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Everything posted by johncakecream

  1. the squirrel's intel …. is his silence
  2. Leo calls some vids advanced for a reason, not everyone will understand.
  3. alarm set everyday @ 6am, in case of an appointment, however being retired … I go back to sweet dreams usually aaahh.
  4. stay sober and lucjd friend....that's reality.
  5. I think Trumpers fear the other{pro life,lgbtq, libral and progressives ect.) more than they like Trump, so the scales are tipped in his favor. how to change such a world view will take patience(infinite) and time.Love is the answer!
  6. want to compliment your distinctive and beautiful thumbnails, your informative images are wonderful.
  7. glad to hear from Leo. hope your feeling good.
  8. enjoy your holiday friend Leo, missing you.
  9. as of 20th-11days so miss my Sunday without
  10. I miss him already
  11. For as long as I can remember, I was planning for the "BIG TRANSFORMATION". when I would become my best self. It was always tomorrow or the 1st of the month or New Years Day ...thinking it would be a magical thing. Leo's teachings have given tools to help with the gradual process of transformation. Tools that can be applied everyday. He's a necessity,and his videos just keep getting better.
  12. at 65 I'm so lucky to have found this gem . I've been a follower for 2 years. I realize the "magic pill" is not meant for all of us, so I'll continue my journey(trip) in lucid sobriety (or as close as I can get} thankyou so very much for this wonderful knowledge and powerful insights.
  13. the best thing about discovering is being able to step outside yourself and observe before you react (if you can catch yourself soon enough.)
  14. youtube is the best tool of the century thus far