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Everything posted by iTommy

  1. Hey all. Yesterday I let the magic of LSD take me for a deep ride. I took the substance later than planned (14:20) on that day, which resulted in me having had a hard time getting sleep that night, at least it contributed to it. It hit me quicker than I thought too, maybe because I had my colon cleansed a few days before the trip. My goal was to focus on meditation, observing, letting things come and go, then playing the guitar. During meditation, I wanted to visualize green energy (heart chakra meditation), but this wasn't really possible since the closed eye visuals took over and had their own dance of colors, shapes, fractals etc. Even though this didn't work out as hoped, after some minutes of sitting "I" wasn't there anymore. There was Just this blank space/void in which all things arose. Emotions, thoughts, visuals, perceptions all things of perception were like waves hitting the beach over and over again, each wave moving in a unique pattern, unique shape... all having a unique impact on that beach/sand than the wave before. Fear and anxiety didn't exist in that space. The mind tried to grasp or get hold of something that it could identify with, but it couldn't. It was just looking and searching and yet, nothing was to be found other than that totality, that ocean of waves that included "me" sitting there in a meditative pose. I've been in such a space before, but what really struck me there is how harsh I judged myself for everything. It's one thing to have non-dual experiences, but another to really infuse those on an emotional level too. I saw for me, that compassion and love is the key to spirituality. I mean one could say that "the truth"/no-thing-ness is what we're after, where love is part of it but not the fundamental substance, yet love encompasses it all. This can be somewhat overlooked in non-dual experiences, for many are just looking for emptiness/consciousness. Love often is a byproduct that comes with those kinds of experiences, yet it could be much more present with some practice. When your inner being is filled with love, you find those experiences and your everyday experiences become much more vibrant and deeper. You accept things more as they are, you accept others, yourself/the ego more, thus surrendering becomes easier. It's not a matter of pushing the ego away, trying to actively "defeat" it somehow, but accepting it as it is. It's a part of You, you are a part of it. I broke down into tears when this washed over me, and sat with it for a while. Later I picked up the guitar, this was an incredible experience. I wasn't just playing/creating music... I was the music. It was as if I somehow intuitively knew what notes to play without the need to see where my fingers landed. The music did me, so to speak. Overall it was a nice trip. I should've taken notes during the trip, that is something I'll do next time, and I will focus more on gratitude and love (especially self-love) in my daily life. Thank you for reading, and I wish you all a good day/night.
  2. I'll do a bit of research later this week, and hopefully I remember posting my finds here.
  3. I am not sure, it would be good if there were better extraction methods. Some people in the comment section have mentioned links to studies that back up this video and similar ones, but I haven't looked at them. Apparently many seem to feel better after doing this. For me, there's this uncertainty of trying it, simply because alcohol is involved. @Michael569 I'll check this book out, maybe there's a summary I can find somewhere
  4. OBE's/Astral Projection is on my bucket list, I find it neat that you have those experiences when not even trying. I've only heard about amplifying psychic abilities through spiritual practice, maybe she's been doing meditations and yoga that doesn't provide the best benefits for her psychic development, even though one might expect after so many years of spiritual practice, that the ability nevertheless got better. It's crazy how much we are capable of...
  5. I think both apply. Many people train themselves to get there, through meditation (often guided ones with binaural beats or similar). Some seem to do it without much practise. It's similar with astral projection. Some seem to be able to do it without any practice at all, others need some training beforehand.
