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Everything posted by ThinAir

  1. @Realms of Wonder I love your comment. Look at it, It's all over the floor! And still, after all of those years of contemplation and knowing on a conceptual level that this hair is not me, there was still identification with it. I recognized that, looking into the mirror the days after. It was like there was a slightly different me looking back, attributing different qualities to that "new" person looking back at me. Funny how the mind works
  2. my newest art project right here, which goes by the name of: "IDENTITY"
  3. Hola my dear amigos! I just made my first live-experience + tripreport video and uploaded it on youtube share your experiences with me too, I'm interested! lova ya and peace!
  4. @Lila9 Hello Lila! Thank you for your comment. The idea behind the video is the question all the identifications that we took on, unconsciously and consciously, and ask ourself what is the True Me. Basically to create a stronger connection to our most authentic selfes, not what we wish to be or think we are by dressing, thinking or acting in a way thats supposed to fulfill some standard.
  5. check out Michel Thomas. He's A1-Language Teacher who recorded teachings with actual students, and the listener becomes one of the students. I learned spanish that way extremely fast and secure. The courses are not cheap, but if you have some money they are more than worth it. If not, maybe torrent it.
  6. Did a new video on my first psychedelic experience ever
  7. Hey Leo Have you ever watched your own videos on psychedelics? And if so, would you share some insights you got from it, if there were any?
  8. you'll stop looking for it followed by the opportunity to enjoy yourself
  9. you are good as you are i love you <3
  10. @GreenLight hahah thank you. And I'm glad you found a space to channel yourself into. Your journal amused me
  11. I don't wana make it look like doing LSD is all rainbows and colorful ponyshit, but that was just one hell of a trip good trip man.. demanding but giving.. and funny af!
  12. Breath deeply my friends.. breath deeply
  13. @flume my one and only fan <3
  14. hej there. I'm from Vienna/LInz. if you guys want we can exchange contact info and have a meetup one day
  15. start going for what feels right for you, this helps you get out of your maze of mind. relativity will always be there, but you will have to make desicions. Don't be afraid to make "wrong" desicions, they just help you to find out whats right for you. Trust your gut feelings
  16. @BogdanD Aya is not to be played around with. Do you know the guy or Do you have the chance to get to know him? Talk to people who received Aya from him? Make yourself a picture of him and how he works. What are his reasons for doing this work? Does it seem like he serves a self-interest with it? Is he down to earth? and so on Have a close look to the subleties and be very honest about what your intuition tells you and what your rationalizing mind tells you. Best wishes and good luck
  17. Good news from Oregon US Our good old psychedelic golden retriever friend Quentin reports from the new legislations made in Oregon and other states in the US
  18. Hey there whats up Are there any ppl from Vienna on this forum? Im looking for someone (or more) to exchange about self devlopment and concessions work. Unfortunately there is not much interest found for this topics in my circle of friends. Greets!
  19. take a look into Berlin or Amsterdam