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Everything posted by SOUL

  1. Seeking opponents is creating more separation, seek people to play with not against.... that's a game worth playing.
  2. @tsuki Wait.... argue with me for my own good? Haha, well thank you for letting me be. If that separation and unrest is what you choose to believe then so be it, I choose to have it all in unity and harmony.
  3. Making an enemy within our self doesn't bring peace so create your spirituality wisely.
  4. Still storytelling, huh..... it's a radical deed! Agonizing! No relief! A committed quest! A full time job! Now you want me to tell a story about it? Ok... I will, last night I met a young woman, a beautiful black woman, mid 20s-ish, very smart and curious about life. She was saying how she has lived in various places from a small town to a big American city to even a big European city, a seeker of experience for sure. She was telling me how she didn't feel comfortable in this place she's living now and how she's thinking of moving away, she's searching for something more meaningful, more culture. After we talked about some places and attributes about those places I spoke about the place to visit that would change her whole life, inward. I said find comfort in that inner place, be at peace with being in the moment, find that presence of being, with joy, fulfillment and love of life. Then every place she is, with whoever she is with and everything she experiences will light up to be amazing and special. That savoring the moment and being present in it is enjoying life not just the activities that we are doing. As we spoke about being present in the moment her energy level rose up, mine did, too. This wasn't at a satsang in an ashram, or a meditation circle, it was some random spot not a place of "spiritual significance". It was a casual setting in an awkward in between chance meeting of two strangers passing in the night sharing some authentic part of themselves. The energy in and around us was vibrating intensely, we could feel the hum of it, this moment of awakening was opening up to us and our eyes lit up with knowing, laughing that 'divine laugh'. As it were I had to move on, so did she but before we parted ways she said she had no idea that she would feel this way tonight, even that she could feel this way. She reached out and grasped my hands holding onto them, we looked at each other and continued laughing at the moment. We went our separate ways and I hope this was an insight for her that would inspire her to seek the inner space more often, it's a great place to visit, it's an awesome place to live....haha. I like story time! Baha
  5. Well, even though you have been "learning about enlightenment" and "watching almost every Leo video there is" you still can have fulfillment, joy and peace in life. That might not make much sense at the moment but eventually you can have more clarity of it. Keep in mind that you create your own inner life of your own spirituality and right now it may seem like an out of control and chaotic space. Others will try to tell you what is "truth", what you need, how you should do it and will try to get you to fill that space with endless distractions of their ideas. You are the caretaker of it, find your own "truth" and create in that space wisely. Be at peace.
  6. Hahaha! It's so hilarious!
  7. This thread is an expression of insanity since if all are "God" and no free will exists then this is an example of not being able stop talking to yourself.
  8. If everything is "God's" will and not our will so we don't have free will but we are "God" then we are the one who chooses yet is the divine no one of misperceived awareness of nothingness illusion.......hmmmm
  9. Well, except there is no one that reaches the misperceived awareness of nothingness that is only an illusion of truth.
  10. Of course, it is all an illusion, nothing is real. There is no now, this precise moment doesn't exist, the present is a mirage. No self, no ego, no brains, no body, no soul, no spirit, no life, no death, no god, no enlightenment, no actualizing, no awakening, there is nothing to realize and there is no way to choose to even if it were real. Just delusional zombie meat monkey robots blindly pounding away on keyboards in maya urging each other to wake up from a dream that isn't really happening. Only awareness of nothing but even that is misperception.
  11. @Joseph Maynor Yes, what if it's a delusional misperception about a story of an illusion?
  12. There really is no duality, only a mistaken perception of it by the mind......hehe.
  13. Baha, are you ok man? Take two deep breaths and just be....hehehe
  14. It really comes down to what is meant by "free" and "illusion", I think that is what creates the confusion.
  15. It depends on what you mean by "illusion".
  16. Though you can remember your name, where your house is, where you put your keys, the member name here and the password, right?
  17. Um... well, I didn't say skepticism is a belief but that it takes belief to be a skeptic. Besides, "skepticism is a word not a belief" is a belief.....baha
  18. An illusion is real.... it's really an illusion.
  19. @Joseph Maynor II personally don't create a belief that belief prevents awakening or peace. Since our perception is a subjective experience the question of it being 'truth' is not something that is in the context most skeptics view it. We are being 'true' to our subjective experience of it not to an objective standard so completely contrasting beliefs can be called 'truth' with spirituality. The issue arises when people make universal or objective claims on their personal subjective experience. Skepticism is a quirky thing, even suspending belief is founded on a belief that there is value, a benefit, is better or is preferable to it. Also, it's the belief that we can even withhold it to some effect or can even assess if something is worthy to extend it to. It takes belief to be a skeptic. Haha