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Everything posted by WaterfallMachine

  1. I've practiced Reiki for an entire year myself if you want someone to ask. I don't think "feeling" something is that abstract. Is touching a wooden surface with your eyes closed something abstract? It's something you can feel with your sense of touch once you're sensitive to it enough. I notice the air is slightly more tingly around energies in a person's body that are stronger -- takes a little time to notice, but it's there. Might want to go read on pendulums if you need help. You need to be attuned to Reiki if you want to be able to gain its healing abilities to an extent -- this usually requires a human master -- maybe you can find some classes online who can help channel you. I don't know about it personally myself -- the beings who've given me Reiki weren't exactly human, but nah, probably won't believe me.
  2. I have some ability to affect technology to some degree with my mind to be honest. This ability always seems to have some good idea of what I need at the moment to grow -- my computer starts immediately heading to a video I need to hear on its own, pages I need to finish reading lags in place, it automatically turns off when I'm making a bad decision with posting or the wifi may stop working when I need to do something important offline. It's not something that allows me to levitate technology and do super attacks like the movies. Haha. I can only do what a computer is already programmed to do, and only when it's particularly useful to my emotional growth. The need to grow seems to be what powers this ability, so all well. At least I can charge my Ipad on the road with universal energy, but not much else.
  3. Hey, Sparkist, I mean this kindly . . . but sometimes it’s best to make an opinion and decision on things. Everyone’s ideas are best heard, but sometimes for the situation to progress, some kind of action should be taken. World peace can’t be reached without some agreed upon decision. Nor can much of poverty, war, lack of education, and many other things. My decision here is to choose to believe you — that your ideas of peace here is better, and there’s no need to settle for anything less.
  4. People, just ignore @Joseph Maynor, he’s not worth your time anymore. Maybe it’s best to ignore the abuse. Being diagnosed PTSD myself, lots of people around the trauma community have experiences getting traumatized because of people like this — and usually the best way to get them to stop is not to argue back or even ignore them that will make them more aggressive to you, but to give vague neutral statements — like “I see,” or “Alright.” People like this feed on other’s emotional reactions, and I’ve decided to not try to convince him anymore. At this point, there is no hope. Maybe it’s time to find another way.
  5. I agree. I rather these arguments don’t start so aggressively either. There’s a difference between peaceful discussion of different opinions and heated arguments. Though, I think much of my involvement in it as self defense. Many of the people I debate with can peacefully respect others, but there are . . . certain people who refuse to understand anything. Maybe it’s time to learn from you and ignore them. Sitting by and watching is a lot more relaxing for my more usual peaceful and calm ways. I usually hate to pick up a fight unless I need to stand up for myself or someone else, and maybe it’s time I should just back down.
  6. Again, you’re making the same conclusions on me without any evidence — I’m already aware of this. The bad thing about giving advice forcefully is that you assume the person is stupider and does not already know this. It’s basic respect not to assume or judge others too quickly — yet here you are.
  7. I know enlightenment is certainly not pleasant — I’ve pissed off a lot of people myself by directly telling them their own insecurities and flaws, but there’s a point where it’s going too far. There’s a balance between being overly nice and being overly argumentative. It’s helpful to be direct if you give new insightful information from a good knowledge of their understanding, but you seem to go around assuming people are too clingy to their own thought stories while barely knowing their scenarios. I’ve not seen you be vulnerable in admitting your flaws or insecurities here once — I may be wrong though, but I’d be rather suspicious to someone who doesn’t open up like this. Every human being has their flaws or insecurities here — including me. Teaching is not purely emotional or purely logical. The best ones are both, so please gather some empathy next time. Thank you for listening.
  8. I’ve had similar experiences remembering past lives myself like Quanty, and I found they’re actually useful to the path of Enlightment — lots of insights whether these are real or not. Sometimes it takes some “stories” to experience to know how to eventually remove it. Your words in themselves are stories, but I’m sure you won’t disagree with the idea that it could eventually reach the idea of removing them.
  9. Why do you assume we’re stereotyping people solely based on the group they come from? Why can’t you have both an individual and group perspective of yourself? Why not take in both factors? Statistics gathered based on black discrimination on crimes are useful to know how to prevent it? Studying how the middle class is either widening or narrowing to find a state of wealth equality in a country is useful to know for feedback. Studying the common problems of the working class can allow them to find their way into financial security. Is studying a group as a whole always harmful to them? We aren’t saying this is exactly how each person in a stage is — but it clearly is a factor. That’s all we ask from you to understand.
  10. Spiritual Bald Men = All Leo??? The universe has given me one of the greatest truths of the world.
  11. @Outer @Ether Can any of you two or someone else explain to me what you mean by @MarkusSweden‘s satirical tone? I don’t know — I’m autistic. Sometimes I don’t pick up on “tones” like that.
