrow, so in that emotional state and without enough soup, I cought the bite. This is exactly why i want to beable to eat healthy all the time. I am kind of not separate from them. Yes, I have high standards for how I eat and how I treat myself. And I expect to be treated at least according to the law, but if people can break the law on me, what standards are we talking about here? So now about having to constantly remnid myself of my new identity,one of part of which is that I don't settle for anything but a very healthy diet so I can be at my best,and carry it with me throughout the day, every day, especially when my family criticizes me. And that it is quite possible as me eating healthy may make them feel insecure about how they eat, but hopefully in a way that triggers them to make healthier decisions too. Well, what can I say here, it sounds great, but I don't have a new identity, and this family member will never change. This part about "not settling for anything but a very healthy diet so I can be at my best," see, everything you're saying is very good. But as I said, financial, security and energy problems. My family can criticize me all they want,if i had my own fridge, and if it was secured, and if i was able to make sure it is full all the time with healthy food, it would be no problem. But that is impossible. BUT i appreciate your effort and kindness to share your thoughts. This appreciation I extend to everyone else from the past that did the same thing, but didn't hear "Thank you," from me. And if you are reading this, I wish you all the best. It is just that, unfortunately or sadly, my wishes often do not come true. But maybe yours do. So wish yourself all the best too. But what if you do not get all the best? Not what I wanted for you. You have no other option but to keep living with all the worst. You can take it. It is just a hundred years or so. After that, we don't know.
  11. So here is some mpre detail... I am really stupid and slow in thinking and i can now see how people exploit my mental weakness and I stutter and can't communicate well. It was not always like that. The man in the bank was very focused on unnecessary details,or facts,such as exact time in seconds when it was bought. I said that it cannot be sent then because they did not get it then (instead of saying that it was here on Monday), he said the money was "closed entry" on Monday and that if they claim that they didn't pull the money, then they have to give you (formal way that does not exist in English) back the money. Everything was said in a polite and formal way which cannot be translated to English. He said he has the terminal number, but not the bank account number to which it was sent. I do not know how to call all this. I guess many of you here believe evil does not exist,good and bad and so on. Okay, but it sure as hell feels that it does exist. I just am sad that i cannot show it, and that is one of the reasons it exists,because it cannot be communicated or shown. I cannot do it.
  12. Consult with their card-issuing bank as to enquire the exact reason for decline? Where is international law? Go there and get the money I sent you! I cannot consult with The Wolfs Of Wall Street or worse.
  13. Can you detox your body with just exercise, eating vegetables and drinking green tea or is DMSA required? Can Omega 3 contain heavy metals?
  14. Honestly, I don't know what's a healthy relationship with death, but I'd like to find out, I guess enlightenment through meditation or psychedelics. This can be your niche, you can become a Sage that just talks about helping people find inner peace through developing a healthy relationship with death, if you believe it will also pay the bills, like maybe you could write, speak and coach about it, after focusing on developing it yourself through meditation, maybe martial arts, psychedelics, reading or whatever... Maybe your book becomes a best seller and takes care of the bills. But I'm assuming you're not living in the Middle East or something.
  15. What field do you want to master and find the domain of mastery in?
  16. Honestly, I doubt psychedelics can heal anything anymore, especially traumas from the past. When you break a vase, it is very hard to put it back together.
  17. It is absolutely a function of material conditions.
  18. Wow, he says that wages have stagnated because women started having careers and working, not just taking care of the kids. Why didn't they stagnate in Denmark then? Wages have stagnated because there is a greedy bunch of capitalists and psychopaths in the government, fighting for their interests, for their rights to pay workers very little, when in fact someone who would fight for workers or wage-slaves rights for a decent living wage should be in the government. But yeah, life is life, survival is survival.
  19. If you want to move to NY, you can, try to plan it out a little bit, just do it, see what are the results, come back if it doesn't work for you after a year or even 3 months and that's my advice.
  20. You are living in a bubble. Stop imagining different houses, money, security, presidency, celebrity status, pop singer or famous actor, successful fashion business, sports, athletic abilities, just stop with all this nonsense. You're not born in the right place at the right time. There just is no security, and nothing good will ever come your way, trust me. Now what to do? Well I'd say save yourself suffering that's gonna come from 5 years and earlier. Just save yourself the suffering. It's not worth it. You're better off not seeing what's coming. My advice, whatever I say, it just won't help you, nothing will.
  21. Why don't I have any advice? Nothing would work, it is unfortunate you're even born. I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to suffer and die, there will be no security, there will be no money, you'll literally be played out like a fool by other people who will gain from destroying you. You're not welcome in this world. You're better dead. See? Nothing good.