Sagar Takker

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Everything posted by Sagar Takker

  1. I have been practicing meditation since two years. I consider it to be the most important thing in life to fully feel whatever emotions arise instead of suppressing them. I have read Letting Go by David Hawkins which is majorly where I learnt this from. Moreover, I have attended the Vipassana Meditation 10 retreat 4 times in the last 2.5 years. Whenever an intense emotion arises, I make my best efforts to fully feel it and let it go. However, this also makes it somewhat necessary for me to isolate myself and focus on letting go whenever an emotion arises. Also, I find it to be very important to close my eyes to fully feel the emotion; it get's really difficult to feel emotions and the mind tends to identify with thoughts and feelings when my eyes are open. My question is, how can I fully feel an emotion instead of suppressing it, yet continue to remain in the situation causing that emotion without closing my eyes? For example just the other day, I was driving my car with my parents riding along. They were doing certain things that made me feel really angry. Of course, I couldn't close my eyes then and thus I kept on driving and repeating to myself, 'feeling.' This labelling process helped to a huge extent. However, is there a better way of going about this? Moreover, is there a way to gently express intense anger or hatred? For example if I am feeling anger/hatred towards my parents, is there a way to express that in a gentle way? For me, when I feel these intense emotions, my voice becomes really affected. It's like I really feel powerless in these moments that if I utter a few words, I would either start crying or lash out at someone. The problem is also that I fear their reaction (rejection) for my emotions. I fear expressing my emotions because they may incite anger or rejection for me. I don't know if I asked a clear question here. Let me try again... 1. How to handle (feel fully) intense emotions as they arise instead of suppressing them without isolating myself? 2. How to express assertively while experiencing intense emotions?
  2. I do. I either do observation of breath and body sensations or resting as awareness i.e. aware of being aware. I did. I think it's about feeling of powerlessness and fear of abandonment. I felt reluctant to be assertive and tell my parents to stop doing things that were bothering me. That reluctance was rooted in the fear of facing their anger/rejection.