  6. @phoenix666 That sounds great! I am sure by doing this, it will improve life on every level. I went a similar route a few weeks ago. Before that, my main focus was on mindfulness/"awakening" and similar, but mainly practising gratitude and love seems to work best for my personal & spiritual needs. After all, love is the highest form of expression. @Alex 100ug is a lower dosage than 300ug, giving you less "magic" to work with than if you took a higher dosage. I found the below to be useful. This isn't 100% accurate, but it can serve as a general guide to what one can expect. Your body and mind is unique, and the effects connected to the dosage levels will differ from person to person, meaning that someone could take 200ug but have the same effects as someone on 400ug and not everyone experiences all the described effects at all (such as OBE's). It's a very individual experience. Different dosage of LSD explained 20 mics- threshold. Some slight euphoria and body high. 30 mics- threshold, same as 20 mics 40 mics- obviously feeling Lucy's effects a little bit but again no visuals even though may see some 60 mics- = The typical low quality blotter. Body-high with "underwater like feeling". Lights are brighter, colors are slightly enhanced and some after imaging and trails. This dosage makes for a good time, even though it isn't considered tripping. Lasts longer and is similar to a gram of shrooms. 90 mics- Bright colors, surfaces start to move, warp or breathe slightly. Confused or reminiscent thoughts. You start to think more. Change of short term memory leads to continual distractive thought patterns. Your brain starts to speed up and you become more aware of everything. 110 mics- A hit of some really good LSD. Visuals are getting a lot more obvious now. "Ripples" overlaying your field of vision. Patterns from all different cultures seen on walls, surfaces, faces etc. Closed eye hallucinations become more apparent. 150 mics- This is the main dosage people try to shoot for if they are not that experienced to get LSD's effects without freaking out. This dose is usually 1-2 hits of good, legit LSD. Effects are a lot like 110 micrograms but more profound. (increments I mention will stay the same but the effects of upping it 50 mics becomes more intense than above the line.) 200 mics- This is where things can get powerful. Your mind is racing. Beautiful colors are everywhere. Closed eye visuals are very apparent at this point. Life changing, spiritual experiences or realization can happen at this dose. If you are a noob to LSD this dose is simply too high for you. Many people can handle it quite well but some may freak out. 250 mics- This dose is the dose Albert Hoffman, the creator of LSD tried when he first dosed himself to see what LSD's effects were like. The peak of a 250 mic acid trip can be VERY intense or even scary but like any LSD trip. once the peak effects ware off, the more comfortable the trip is. When the comedown started, he was fine, and he became a rockstar. Closed eye visuals are amazing at this dose. 300 mics- your getting into heavy territory. Still not considered by most to be a heavy dose, but that's only because they know where most people including themselves draw the line if they are experienced. Its a lot like 250 mics. 400 mics- most people would never take this much unless they knew the acid they have in their possession and really wanted to get pretty far out there. This is why you don't see 200+ mic hits around. There is some confusing of the senses (i.e. seeing sounds as colors etc.) Time distortions and moments of eternity. Body movement becomes difficult and disorienting. There is a heightened sense of awareness of one's own feelings and drive. People usually report this dose as thought-provoking and life-changing. For some, their ability to discern is somewhat thrown off. More likely to respond to suggestive stimuli. It is recommended that there be a sitter to watch over the tripper just in case he/she would do something that could be a potential hazard. 500 mics- Strong hallucinations and visuals. objects morphing into other objects (both closed and open eye visuals). Destruction or multiple splitting of the ego. (Things start talking to you, or you find that you are feeling contradictory things simultaneously) Some loss of reality. Time becomes meaningless. Pretty much where even some of the most experienced people draw the line. Your vision is almost completely enveloped by fractal patterns, and if you were to stare at some pavement or something, it looks like you can see to the end of eternity. Miles and miles of visual depth. There are many subtypes of these: Mandelbrots, spirals, wave interference patterns,etc. 700 mics- Out of body experiences and extra-sensory perception type phenomena. Blending of the senses. Visuals containing imagery from Hindu, Aztec, Mayan, Native American, Indian and African cultures are quite common. Most people who talk of taking a ten strip usually dont have very potent acid(though it is good), so 550 to 700 is where they end up. This is also where "more acid" becomes less important because the effects are very similar to an even higher dose. 1000 mics- Most people will never go this high. Only shamans and those who really seek will go this high. If you had a "two hits and you are floored" type of LSD, or 100 mics and up hits, this is where a ten strip would put you. You basically can't see anything but visuals, your mind as a whole is infinitely connected with its self and your external environment. Amazing things happen on this dose no matter what if you use LSD as an entheogen. It would scare most people shitless because they were not ready for that dose. Some people will think they are dying. Many would end up dialing 911 if they were alone and could read the numbers on the phone. 