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Everything posted by BHL_20

  1. I wrote out what he said then the site bugged out :-(
  2. @ranzo1 I'm glad I'm not the only one! I had so many goals and I was using techniques from Leo's earlier videos to help me with achieving them. Then BOOM, the enlightenment video comes out and I'm stupid enough to get on board with what he's saying. I used to be a good student, now all my college results have gone to shit. I wanted to be musician, I wanted to learn to attract girls, and I've done nothing about these things in a year! Everyone here will just tell people like us we dont exist, it's all our ego, but we cant just snap our fingers and become enlightened. Especially, if the main reason we would want to become enlightened is to get our motivation back. Without that "you dont exist" doesnt really mean everything.
  3. @Progress Seriously? How can you judge the quality of his content by the tone of his voice? A lot of people talk about the fraudulent dating website, but just because he did something shady in his past doesn't mean his advise isn't useful. People said he doesnt actually own the house he films in but he recently pointed out that he has been making videos in it for over a year. He would have to be very rich anyway to rent it for that long..... To the OP, I've watched a lot of his videos and he talks very passionately about self-improvement. As when listening to any life coach, be critical and be selective but you'll find he's reasonable most of the time. The 4 M's of motivation someone else mentioned are a bit meh other stuff not so much. Tai Lopez specialty is success. If you want some kind of success in your life then listening to Tai can help. If you're mostly into enlightenment and deep emotional work then indeed he's not the best person to listen to. He did say once that too much Eastern philosophy can drain your motivation......
  4. That's an easy theory to come up with but how do you enlightened people refering to themselves as "I" with no problems at all?
  5. Yeah, I read about that too and that makes me skeptical about the whole thing. According to biology NoFap only has benefits if done in short spurts. Perhaps more experimentation is needed. Personally, I went for over 3 years without masturbating (no sex either). I seemed to attract more women during that time, but that could well have been coincidence. As for all the other benefits people are listing, I really didn't experience them in a noticeable way. Therefore, I'm quite surprised to see only positive reviews on this thread and I feel obliged to let people know that it might not necessarily be a magic pill to stop masturbating.
  6. Another article on the subject puts it this way: "Dr. Andrew Newberg of the University of Pennsylvania scanned the brains of long-term practitioners of Buddhism while they were meditating and compared them with images taken when they were not. Newberg saw that blood flow to the posterior superior parietal lobe decreased during meditation. This area of the brain determines the boundaries of one’s body in relation to the environment and allows us to navigate a complex three-dimensional world without bumping into things. “We know that the posterior superior parietal lobe plays that particular role because there are patients with damage in this same region who literally cannot move around without falling,” Newberg reports. “They’ll miss the chair they intended to sit on, and generally have a fuzzy understanding of where their body ends and the rest of the universe begins.” He says that when people have spiritual experiences and feel they become one with the universe and lose their sense of self, it may be because of what is happening in that area of the brain. “If you block that area, you lose that boundary between the self and the rest of the world.” Were the Buddhist meditators merely experiencing an odd side effect of submitting their brains to unusual conditions?" Of course it may be possible that the causation chain is the opposite of what it would seem. But why do you think so? Especially with a lot of people deriving enlightenment experiences for drugs, it's difficult to assert that enlightenment is purely a mental state. How could drugs act directly on a person's mental/spiritual state?
  7. Reputation is a just a way to recognize who the more experienced/knowledgable posters are. For example if several people give you conflicting advise on a topic it may be better to trust those with higher rep (the difference in rep must be quite significant to really mean anything though).
  8. Damn, I used that a few times before and I thought I had invented a new hack for getting up. Turns out Steve Pavlina came up with it before I did.
  9. Those were my favourite. Do people here find that the anxiety eventually goes away when you do things like this? A few times when I tried doing weird things just for the sake of overcoming my anxiety, I was just embarrassed of them afterwards.