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Everything posted by erik8lrl

  1. Science is a subset of philosophy. If you don't even know what you are, then how can you know if any of your observations (science) are real? How would you know if anything exists? What is observation? What is truth? What is objectivity? What is existence? What are you? You need to see that everything's existence (including science and any concepts) hinges upon the fact that you exist. Or the fact that you think you exist. Why not use the scientific method to test out spirituality for yourself. You can verify every spiritual truth by yourself if you do the work. Without direct experience, spirituality will just be mental masturbation. Do the work (personal, spiritual practices, psychedelics, etc.) and verify it for yourself. Then you will have a much better understanding of what true spirituality is about.
  2. Selflessness and selfishness are the same if there is only one infinite God self. You are God.
  3. @Leo Gura It would be a very interesting debate if it happens, tho I doubt it will.
  4. Enlightenment is not easily measured; one can be very conscious and create very holistic art but not fully awakened. However, I think some of the greatest works of art came from people who are at least awake to a degree. But the more conscious the art, the harder it is for it to go mainstream. The closer you are to describing the truth, the more abstract and confusing it becomes. So a lot of the greats are not recognized by the public. You can judge the wholeness/consciousness of the art based on either the art's content or its structure or both. Some arts are very high conscious in their content. Meaning the subject the art is trying to convey is very high conscious (existence, God, love, consciousness, etc.). And some arts are not super conscious in their content, but their structure can create such an extreme sense of wholeness within people. To the point where it can create altered states of consciousness. (A lot of classical music are like this) Some arts are both high conscious in content and structure, and those are the really profound ones. But here is a list of artists that I think are at least awakened to some degree. Or at least can create art that is extremely high conscious and whole. Music: Estas Tonne Jeff Buckley Leonard Cohen Claude Debussy Misk'i Takiy Olafur Arnalds Sam Garrett Dan Deacon Film: Andrei Tarkovsky Alejandro Jodorowsky Novels: Ted Chiang Kana Akatsuki Manga/Anime: Hiromu Arakawa Poetry: William Blake Charles Bukowski Architecture: Christopher Alexander Games: David OReilly Tetsuya Mizuguchi Hidetaka Miyazaki
  5. Stories of your life and others, and Exhalation by Ted Chiang.
  6. Your idea of good and bad, love and hate, is still dualistic and subjective. The life that you perceive as "good" it's just your own ideas of reality. The truth is, they are not separated. All good things lead to bad things in time, and all bad things lead to good things in time. In the absolute/God perspective, everything is love, including both the good and the bad. And the reason why it's all love is because it's all you. You are everything and God and existence itself. Yes, you will continue to move from separation to unity and from duality to non-duality on and on for eternity because it is all love. Imagine you created an infinitely entertaining video game. Why wouldn't you keep playing it? Once you gain direct experience of this truth, you will see how brilliant you are that designed this infinite loop of love.
  7. Distill all the book's main points into simple by complete points, and then remember one example from the book for each point. You should be able to read these points to someone who hasn't read the book, and fully understand what the book is about. Then try to think about these points in your own mind and connect them to experiences and frameworks. If you do this, you will not only have a deeper understanding of the book and gain new insights, but it will also help you remember it since you have now internalized it.
  8. @tuckerwphotography Indeed it is!
  9. @Leo Gura Yeah, we will likely continue to evolve until we become different races and beings, or even higher-dimensional beings and ultimately God in the timescale of the universe. However, I also think the difference between human conflict now, and human conflict in history is that the scale of catastrophic damage is far larger and growing exponentially. If in the next 100 years, we manage to figure out the unified field theory and reach a new technological leap. It's not impossible to have planet-killing weapons that could end humanity as we know it in an instant. But also, with the possibility of this kind of weapon and human extinction, we would also naturally develop responses/plans to counter it, like sending humans to Mars or other potentially habitable planets near us to continue humanity. It will just end for most of us if that did happen. But even if we did completely perish, our remains as life forms on this planet still have a good chance to travel to other planets and systems and then restart there. An asteroid could blast some parts of earth out into space carrying small lifeforms on it, and eventually, it lands on some planet, and the story resets. It wouldn't be the continuation of humanity, but it would be the continuation of a lifeform that we were a part of.
  10. @tuckerwphotography You are me. It is a transcript of your mind in absolute sense.
  11. @Leo Gura Yeah, it's all moving towards infinite love anyway.
  12. @Leo Gura Yeah, even tho complete extinction is unlikely (and I think Daniel is a good example of why it won't), the chance for great catastrophe and conflict is high if not certain if the current system persists.
  13. Infinite love is everything, including nothingness, God, consciousness, or any other name and concept. Infinite love is the deepest awakening because it is all there is. Saying that nothingness is the deepest awakening is the same as long as the nothingness you describe is absolute (meaning it is all there is). However infinite love is to a degree more accurate description than nothingness due to the selfness/relatedness that is infused with the word love.