1500 mics- Very few people have used this much LSD. It is VERY psychologically dangerous for some people to do this dose. You can no longer really see your own hand in front of your face. Your cognition and vision are both bathed in the same light. Some people forget to breathe frequently, and id imagine a lot of people would pass out. You will lose your ego, but you will meet many organizers of human cognition in this egoless place. They are much smarter than human beings. "they" *are self conscious neurology. They are the mathematicians behind consciousness and even the visuals themselves. Total loss of visual connection with reality. The senses cease to function in the normal way. Total loss of ego. Merging with space, other objects, or the universe. The loss of reality becomes so severe that it defies explanation. The earlier levels are relatively easy to explain in terms of measurable changes in perception and thought patterns. This level is different in that the actual universe within which things are normally perceived, ceases to exist! Satori-enlightenment (and other such labels). A dose 700 mics and above will show anyone some very profound things. Doses like 500 mics and above have changed many lives in both positive and negative ways. Source: ------------------------------------------------------
  7. Hey all. I've been experiencing sudden vertigo/dizziness/spinning-sensation during my meditation sessions. I don't hyperventilate, the breaths are deep but comfortable. When the spinning happens the breathing might become more shallow and I try to be mindful of it. My heart starts beating fast, at times before that, I hear a loud ringing noise/tone similar to tinnitus noises (I like to compare the noise/ringing to the flashbang sound effect in MW2 ( ) I theorize that those symptoms might really lead to something like astral projection or similar, but then again I don't know. Has anyone here had experiences like it? What might this be, and what happened to you personally?
  8. @Hellspeed Interesting, just recently I've gotten more serious about Kundalini/Chakras and was adviced to start working with the heart first, so I did and it happened. I'll keep this up
  9. I would rephrase "not caring what people think of you", into "not caring about certain viewpoints and opinions held by others about you". Basically, choosing whom and what opinions you give the power to influence your inner workings/emotions.
  10. I would go see my family & friends for a good chunk of time, being there for them. Face many of my fears, since a set-in-stone time-frame gives me some pressure. I would spend much time in nature, traveling to a beach or similar places. Playing lots of guitar & singing, and letting multiple handfuls of psychedelics do me. A bit hippy-ish I'd say.
  11. Do the things that your future self would thank you for. Things like... meditation yoga/physical exercise working on your life purpose being radically self-honest practice self-love & acceptance, receiving love, giving love (even to people that you dislike) try to be mindful as much as possible, be the witness of your experience (this doesn't mean that you don't care about stuff or don't engage) work on your relationships look into a healthy diet read books, and/or listen to audiobooks (maybe even replace music with audiobooks at times) practice surrendering to what is happening within your experience. "Most things are easy, thinking makes them hard." develop good morning & night routines take full responsibility for your life and suffering learn how to influence your subconscious, to create the life that you desire. Like visualizations, affirmations, subliminals, binaurals etc. Useful questions to ask yourself when you're about to procrastinate or similar are... "Would my future-self feel good about my plans to not do that task? Would my future-self be happy/proud of my current self if I did this thing that I keep putting off? How would my future-self that I am envisioning, handle this situation? How would my future & my future-self look and feel like if I kept putting things off? (This one is mainly using negative-motivation, this might not be good long-term, yet short-term when you're generally low on motivation, it can be useful to get you going". Try to visualize your future, your future-self, see and feel it.
  12. Audiobooks as others have already mentioned, are great when you're traveling, or doing other things like cooking, bathing etc. The downside is that you're not able to highlight things/note important passages or pages as easily than the book version, those need to be written down. But you can listen to them over and over again while you're somewhat occupied, and things might start to slowly seep in, and you'll probably be able to listen to hundreds/thousands of hours of audio when traveling or doing other stuff. There are some people who can learn languages quickly by doing this, without much hassle. Some books have illustrations in them, so those might be good to have in book form.
  13. I liked the book: How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie. Maybe you'd get some value from this book.