  12. Hmm, well I guess mentally disabled people are disadvantaged with this. But on and beyond average, I guess it’s possible for everyone.
  13. @Emerald That’s amazing! . I wish I could come up with something like that! I’d be looking forward to your posts much more from now on.
  14. Says the guy who’s ranting on his different beliefs in detail. Existential truth is found more by metaphors, guides, questions and personal experiences than overly detailed and very literal to understand information.
  15. It is rather fluid, and people who think of them as rigid classifications are using it wrongly. Many people are combinations of different stages — either throughout their entire lives, or being in specific stages in particular areas of life. It’s a good measure for progress — at least as an estimate. People like to argue that we’re all “special” and “unique” — as if there are no similarities between many human beings at all that allow them to collectively organize into entire civilizations with similar beliefs and cultures. People argue against oversimplifications, but there’s also such a thing as overcomplicating your uniqueness in a way that you don’t learn as much. People who experience similar events tend to hold similar solutions — divorce, unemployment, poverty, bullying, and many others. So why not pair things up in a category? This all stems from the beliefs that we’re only supposed to understand ourselves as individuals, but not how we’re part of different groups as well. I’m not saying that you should only focus on how a group affects you. I’m telling you to understand how both lens of viewing the world can affect you. This is a misconception of personality tests. These are not meant to be used as utter predictions of yourself, but estimates. Don’t trust those people who stereotype and judge people entirely by their personality type — they give us typists a bad name. It’s a guide, not a crystal ball.
  16. If this is so, then the placebo effect must be still a very useful thing to use to heal ourselves with chakras. Be careful. I get the sense that the placebo effect has the unique ability to wave away any supernatural effect in the same way Blue stage religious people wave away everything with "God did it."
  17. This one. I'd like to learn from you your thoughts.
  18. Haha, it was pretty weird to me. I've also got tested as INTP many times, and got formally diagnosed as autistic. I thought all those emotions were icky and gross and weird and ahhh . . . not touching them. But over time I stopped seeing emotions as opposite to logic, but as a partner to it. Without us being able to calm and regulate our emotions, we can't think as logically. And without logic to direct and structure emotions, we cannot deeply feel in our actions and thoughts in healthy ways. There's a difference between rigid logic and rationality. A difference between irrationality and deep compassion. A difference between aggressiveness with standing up for yourself. A difference between passiveness and acceptance. These are not the same things, and I hope you can understand them some day. .
  19. But you've commented on Leo's idea of perfection, suggesting some unsaid beliefs onto what it means. I can't ask Leo for his definition because I require personal experience for that, but maybe I can ask you.
  20. I find that the sensible people who believe the idea of the law of attraction doesn't believe it affects everything. Like how sensible Christians won't be dogmatic with homosexuals or atheists, but would accept them. The same way, sensible new ageists often accept that their Higher Self chose a path to learning good things but with as little trauma as possible, but since they don't have the power to make their plan as follows, it winds up ending differently. These new ageists tend to be less of a dick to others, so I respect them more.
  21. @Joseph Maynor Can you define what you mean by perfection? I have a feeling two of you are disagreeing because you have very different definitions of the same word.
  22. You seem to be in the Bliss stage as talked about in Tara Branch’s book Stairways to Heaven. Basically, it talks about that sensitive stage just before enlightenment when you’re much more emotional and moody than usual or the kundalini awakening as they call it. See it as spiritual puberty maybe — where every hidden emotion and insecurity submerged under your unconsciousness is suddenly brought into light — to force a deep emotional change and revolution to you. Extremely painful, but after it might be the greatest healing in your life. I recommend you go read books by Tara Branch soon — if your vibration is that strong, then I bet you’re in that stage. Send me a PM if you’d like, though I’ll be a bit busy these next few days so don’t expect something so soon. Take care.
  23. Well, when you’re introduced to a new language — everything seems arbitrary and if hearing it on the streets, you can’t tell if it’s real or not. Only when you understand well the vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar do you find it purposeful and full or order. . Same thing. Chakras allow a utility based on specific parts on the body partly because it allows you feedback on how you’re doing in certain areas of your life. Pain or being tense in one part allows you to see where you have trouble with, while more relaxed parts often have more progress. It’s especially useful in chakra focused treatments that require physical exercise that free up, focus on or strengthen parts of the body. This allows to create very noticeable effects when trying them even a few times. No need to believe me at face value. Go try it yourself.
  24. I don’t know much about crystals either, so I can’t answer that. But I can talk about how the crown chakra affects the path to enlightenment. In your descriptions, you’ve only focused on the physical aspects of the experience, but the crown chakra is more focused on the mental aspects of yourself. In my experience, balancing it tends to somehow lead to more insights in self inquiry and in life — I’m not sure exactly how. Maybe it has a certain ability to encourage the ability to relax or be open to new ideas, or be skeptical of old ones.