  14. @tuckerwphotography It's all connected. The current challenge lies with the process of ego development and spiral dynamics. Rather than trying to convert lower-stage people up the spiral, those who are yellow and above should understand the complexity of the ego development process. People will only move up the spiral when it is the right time for them. Each stage is designed to give valuable experiences that are needed for the next stage. The nature of duality is that they flip between each other once the extreme is reached. This is why to reach yellow; you need to go through the delusion of blue and the wokeness of green. The problem is how the system that creates this process is currently off balance. Like Daniel's point, the information ecology is currently not healthy enough to help most people naturally go through these stages. Even for Leo, the percentage of his viewer that actually moved up to Yellow through his teaching is extremely low. It is a fundamental systematic issue. However, the system is too complex for one person to grasp the whole. Thus we need to come together in some way to making sense of it. The consilience project, for example, is a good potential method to rebalance the system at a small scale to test the reaction of the whole. A truly objective and holistic media source is not only essential to sensemaking, but I think it also has a lot of demand at this time. Most people are confused about the current information landscape to the point they stopped trying to understand it. People actually want a media source that they can trust. By showcasing the research method and the process of sensemaking through a holistic lens, it will help those who are ready to learn holistic thinking start learning it. Ultimately, the best way to help others change is not through indoctrination but through inspiration and truth. To set oneself as an example for others to learn from naturally as they develop on their own. Those who are truly inspired will have enough intrinsic motivation to reach higher stages. Once they do, they will naturally become examples for others in their environment. Ultimately, the chain of inspiration should continue to grow exponentially as more and more of the population reach higher development. As more holistic thinkers come together we can come up with more of this kind of solution/action or even ones that are better and more whole, since our understanding of the whole will be much clearer.
  15. What source do you guys use for a more holistic and objective perspective on the world? Here is one I found recently. Potentially a good independent media and investigative journalism with a lot of research and fact-checking on things. Feel free to share your sources.
  16. Totally agree that education is the key to solving these major problems. First, second, and third-person epidemics are so needed at this time. I also think that the hope in achieving that lies in the percentage of the population that is currently self-educating to reach the point of wisdom. Especially a lot of the younger generation right now is more open-minded than previous generations. Although The Algorithm intensifies delusion, separation, and unconsciousness, it can also do the opposite and help those who are open to knowledge gain the knowledge needed to attain wisdom. Holistic thinking is at the center of this whole puzzle, and the more people attain it, the more likely we will be able to survive as a whole. It is a necessary step of our evolution. The current situation is designed to invoke the necessary steps for humanity to grow intellectually and spiritually. So how can we help educate people better or lead them to the path of self-education? Why aren't people educating themselves more? It all really comes down to survival/personal development; physically, ideologically, and socially. We can look at every stage of spiral dynamics and see what challenges every stage faces when it comes to developing holistic thinking. To reach at least some form of holistic thinking, one would need to reach at least spiral dynamic stage yellow in some compacity. How can we build systems that would move people towards that? I think we really should have a network of holistic thinkers from different fields, backgrounds, and cultures to counter the complexity of the existing systems and develop small holistic actions/processes to create more wholeness within humanity over time. The complexity and dynamic of these current systems make it so that it is not possible for one individual to have a complete understanding of every mechanic and causality that exists and connects. We need to come together in some way and help each other make sense of the whole first, and then we can see the holistic actions required to benefit the whole without damaging it. I can see that if all the true holistic thinkers (stage yellow and above) around the globe all come together, it would not be a difficult task to start making sense of things on a holistic level. It's so fucking brilliant how perfectly designed all of this is, the unification of humanity whether through extinction or higher awakening is gonna be such a small yet grand story for us to experience. I wonder how it's gonna play out.
  17. When you are 100% Godhead, you become absolute nothingness/non-existence/love/unity. Whether or not you want to experience existence again is completely up to you since you are God. In this nothingness, time doesn't even exist(nor does any concept of anything), so there would be no "coming back" to life, but rather life/existence/concept needs to be recreated again from infinite nothing. To God, there is no beginning or end, no existence or non-existence. You could stay in this nothingness for eternity and then instantly create all of existence and time at once. It's kind of like a pause button for a video game. To the character in the game, they do not know that time is paused when it is. Their experience of existence is spontaneous and consistent. This is why you are actually Godhead right now in the infinite, timeless nothingness between your experience of existence. Still, since there is no time in absolute nothing, you will not notice that you are God. Unless you become conscious enough that you can see the process of creation/imagination of existence directly.
  18. I'm sure many of you heard this during trips.
  19. It's like everything else in existence, both infinitely complex yet fundamentally simple—a strange loop.
  20. @Leo Gura Totally agrees with the cyclical nature of creativity. I like to dive deep into something with high intensity for 3 months, and then just as I start to feel burned out, I switch subject to something else for 3 months and come back after and just repeat this cycle. This way, I'm never burned out, and the connections between different subjects are creating new inspiration and ideas that restore my passion. I also find that creativity happens more when you let go and surrender, when the desire for the result is there, but the joy of creating is greater. When you create because you love doing it, instead of completely focusing on the result. We often lose perspective when we force things to happen the way we want. It's actually a good form of meditation to maintain the balance of beingness and desire.