  14. I've had a few that had a positive impact on my personal & spiritual development. One experience stands out, here I meditated and did a bit of contemplation. There was a train of thought that came to mind that I at first didn't really grasp. So, the focus went to trying to grasp that train of thought by walking around in circles, reciting it over and over again. Suddenly something in me *clicked*. "I" as a self, wasn't there anymore. There was only the whole or no-thing-ness, experience without an experiencer in it, deep stillness out of which everything arose. Shortly after the *click*, I sat down in my chair laughing and crying simultaneously for approx 2 hours or so... out of joy, appreciation, relief, gratitude etc. and about the absurdity/hilarity of "not getting it" all my life till then. Worry, fear & most of my mental struggles disappeared. Afterward, this experience made more motivated to dig deeper. It made me realize that all "my" problems aren't ultimately MY problems. It made me appreciate existence & life more, accepting things as they are/were became easier. There was less worry, anxiety and negative mental chatter than before, amongst other benefits.
  15. Well... during the "bad trip " it can be quite emotionally challenging. I've had multiple trips where things took an uncomfortable turn. During those trips, some rather less-conscious patterns came to the surface, thoughts and even my senses (visuals in particular), reflected this darker side back to me. After one trip I felt somewhat suicidal for two weeks, after that, things started to calm down. I should note here that I've been feeling depressed for years now, and it's not always a good idea to take psychedelics in such a state even when one feels "fine" when taking it, although they helped me personally too. My trips are usually a mix of all kinds of emotional states, that can be therapeutic. Overall, I learned after those trips that there's still much to work on in different areas of my life. It taught me to have more respect of those substances, and to follow certain "guidelines" more strictly, before, while and after tripping. They taught me, that fighting what I am experiencing isn't a good strategy, but that surrendering to whatever there's happening is vital. Here's a trip of mine that didn't go how I hoped it would go:
  16. I like to meditate outside in public, but also formally (meditation pose etc.) outside in a park near me. I notice at times that people talk about me, some even try to get a reaction out of me which can make it hard to concentrate on a meditation object. Last Sunday, I took 300ug of 1P-LSD and after a meditation session inside, I went outside and sat under a tree. My senses were pretty sharp and distorted in the sense that I could easily listen to conversations and sounds that I wouldn't normally be able to hear. The catch here was that I wasn't good at determining how near or far people were away from me at times. On this particular day, there was a group of young people that seemed to love to get on people's nerves, being noisy & acting tough. Some of them tried to provoke me as well, and here I noticed my fight/flight response kicking in once they walked past me talking sh*t. In one way there was worry and fear that I observed, but another part of me was ready/waiting to "unleash the beast", within me, although on 300ug of psychedelics I probably would've picked the shortest straw. Needless to say, I was relieved when I went back inside. Overall I enjoy meditating outside/in public, I just would prefer to be around people that didn't make a scene and kept it relatively quiet, or to be the only human being within nature when doing a formal sitting. On the other hand, it can be a good practice... letting anxiety, fear, and judgments that you might project onto the viewpoints held by others, melt away and surrender into it all. This way you might discover some of your "weak spots".
  17. @now is forever My internet is back^^ Thanks for the links!
  18. @now is forever Good point! I've wanted to dig deeper into Ayurveda myself. Are there any sites/sources about it that you'd recommend?
  19. @now is forever Luckily I don't have arthritis. The symptoms I have are similar to IBS and thyroid problems. Currently, I don't have a verified diagnosis, but the doctors I go to assume that I might have a gut problem, probably IBS or similar. Before keto, I used to get bloated, diarrhea, gained weight, little energy and so on, and now my gut isn't bloated and my stool looks fine if I do the diet properly. I referred to arthritis and the other stuff, since people report that this diet gave/gives them relief from many of their symptoms. Especially people that have certain thyroid or gut issues have had success with it, whereas medication didn't do much. The idea with a blood/DNA test for me, is to see if I might have any deficiencies, intolerances to foods and drinks, and being more prone to certain diseases such as diabetes than others. This way I would have a better structural guideline and understanding of knowing what to put into my body in regards to foods, drinks, supplements and so on. I think this could spare me some time, energy and problems (gut, mood etc.) in the long run. I can't tell much more about that DNA stuff currently, since it was a while ago I last looked it up.
