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Everything posted by Ether

  1. @Shanmugam he is not a famous person. he is just some dude who attained liberation like you
  2. @Shanmugam I really like Siddharta man, for some reason, I have love for him (no homo ofc )
  3. @Shin allow the sadness to creep in @Shanmugam just took 2600 years for science to catch up to siddharta
  4. @smd We dont actually know how much time it will take. Im 1 year and some months in and i might have made more progress than people who have been doing it for years
  5. @Shin I could say the same about you. When I talk with sham, sometimes you are there
  6. @Shin that what happened
  7. @Shin @Soulbass he is scuuuured
  8. @Shin are you going to kill your self? im going to kill my self is any of you going to kill your selves?
  9. @Joseph Maynor It just sounds confusing. But its just me doe
  10. @Saumaya @Joseph Maynor @Hsinav Man, your guys explanations bruh
  11. @Shanmugam What point am I missing? I dont understand what you mean by "you dont exist". Do you mean we dont PHYSICALLY exist or we are living in a THOUGHT dream?
  12. @egoless To me, im talking literally about dreaming, not thought dreaming as some teachers say it (like, because we always in thought, they call this a dream, not literally doe, im talking about a real dream):
  13. @Shanmugam thoughts on this? If you got evidence we exist, go all ahead
  14. @Shin @Saumaya Look at yourself in the mirror. Are you a butterfly?
  15. @Shin Are you in love? I might be too...dont know if its lust or attachment doe
  16. @Shin are u scuuuured?
  17. You dont know that. SIddharta became one. Well, If i reach it i did it with a teacher but the thinking and work has to be you