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Everything posted by Ether

  1. yeah, my first meditation session wass the one i completly was at peace
  2. There only certainty is that there is no certainties.
  3. Lyrics:Everybody is a slave No matter the color, race No, not phyically Something more powerful Mentally They got you hooked If they happy, you happy If they say, you sad What kind of life is this? And the most mindblowing thing is... You did it to yourself No one else Keep putting yourself down Yet, you want the crown Treat yourself like a dog Lesser than that, at least dogs have a relaxing life When people arrive You panic and feel sick Its that mind click Thoughts trigger you And you feel like a ***** They keep hating you They dispise you du Soo you go and overdose on beers Because you arent like everyone else You feel like a queer Is that really it? The end of your life? Well, you decide I dont have the power to. Video:
  4. @Toby Well. He is having a lot of beliefs believed , soo it will be temporary, he hasnt found the truth
  5. @Nahm @SOUL @Ilya @Charlotte @Max_V @Shiva @Afonso @Leo Gura @Ascend @Markus @Shroomdoctor
  6. @Nahm@SOUL@Ilya@Charlotte@Max_V@Shiva @Afonso@Leo Gura@Ascend@Markus@Shroomdoctor
  7. Play videogames Be on laptop Lel
  8. @John Iverson Facts
  9. @Sahil Pandit Samson C03U, yeah@Omni yeah, those things will come in due time
  10. @Shroomdoctor Man, I cant tell you how much i heard that.
  11. Feel free to say what you like about it lel @Afonso@Leo Gura@Ascend@Markus
  12. @Nahm@SOUL@Ilya@Charlotte@Max_V@Shiva Check it out, maine.
  13. If you read my previous posts, you guessed it, when i had a silent mind, and also back in November 2016 when i was completely at peace. That felt so refreshing and...peaceful lol
  14. How do you pay the bills?
  15. @Joseph Maynor You dont work?
  16. @Joseph Maynor do u take breaks? im on one