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About Juan

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    Puerto Rico
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  1. Can’t find any english video or with subtitles but his name is Hernán Asto.
  2. Sorry for the people who doesn’t speak spanish here, imma check if there is an english version. This could help a TON our climate/environment situation.
  3. @Lucasxp64 Thank you for your analysis and experience! It means a lot! As for now we’ll keep it as friends, it makes no sense to have a serious long distance relationship with someone I haven’t meet on person. We made an agreement that we could switch to couple once we meet but idk, I like her so much as a friend too, I see each other collaborating on art projects, I’m not sure I would want to lose that, time will tell.
  4. Yea true…I have to contemplate it. As for now I plan to stay in NY working with a friend, so I can be even till 2026 or more, will see, thank you tho.
  5. Sure, but as I wrote I’d be in the US some time, I could be some months with this person.
  6. What insight? “Bro you don’t know yourself” Wow!!! I wonder how you became a mod.
  7. Since you don’t care having women as a friend well of course you can’t empathize. Idk why many men think that way but whatever, I consider them stiff and unable to flow better in life. What I ask is a simple thing, when to keep it as friends or lovers (looking at my circumstances), of course you’ll always choose lovers, then tell me that I don’t know myself and all that talk.
  8. I’m glad I’m not the only one noticing this…who made him a mod? @Leo Gura
  9. This is silly even coming from a mod, so if I have a little of a doubt about anything I can’t make a thread?
  10. Yea I do know myself but this is the type of situation where “maybe we can work in many projects together so maybe I shouldn’t be fucking around” but “she is very pretty too tho!”. Yea that’s the agreement for the moment, keep it as friends for now and when we meet during the next year we’ll see where we stand in that moment, cuz things is gonna keep happening during the wait.
  11. So I’m talking with this girl, she lives in the US and I’m in PR. I plan to visit the US somewhere in 2025 and maybe live there for a while, so I could def visit her and stay some time. We are both artists, similar if not equal interests, we both aim to have a successful YouTube channel, you name it. But I’m not sure if we should remain as friends or be a relationship once we meet (we both have chemistry through our conversations, and we like each other already). If we remain friends well, we can keep working together, travel to do expos, etc. Sure the same can happen while being together loving wise, but I have this feeling of I really wouldn’t like to lose her if we end up breaking up, I like her A LOT as a friend too. How can you tell if you should go for it or remain as friends?
  12. Funny analogy but yea, makes total sense haha.
  13. Funny thing is, this has been ALWAYS about hype, who remembers about NFTs? Those days are over.
  14. We might get Leo’s game before GTA 6! Let’s gooo!
  15. I like it, what I dislike is HOW MUCH MARBLE IS BEING CUTTED YEARLY (around 1 billion tons). I feel this has to stop, of course money will keep these people damaging nature, but maybe limit how much marble they could use? Use it for stuff that really matters, respecting nature.