Hi! I am new to this forum and have experienced similar "sadness" after I learned about non-duality from Leo. First, I am so grateful for Leo's videos. I have discovered him few months ago and I am seriously hooked. What's so unique about Loe's teaching is that he does not speak in those puzzling riddles that so many of those zen masters love to use but they only make you more confused. Leo's style is so direct, funny and of such a high quality content, that it is so powerful and almost addictive to listen. Now, to the de-personalisation. I think we, Ego-minded ones, have all experienced some level of anxiety from a realization that we as we know ourselves may not exist. It sounds really depressing at first. You are working all your life to improve your little self and you are so attached to your body and mind that it is very hard to depart from your little baby. It is all you have known so far. Losing your self is like losing your purpose in life, or losing the life itself. With any loss there is a grief but there is also an opportunity. It's an open door to something you dont know yet. Before putting a label "depressing" on it, try this mind game in your head. Drop off all ( I mean all) mental concepts that you hold on to in your head about everything you know. No labels, no judgement, no thoughts, no good or bad, no nonsense. Surrender to the idea that you know absolutely NOTHING, like a newly born baby. Now, think about an idea of you being an infinite reality connected to everything else. You know nothing about your body, mind, Ego or other nonsense. You are in the infinite state of mind, everything and nothing, at peace with the universe. How do you feel now? Still depressed?.. :-)