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Everything posted by Juan

  1. @Inliytened1 Here is a more nuanced examples of depersonalization & derealization, from experience: Disconnected from yourself and environment (literally, you can feel in your bones) We could have a conversation and my mind is elsewhere and this is beyond my control (not even meditation or yoga helps) Emotionally disconnected Visually (this is hard to explain if you haven’t experimented changing your state of consciousness), things look doll, fake, like you feel so separate from everything, hard to explain if you’re emotionally stable now Hard to sleep Sure when you’re in this state of mind you can also get depress and I loosed some hair People will see something is wrong with you, they are even afraid of you at times Mental disturbance (incoherent thoughts) Ungrounded, you even feel uncomfortable touching grass Hard to look at people faces (cuz you know something is not ok with you), this is connected to feeling shame And the list goes on…
  2. It wasn’t depression at all bro. It got to the point that I even had to go to a psychologist and got indeed diagnosed back then to my, “my” (however you want to phrase it) condition. It doesn’t need to have suicidal tendencies but like Leo mentioned it has many qualities, degrees, etc. And yes it is a full dissociation from the self, now the degree that I’m talking about here, it was beyond of not being capable to even sustain myself.
  3. You have zero clue of what depersonalization is. I could even write a book of how horrendous it is to be in that state of mind to the point of suicide, you don’t want to be there, everything feels so doll and fake. Separation with everything escalated to who knows what percentage, you could become even antisocial for how much disconnected you are with yourself and the world, you have a big ass victim mentality, physically you are here but mentally you are elsewhere, is not a pretty place, it’s hell, not identical at all to awakening or God Realization. One thing is to experience this in order to awake, another thing is being on that state 24/7 for months and years.
  4. Maybe you’ll like this guy story @Leo Gura. How a accident could open you up to a new state of consciousness and way to see the world.
  5. These guys create some hard af to pull off music videos, it requires A LOT of creativity imo.
  6. Denial cuz what I said is relevant and you said it wasn’t.
  7. Indeed, it’s what I tend to share first to newcomers because it’s more digestible at first compared to the 3+ hours complete ones. Yet…
  8. I was talking about this today with a friend and I friking love it, at least the way they cook it where I buy it on doordash, is just a sushi but not rolled and in a bowl.
  9. Why are you assuming that I’m assuming about you being in denial? We are clearly talking about what we started to have a conversation on this thread, if it isn’t relevant to you, that’s fine.
  10. Meditation for me, cuz ideas come from nowhere and everywhere all at once. I’ll add a follow up answer with microdose, I’ve been experimenting with mushroom blend and it keeps me still moving between people instead of big doses where I need to be more alone, which could be better at times too.
  11. If you guys want to see the graphics comparison from the first game and sequel. It’s definitely not huge the improvements but very slightly (again just in case BOTW was meant to be for the Wii U, still, it wasn’t a big jump visually).
  12. Strange Loop the Game, I would LOVE to see something with that subject.
  13. Hi @Princess Arabia, sure why not lol. And thanks a lot really, yeah I’ve been working recently on a part-time cuz I’m just starting to learn tattooing but my instagram has more recent stuff: https://www.instagram.com/artejusino/?hl=en And no that’s not me on the female picture (I guess you’re talking the YouTube one right?) I’m a male, although I plan to do dragqueen hehe.
  14. Had you tried checking yourself with a doctor? To see if you’re getting the nutrients you really need? Talked with a psychologist? Before touching psychedelics, I recommend doing the best as possible sober. Do you feel align with your Life Purpose? (Cuz in my case if I’m not doing what I love, I feel terrible). Being in nature helps my mood too.
  15. No problem, and if we see each other ever along the ride, let’s grab a drink haha, drink whatever you want, I’ll go with my perrier or H2O.