Mr Being
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And are you? Your posts are coming from heavily anti-Israeli biased sources with plenty of misinformation and half truths, like in the video posted on your blog. The distorted depiction of Zionism and Zionist leaders as colonial fascists with a clear intention of ethnically cleansing the Arab population, without mentioning the part of the Palestinian and Arab leadership and their collaboration with the Nazis, The closure of Jewish immigration during the Holocaust and when fleeing the pogroms, and without the proper context to quotes (and misquotes) and terms (such as 'population transfer' during the eras of empire collapse and wartime), gives a very distorted and partial understanding of the subject in depth. I think a better (and fair) documentary of the historical context prior to the '48 war can be found on KAN 11 channel here (mostly in Hebrew but with English subs): https://www.kan.org.il/content/kan/kan-11/p-12013/english-subtitles/155291/ If you're interested, I can provide some sources that present a Israeli/Zionist perspective without resorting to straw man thier position, for a more meaningful discussion and a deeper understanding of the issue, while also allowing for a fair and critical analysis of all sources.
For those who are not familiar with the Dall-e 2 project, it's an AI system that creates Art based on a description in natural language , Just for an example "a bowl of soup that is a portal to another dimension as digital art" will generate you this picture: link: https://openai.com/dall-e-2/ I wasn't able to get the full version of the Dall-e 2 (don't think its available for the public) however, there is a demo called DALL·E mini : https://huggingface.co/spaces/flax-community/dalle-mini It isn't as impressive as the main version, but it can still be interesting to do some experiments on it: I tried to use words such as nonduality, consciousness, love, truth, nothingness, oneness, reality, unity, no self, nihilism, illusion, strange loop, paradox etc. (If you try to write "God" it will show you pictures of Jesus lol) and I got some very beautiful results: You can also share your results here if you want
Reminded me this one:
I recommend that you watch a YouTube channel called "Sulha" its owned by an Israeli guy named Adar that discusses the Israel-Palestine conflict from a less bias for one side and tries to see each perspective and to understand them (I'd say its a green/yellow channel) he invites both Israelies and Palestinales to discuss and debate and also right wing and left wing Israelis/Palestinians If you really want to dig deep into the subject I recommand that you start reading books instead of getting reductive perspectives from the mainstream media, a good start will be the book "Righteous Victims" by benny Morris
Another interesting anlysis on propaganda posters from WW1-2: And also adding a big Book list recommendation (From Bookauthority): https://bookauthority.org/books/best-propaganda-books
An interesting analysis on heroism and the Anti-war films based on Ernest Becker's (Denial of death) work:
I used to watch this guy about 5 years ago just for some self help advice, it looks like he got caught by the white supremacy/reactionary rabbit hole and maybe even adopted Nazism. This lecture that he posted recently is very much oriented towards the incel community trying to transform them into an anti-PC activists and to "reclaim their lost masculinity". he makes the same conspiracy theory nazi propaganda about the Frankfort school and the the destruction of western society by cultural marxism lead by jewish intellectualls. The most shocking part for me (watch from 39:42) was when he started to refer to the bible myth of the garden of Eden and the association with satan and the current culture war that he believes happening at this time. He literally talks about the connection between Satan and the tree of "false" knowledge with Jewish mysticism(kabbalah), marxism and the deep state/illuminati. This is not an ordinary reactionary talking points or even a white supremacy neofascism one, this is flat out a nazi talking point, and I was shocked to find out how much this guy fell into the Alt-right pipeline and maybe into pure Nazism since he never made an impression of a radical person.
Blue or Orange stage on relativism: "haha relativism is so stupid, because its self refuting, if relativism is true then truth is not relative and therefore relativism is false. checkmate relativists."
What is your prediction on the future of the human race?, Do you believe in a pessimistic doomeristic view that believes in the extinction of most humans in the next 100 years in the case of climate catastrophe, nuclear wars, the dangers of developing super AI that might take control of all human facilities. Or, on the other hand you believe in an optimistic future that humans will create a utopian awaken society and free of their ego attachments.
This is a great lecture series on the philosophy and history of science, it gives a more complex and nuanced way of understanding the scientific method as it currently is today . it might not be spiritual/nondual oriented but still worth looking into @Leo Gura Also might check his book(bit expensive) https://www.amazon.com/Laws-Scientific-Change-Hakob-Barseghyan/dp/3319175955/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Hakob+Barseghyan&qid=1603911542&sr=8-1
A great overview lecture on a historical analysis of propaganda
I'm bumping this thread for further discussions and for more info/resource suggestions: https://www.amazon.com/Rape-Mind-Psychology-Menticide-Brainwashing/dp/1614277877/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=the+rape+of+mind&qid=1595793780&s=books&sr=1-1
For economics this is probably the hardest and longest (over 1400 p) book on economics you will ever find.