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Everything posted by SOUL

  1. Yes, exactly. So when you say 'one cannot go outside of Truth' I say expand outside of Truth because one can experience it directly.
  2. On the contrary, I'm including in the whole everything you are trying to exclude.
  3. You imagine that it's unimaginable and unpalatable to the self, apart from what you imagine it to be it doesn't exist as you imagine it to be. You can imagine it to be a universal supposition but you have only imagined it to be that for yourself....and is only just that for yourself. It's your 'truth'... not mine, not anyone else, just you.
  4. You just confirmed this: You create an imagined 'Truth', suggest it can't be measured, which ironically is a measure in itself, and set it up as a universal supposition.
  5. So you don't know but act like you do while calling others unwise?
  6. So what is your remedy for this? Other than calling other people unwise of course.
  7. Truth with a capital 'T', is a concept, and truth, lowercase 't' in the definition of the word simply means the state of being true. So capital T, Truth for capital T, Truth's sake is an ideological supposition, a self fulfilling psychological mindset. Where as truth, lowercase 't', is a conditional and relative state of something being 'true'. We can't really elevate 'truth' to some abstract ideal that is defined by itself just by capitalizing the word and deifying it into a mythical absolute. For truth to be truth there has to be a standard by which it is measured by so that state can be said to be true. Then truth for happiness sake has a little bit more merit in that happiness can be measured objectively according to it's effect and influence even though the standard of happiness is a standard that is assessed subjectively. What makes one happy or considers happiness is a subjectively set standard that's objectively measure to find it's 'truth'. We get psychological security in trusting in our own perceptions and understanding as being true, that it's the 'Truth'. This is why so many are intensely fixated on purporting to have and know the 'Truth', as in the capitalized divine act of absolutism and universal supposition when really it's merely a worshiping of one's own standard.
  8. Welcome to the plight of the human condition. Some may tell you that there is no meaning, no point so you should erase that meaning and point in your own life to reflect this nihilistic perspective. That this is the ultimate way of being, by non-being a nonexistence of nothingness in emptiness which is the pinnacle, the nirvana, the truth and everything else is an illusion. All they have done is taken the physical pursuits of meaning and gone to the extreme in the opposite creating meaning out of the non-physical ideology. It's more dualism mindset and that the Buddha came across in his path when he spoke of a middle way that transcends the dualism of indulgence and abstinence. This middle way is having peace and fulfillment in just being, simply being present in the moment and not in either indulging or abstaining ideologically and in practice from what life exists as. So in the fat or lean times, in gain or loss, in success or failure there is still peace because in those is not where meaning is derived.
  9. Oh of course he did and Leo should fight him over it! Youtube death match! ARRGGG!
  10. That's brilliant....and you just sneezed this wisdom all over us. Haha
  11. It appears you don't know what the word esoteric means. I have been speaking about simple things for anyone, not things designed to be understood by a select few. Yes, that is funny.
  12. Is there anything but the present state of consciousness? Is there anything but the present being? It seems you cannot imagine the things I have seen and likely why you are having such trouble accepting the paradox I present I will relax, I always do if I'm not already lax. Will you? Undoubtedly when we are asleep viewing through the veil of the conditioned mind everything is done out of an existential yearning. Even after being on the path in awakening still the ego's desire to justify itself through a duality mindset of knowing "truth" might lead one to trust that a personal revelation in experience is a universal one. So when that insight is challenged it can evoke a reaction. It has been quite awhile since I have tasted that yearning which now is quenched so that it doesn't even seem like it ever was a real impetus to motivate my being. Although, the ego does continue to cling to experience for self survival because life's tasks need to be attended to but the pain of self suffering evaporated since in awareness I cease attachment to the self identity. I presently do not desire to not suffer so I don't reflexively assume others do unless they reveal in deed or word that they may be desiring not to suffer. It may be true that we at first desire to not suffer but the source of self suffering is that existential yearning that manifests in desire and the absence of that yearning is liberation. We both know we both know this so let's not pretend the other doesn't, agreed? Peace.
