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Everything posted by Ether

  1. @Nahm Bro, I dont understand why you think im going through an ego backlash. I pretty much have almost no ego. I rarely feel suffering in my life and I attained a state of unconditional calmness and okayness. You are assuming too much about my life without talking about me. But I might make my music more relatable. But at the end of the day, I do music for me, not for you (overall). But Im always ready to learn.
  2. Ask him about it
  3. Yes, walking on the street is a drug
  4. @Charlotte Great, now you using drugs...
  5. @Nahm I have low thought activity, do you think one straight hour of meditation could help me have a still mind? Even if it only lasts 1 hour?
  6. Here are 2 EPS @Nahm @Rilles @furashido @Charlotte
  7. Its 2018 and people still think pre-historic labels are real
  8. Thats an original quote, you got to pay me to use it. Copyrighted (TM).
  9. Controlling people is like controlling the weather.
  10. Im not gonna shut up now. Got enough sniping points. Im done. Have fun, doing your "thing".
  11. Damn bro, a lot of assumptions about me
  12. @Nahm My ego used to be like that. What I mean, is that im present enough that its not a problem. Im meditating daily that I dont ever hear it. Where is it?
  13. Whats there to be sorry about? I like my life lol
  14. Nah. I went twice for 1 hour.
  15. I didnt say I had no ego. I said I had a little ego. Its not strong or impulsive, more chill-like.