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Everything posted by SOUL

  1. When some mentions the earth's climate is always changing this image gives some perspective on the natural "change" compared to the human influenced change at the bottom of it.
  2. That's awesome, thank you, i appreciate your kindness and acceptance. I'd love to say it is about age but after decades of being around spiritual communities and these types I can say it really doesn't matter the age. One of the common indicators of resistance I've found is in that moral dualism I touched on before. It's not a universal indicator but I've found the ones who strongly characterize their perspective as 'truth' typically are quick to characterize the perspectives that don't mirror their own as 'false' and those that hold them negatively. It's just more dualism mindset from ego identity that creates division and separation yet they don't seem to recognize it. Once one is aware of it's influence it is amazing how obvious it becomes to spot it even in ourselves... well especially in ourselves. Peace.
  3. My apologies for what happened in this thread, it has some real insightful stuff being discussed until... well, again, my apologies.
  4. This thread had a great discussion going on until the 'movement dudes' took it over.
  5. I always have work to do, chop wood, carry water, but my work has nothing to do with my peace. Liberation is realized without work but the ego may hinder liberation. That's what we are all talking about, right? Which is why I bring healthy conditioning to it, so it will agree with the liberation, not be an obstacle to it. Interesting word choice, "argue", it's reflective of your conditioning.
  6. You are welcome to believe anything you like, even that you aren't believing this and that those beliefs are facts. Ego has you fooled into believing this conceptual paradigm to satisfy it's desire.....haha, yea that sneaky ego.
  7. Your ego believes you "caught" something...... you did, yourself. You choose to believe that it's "unhealthy" and for you it is because you believe it to be true. You believe it to be a falsity, so it is false for you, not anyone else. It isn't "control", that's your word from your conditioning you are applying to me. I'll explain it simply for you. I behave inwardly and outwardly in a certain way, this experience becomes remembrance that the ego recalls. With enough consistent behavior in this way that becomes the identity the ego identifies with and a reflexive impulse of it so when I behave this way in the present moment the ego is in union with it, not hindering it. So I don't control the ego, it just agrees with my present moment expression. It's like learning a new skill, it's how the monkey mind gets trained, it's not rocket surgery... it's neuroscience! It's called neuro-plasticity. We can cease self induced suffering through this process.... well, if you choose to but you can do whatever you prefer. Hah
  8. You can create any conceptual paradigm for yourself you want and believe it to be the truth, you cannot create it for anyone else. You just chose to believe the conditioning that someone else created, it still doesn't make it true for everyone.
  9. It's always entertaining to observe this truism in action. I have no delusion that I am apart from it all, I'm aware that I am a part of it all.
  10. There's nothing special about that conceptual paradigm they have created for themselves. Believing they are outside of the loop is the ego creating an identity where it believes it knows the truth outside of the loop, a self fulfilling loop..... sneaky ego. It's actually a very old and predictable conditioned loop.
  11. Ego is sneaky right? Trusting that something is true is belief, your ego believes it to be true and then you believe that everyone else has conditioned insight but yours are unconditioned. All your conceptualizations are conditioned loops you are operating from. That sneaky ego has you fooled that you aren't fooled but I see right through it. BAHA!
  12. Who believes that which rejects-affirms aspects of ego and seeks to transform it is nothing more than ego? Who believes it to be a unitary process? Who believes the ego is sneaky? Who chooses to believe any of this conceptualization is true? Your belief is what you create for yourself, you don't create it for anyone else.
  13. Who's asking who? WHO! The owl cult that's who!
  14. Ego uses many things to identify with so if we transform it's conditioning, yes, it can be healthy.
  15. "forum: a public meeting place for open discussion" ...but your disagreement is is duly noted. HAHA
  16. There's no need to post of forums either yet here we are. Peace.
  17. This concern is addressed here. This way the ego becomes an advocate for transcendence not a obstacle to it.
  18. Yes, the ego's monkey mind machinations can be difficult to manage and it will cling to the methods and ideas about the 'spiritual path' so become a 'spiritual ego'. This can become a stumbling block to genuine transcendence and will continue to create self suffering. I use inner work to train the monkey mind with transcending 'conditioning' of releasing attachment. It may seem paradoxical to have the ego attach to non-attachment and identify with non-identity but using the ego's nature to seek transcendence is powerful inner work.
  19. Buddha did have a forum to talk on..... it just took place under a bodhi tree and his words were carried away by the wind but written down by others.
  20. Good and bad ego? Two egos? BAHA! I don't wish that on anyone. The ego isn't good or bad, it just is what it is, it has it's nature and I understand what that is. Actually, I'm best friends with my ego, I trained the monkey mind to seek transcendence of it's own nature so it reflects that in it's 'conditioning'. I am at peace with the nature of all consciousness experience; You're reaching for something that isn't there now trying to find something to criticize about what I am saying. You know where that motivated reasoning comes from, don't you? I understand why you would go there, though. You probably have come across people who demonize the ego quite often but you may be reading that into the context from previous experiences even though I didn't say it. Good and evil is a dichotomy created by a mistaken perception of the primitive mind from our observation of the natural world. There is no such moral duality but we saw night and day, male and female, life and death so we mythologized it into a good and evil dualism. It does rise up from the self conscious impulse to self preserve and the ego's desire to create identity. Again, this isn't a good or bad thing, it just is what it is and it does naturally cause self suffering if left to it's own devices because that's what it does by it's own naturalistic impulse to survive. To awaken is to become aware of this natural impulse and to transcend it is liberation. The natural impulse doesn't really go away, our toe hurts when we smash it, our stomach aches for food and our ego seeks identify. When we transcend it in awareness and cease to be reflexively triggered by the self preserving impulse or consumed by the attaching desire of ego it frees consciousness from the self suffering that our body naturally is disposed to. No moral judgements about it, it just is what it is and what I do to liberate my self from suffering. Does that clarify it?
  21. If I am one with everything then am the poop that comes out of my ass......and yes, that is where I pulled this realization from and it is getting deep in here... real deep. So when I do self inquiry I contemplate.... Poo is asking? POO!
  22. Who said discussion is futile? Maybe your ego wanted you to believe I did because it doesn't want to hear my genuine message. WHO! Does that bring clarity to what the shadow is?
  23. @Serotoninluv Yes, it seems you are saying what I have been talking about all along. The path only is problematic is it distracts from being present in the moment, presence of now, awakened ISness. I never said the complexity is wrong or bad, just that it can and often distracts from being present now in awakened ISness. That it becomes an addiction of the ego, a self serving fixation on the complexities, the 'spiritual ego' I guess it is also called. So many are consumed with walking the complicated path but never noticing the flowers because of the bullshit. Stop and smell the flowers....even though the field stinks of bullshit and still be at peace with it all. Haha