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Everything posted by SOUL

  1. As your guru suggests, to the conditioned eye it does.
  2. Yes, which is why I say once we recognize we have been sucked up into it, to then be passive observation again... or you could continue your own entrapment, project that onto others and tell others it doesn't work just like you are doing here.
  3. Why are you projecting? So you trapped yourself by dis-identification? Then stop doing that and don't project it onto others.
  4. Once you recognize you finally got sucked up by it, just be that passive observation again. Or not, you could just let the sucking to continue.
  5. See, that's where you distort what I said through your own conditioning. I simply suggest to observe it. It's a passive state of observation, a stillness in being present in awareness without acting or reacting to what may move in us. "Dis-identifying" suggests a rejection which is a reaction to it, by saying dis-identify it implies and endorses an initial identification with, that's why it didn't work for you. It isn't what I suggest, you did something as action in dis-identifying but what I suggest isn't an action, it isn't really a choosing either, it's simply observing from pure awareness. You did something other than what I speak of, your own words have proven that. What you did sure is a normal pattern for the mind and the reason why it didn't work for you. You weren't in passive observation of it, you were actively trying to sever identification by dis-identifying and you revealed the source of your own failing by this. Do you have the same misunderstanding of these as well?
  6. @Ingit I understand, we all have things pop up in our mind from our subconscious, face them or don't face them it doesn't really matter which but sure they feel hella real and hurt. That's your state of being right now and it's rough, I get it but it doesn't have to always be that way. The ego self will have seemingly endless energy in keeping us in that distressed state suffering but don't give it the attachment, like don't agree this is 'me' and 'mine'. Just observe without identifying and keep doing it. Sure, we have to do stuff in life to keep living but on the inside, stay observer mode. It may take days or months or years, I don't know, everyone is different it took me years but eventually the ego self will quiet up, lose it's energy and intensity then fade away like smoke. Some might be able to shut ego self down instantaneously but that wasn't my experience, it echoed for some time. Being at peace or joy, fulfilled, happiness, bliss, glee lol whatever you call it will happen if you allow it. It took me awhile but now it be present. Or don't, go ahead, feed the ego self and suffer forever. I can't be it for you, you got to be it for it to be.
  7. Ok....explain to me how suggesting to 'observe without identifying with them' got translated into 'not look and ignore them' in your mind. I'm curious.
  8. View it simply. Whether we are in meditation or going about our way in life the thoughts and feelings, urges and impulses will rise in us. Observe them without reflexively endorsing them by identifying with them and they will grow less influential in us. Stay in this observer without endorsing 'awareness' state for as continuously as you can, it will be easier to maintain in time. Eventually the self becomes a 'quieter' presence allowing for transcending it and being at peace. No complicated ideologies required.
  9. @DrewNows I do understand it, it's just another true-false duality ideology that ascribes positive and negative to the "fragmentation/movement". Yep, self feeding loops slapping some new words on thousands of years of spiritual mystics building models in the mind and this is just another one that is to be torn down in liberation but can the conditioned eye recognize it? Presence of being is the awareness that transcends. Holistic is whole, not just as the unity of all as one but one expressed infinitely as all.
  10. Build fancy scaffolding just so it can be torn
  11. The "phenomenon" is the conceptualization in the mind, there is no "fragmentation" or "movement" other than what one believes in it. All of this supposedly doesn't exist because it's all an illusion, right? It's the 'maps of meaning' in your own mind, not mine, not anyone else, only those that let this stuff fill their minds and 'trust' it is real. So enjoy it... or not, you can let it go anytime....hehe
  12. Yea, we don't get to design or program the bios of the robot but we get to manage the OS and run the apps on the robot as we prefer. Your mission, should you choose to accept it is to make the robot disappear.... or not, some wrestle with the robot for a lifetime, it's up to you...hah
  13. Wonder why y'all see so much fear in life....time to let go of it. Hehe
  14. 'Why is suffering bad? Why? Why is it? Why? Why?' Like a squirrel chasing a nut....
  15. Contrary to what some very well respected people here suggest there is a manifest reality that exists without our perception of it. Although, our perception of that manifest reality is infinitely variable and we can create this perception of it as we see fit.
  16. There definitely can be a position of power which can be abused by the 'guru' but I'm not going to assume that's what is going on. People who have followers/fans/students and the like have to be cautious about the dynamic between them and sure to not abuse that power they have. In the situation of a guru like persona who claims some enlightened state they should not be slaves to the selfish desire even if there are desires that still manifest. I have found in my own experience that in the most awakened states there aren't any desires that arise in me....but I don't make any claim of anything.
  17. So much labeling and conceptualizing about something that supposedly doesn't exist......hmmmmm
  18. More than just "muddying paradigms" under the guise of non-duality ideology, which has even been used to justify murderers, rapists and child molesters. There is also an 'othering' by denigrating those who aren't on a similar path. There often is a 'superiority' cognitive bias underpinning the improvement, actualized, enlightenment paths that isn't just about thinking of bettering oneself but also thinking one is better than others who aren't doing as they are doing. It seems many still fall prey to the primal conditioning they suggest they are freeing themselves from while unaware of it's presence and influence on them.
  19. This is a forum that is obsessed with the notion that the belief concepts in their mind are 'real' and the manifest reality they live in is 'false' so this issue you mention shouldn't be surprising. Haha
  20. Awareness transcends distinction, not necessarily dissolves it, since if it doesn't really exist as many on this forum suggest it doesn't, then there isn't anything to dissolve.
  21. The words "dead" and "dark" are prominent in the original poster's impression of enlightenment yet with my own experience in awakening it is more accurately expressed by the words 'alive' and 'light'. As I stay present in the moment being in awakening life is fulfilling, it is an enriched experience of reality that I savor.
  22. Too many are busy mental masturbating over their conceptual belief paradigms and miss the fulfilling simple things in life.