  13. It's accepting them for what they are, the mind trap is trying to resist what is. You reading desire into that phrase is a reflection of your experience and perception, not mine. Although, it seems I've offended you by not accepting your 'truth' as mine own, my apologies, need a hug?
  14. That's humorous you say I'm overthinking it for stating things are what they are, it would seem that's more indicative of underthinking it. Then you insert the word "desire" to criticize for that word that I didn't use. This verbal slight of hand is obvious but pardon me for pointing it out if you hadn't noticed it. Maybe the insertion of the word "desire" reflects your own experience of it. You may want to contemplate that. Absolute has the condition of being absolute....really really absolute, if it wasn't absolute it wouldn't be it. It is what it is whether our "mind perceives" it or not and whether we accept what it is or not. Freedom is free, if it was constrained or bound to something other than being free it wouldn't be freedom. For freedom to be what it is freedom is that condition of being free. Again this has nothing to do whether the "mind perceives" freedom as free or not and whether we accept it as free or not. It may appear paradoxical that absolute freedom is characterized by the condition of what it is but if it wasn't that it would be relative restriction. Haven't you yourself spoken about how the absolute isn't logical? There it is.
  15. Upon further contemplation I was illuminated to the reality that "Absolute peace and Freedom" is conditional and is dependent on circumstances...... it's absolute, it's peace and it's free, without it being those conditions and circumstances it isn't that at all. Though we may live in a relative, conditioned and disharmonious world if we are to be liberated from self suffering then cessation of self suffering is a condition and circumstance of our inner life. Without it being that... it isn't it. Things are what they are and it takes us accepting them as they are for it to be realized as such for us. Hah
  16. When I went on my hero's journey to ride the Ox that was tattooed on it's butt! Amazing!
  17. Another trip down the mystical rabbit hole..... It is but it isn't! It's understanding that can't be comprehended! Everything and nothing! Spiraling stages of mental masturbation chasing the Ox's butt hoping to get a glimpse. I'm a fulfilled and at peace with liberation so leave the esoteric knowledge to others. Anyone who is reading this and wondering if they need any of that stuff to cease suffering I can genuinely say from my own experience, no, it's not needed. Simple awareness of being in the present moment, anything more than that is the maze of maya and is distraction.
  18. I've transcended the desire to see 'stages' and am pellucid. Hehe To call the absence of dualism non-duality implies there is a duality and actually sets up another duality between these two perceived states that isn't really reflective of what exists in reality. Even if there are two contrasting sides when viewing it from the universal perspective there exists those two sides and the whole, which is a third state that either of the other two don't possess individually. Then there is neither which is where the two sides aren't divided or joined as whole but is free from those distinctions. So if we are going to be counting the sides of this object so to speak there are at least four. There's one, the other, both and neither but since we are talking about an infinite object I suspect there are equal number of infinite 'sides'... and a universal unity side.... and the none of the above side....and well, you see how this is a exponential fractal existence we're dealing with, not a finite zero sum one. Remember me talking about the mistaken perception of the primitive mind seeing a duality that really isn't what it all exists as? Yea, it's hard to break that conditioning even when one tries to go 'non-dual'. Perfect! Hah
  19. Perfect can mean without flaw, flawless but it also can mean satisfying all requirements, complete. So when someone is saying the universe/god is perfect or I am perfect, most people interpret it as the first meaning when in reality that second meaning is what it pertains to. The universe/god is complete and we can even view ourselves as 'perfect', complete and this still includes flaws. In fact, for something to be complete, satisfying all requirements and be perfect it must includes imperfection otherwise perfect doesn't exist. Flaws make the ideal of perfection complete and are required for it to exist. Quite the paradox but when viewed in this way it is perfect.
  20. The words good and bad are useless to me, people throw them around in so many ways with one saying something is good and another saying the same thing is bad. I prefer to use the words that describes what it is, there are plenty of people who want to make moral judgment but that isn't for me to do, I will discern. Yup, it's way too convenient to just say everything doesn't exist and much more of a challenge to accept things as they are.