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Everything posted by Rooshan

  1. @Joseph Maynor of course not, i want to help you self actualize, but before you do that you need to be very honest with yourself on your growth so you can lay the carpet and work off that.
  2. @StarfoxEpiphany @Joseph Maynor @SFRL @Arman I'm sorry to break this to you, but SFRL IS RIGHT, it is very clear you are all in orange stage. Not even in green. orange is very common stage right now, your ego is trying to convince itself it is on a higher stage. The way you are questioning yourself shifting through stages and the way you manipulate the words to your benefit means is very clear that you aren't even close to yellow. Just because you live in the moment DOESN'T mean you are at yellow. The way you are labelling the turquoise stage is hilarious. Remember moving up the stages gets harder the more progress you made, because there is now double to learn to move to the next stage. Orange is Common, Green is very rare someone living in the present moment everyday non-stop would be in this stage. Green is relativistic meaning you adapt to different circumstances differently or basically Situational. Check your egos and be Completely honest with yourself or you will not grow because you aren't even sure you are at the right stage. Yellow people are so rare that this is the god stage. If you think being in the moment means you are at yellow then you are confusing Green with Yellow, it is true that yellow people are living in the moment but their consciousness is beyond comprehension. They see everything as a system from social intellegence to nature to people to etc. Seen those Jason bourne movies where the main character can see car plates from 10 meters away, tell someone's weight just by looking at them or figure out if the person is left-handed.These are the feats of a yellow; completely god like. Yellow is second tier being on a completely different level, right now your minds cannot comprehend these stages. And don't even kid yourself with Turquoise or Coral talk, people who are enlightened beings would be in this stage. That nice Turquoise feeling you have moment to moment is actually green.So SFE you are full blown in orange making little headways to green. Don't fret, keep working on yourself and you will soon reach these crazy stages.