  20. The Wim Hof method as others have suggested seems to be quite neat from my experience. Cold showers are something to get used to, but when you do it becomes somewhat enjoyable since the cold water might at a certain point not feel so cold anymore, and you might even feel proud of yourself because of your willingness to go in the cold even when your body/mind goes into fight or flight mode. Diet is also very important, as others have mentioned. For some people going vegan, might be a good idea. Cutting out bread, wheat, dairy/lactose etc. Personally, I found that the ketogenic diet works wonders for me and my gut, when I am doing it "right". If you have IBS, gut/digestion problems, arthritis, autoimmune diseases, diabetes and/or other stuff, it might be worth giving a shot. Everyone is different, so there's no single diet that works well for everyone. You might want to check out Mikhaila Peterson, she suffered from arthritis if I remember correctly. By only eating meat, her problems diminished severely, but that's a zero carb diet, more extreme than normal keto. Supplements are also a + if you find the right ones, for your individual body. I am considering taking some tests to see where my vitamin levels and other stuff stands, and a DNA test that can tell me more about my blood and ultimately my biology. Those might bring me more clarity into how to structure my life and my diet, maybe this might be beneficial to you too.
  21. I learned quite a few things about my psyché using mbti tests, such as the one found here: You get assigned a personality type with pages of description for you to read about it and insights into how balanced you are between polarities/functions, as you can see in the screenshot of my results in 2017. I am sure if I did this test again nowadays, the result would be a bit different concerning the percentages, but probably same personality type. Enneagram tests were useful for me too, those can also be found with a google search. Remember, that your results aren't static and something that you're stuck with. Use your results as a guide and be conscious of when your ego gets too attached to whatever you got o ut of the test(s). Some people tend to really limit their framework of possibilities once they know their type and get really neurotically identified with their result.
  22. This is tricky to answer. I'd suggest that you honestly answer those questions, "If I still have romantic feelings, what do I really want from her?" & "What do I truly want/seek out of the current relationship that I have with her?". If the answers you find are, that you actually want some sort of romantic relationship, then I'd suggest that you ask if she feels the same way. If she doesn't, then maybe it's time to part ways unless you're good dealing with the emotions that come with such a friendship. At times it might logically point to us not wanting a romantic relationship with certain people, but the feelings might tell a different story, and we'll get caught up between our logical thinking and emotions. Personally, in your situation as I interpret it, I might cut off the contact, at least for a couple of months if she doesn't have romantic feelings for you. I would emotionally abuse myself if I didn't, since I would get exposed to that chemical high/butterflies everytime I would see this person, wishing and fantasizing on a deeper level that she would have romantic feelings for me. Doing that long enough would probably do more harm than good, not only for myself but also impacting the friendship. Maybe you'll get truly over her while still being friends, maybe it's better for you in the long-run to let go. That's something only you can find out.
  23. I do eat meat since it seems to help my digestion and overall physical and emotional wellbeing. I would like to eat less meat and consume fewer animal products because of my own moral reasons, yet my current diet (ketogenic) seems to work for me, although it's not optimized and rather "dirty" currently. Before this diet, I ate meat maybe twice/three times a week in small amounts. I ate more rice, fruits, potatoes, spaghetti, bread, honey and so on. My stomach would get bloated, I gained weight, my digestion was terrible ++. I must admit, that I maybe have some intolerances, like gluten, that I don't know about yet and thus my health declined. Besides that, I need to eliminate some foods either way (including certain fruits, nuts, vegetables and more), because of the way my stomach looks according to doctors/diagnosis. Now, on top of that, it's assumed that I might have IBS or something similar and if that is the case (which seems like it), then I will have to limit myself even more in regards to food. I am not writing this for sympathy, but to point out that for some individuals, meat and animal products might be a good choice when it comes to "living healthy". As I pointed out, I'd love to eat differently, eating fruit salads, drinking fresh fruit juice, making certain types of smoothies and all that. It's just that the ketogenic diet seems to work for my needs, and I somewhat know what kinds of food I don't react badly to, that includes meat. In the future, I will probably change things up again, when I know more about what I should or shouldn't eat/what I react to and what not.