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Everything posted by Arkandeus

  1. Through the media industries the masses are being introduced to super powers, magic, multi-dimensional and probable realities, infinity time-shifts, think of Avengers infinity war which is a massive cultural movie, animated shows like rick and morty are pushing the edge as well Over the whole industry you seem more movies and shows snip in a bit related to infinity and probable realities, time-shifts, consciousness that spans over different timelines Science-wise quantum physics are showing a big red arrow to infinity and consciousness The question of a genuine sentient A.I is raising the topic of consciousness more then ever, and will keep doing so beyond the scope of what we saw in times of ancient philosophers, Finance-wise the structures for a new financial system are in work, the various cryptocurrencies are groundwork for this Climate-wise the planet is warming up big time, which again will require humanity to become conscious, of its actions, of the meaning of those actions, the planet will surge us to become conscious Everything is aligning for a massive shift in consciousness in the coming decades, dare I say even in the next decade
  2. Love is the answer to everything
  3. Insights feel good, make you feel wonderful, they make you feel the magic of universal connection If an insight gives you pain, either the insight is wrong or you're interpreting the insight wrong Even more some insights carry-half truths and sometimes your perspective is half-right Its nuanced and it requires one to be conscious, to feel, to be conscious Easy way, follow good feelings
  4. The more ones submerges in the present moment the more the illusion of vertical living dissolves An illusion that life is bound by time and physical matter, that life is a gigantic tower that has been building for millions years, An illusion that each year a new layer of the tower is constructed, and a fear that if we ever run out of the bricks the construction will come to a halt, or worse break down As life becomes more horizontal, time and space expands and the illusion of physical tasks, "jobs" fade away, then I wonder, what am I really doing, then I feel true purpose
  5. I bet he follows his will joy joyfully which is one of the highest feelings for enlighenment It doesn't really matter what you eat, and it sort of does what truly matters is what you eat means to you So its less about science or physics, and more about yourself and being conscious of who you are, its nuanced Joy is food for the soul and the body
  6. Its a half-truth You have free will, but your higher self and the universe itself has free will too So it would say it ends up being a mix, things can turn somewhat as you like them but often not in the way or the result you'd want, in the end you usually end up with something that is really mixed but still deeply satisfying (that is infinite intelligence for ya) Unless you become conscious on the level of universal awareness, which will take a couple of billion years probably, free will is shared between yourself and life
  7. Very courageous to share your life, very gracious Although I wouldn't blind myself, people do not fuck around when it comes to their kids, and sexual attraction to kids, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy Pedophiles are right now what "witches" were during witch hunts in medieval times, they are what black people were in society in colonial times, absolutely excluded and treated mercilessly I'd be careful who you share this with and just know, be conscious that society isn't ready to embrace pedophiles and help them adjust harmoniously to everyone else just yet, maybe in 30 or 50 years it will be, right it isn't Pedophiles trigger the darkest shit in most people, the gutteral darkness, no mercy no restraint, just pure rage and disgust and stress, its ugly, better not tell just about anyone
  8. Recognize the emotion behind the emotion, the seeming conflict, the seeming preference, the push and pull between emotions, are one emotion Some emotions are so subtle and complex they're made of surface smaller emotions interacting with each other while deep down being one big emotion The preference for joy or anything else is an emotion itself, but deceptively so our limited dictionaries and vocabulary do not even begin to describe a tiny portion of all our emotions We are left with "poster" emotions like joy, sadness, anger, and so forth... if you try to understand yourself with the vocabulary of modern language you will be confused, which is why meditation is so good as it allows us in silence to discover our emotions without any limiting vocabulary Vocabulary is actually severely limiting in understanding one's self, it has to be transcended
  9. As if buddha did everything on his own, a flower that grows in a garden is not separate from the soil Buddha enlightened that far because it is what humanity wanted at that time, true answers can only be found when you view things from the perspective of a synchronized collective consciousness, instead of an ego viewpoint When buddha enlightened everyone on the planet enlightened, or rather everyone enlightened then buddha expressed that enlightenment
  10. I don't know if this is sarcastic or not, but please, anyone, never listen to this sort of advice
  11. First of all you should aim to see the situation more clearly, you are talking in very extreme black or white terms This is really black/white painting, if you want to get answers you have to look at things more sensibly and honestly It may seem like a small thing to say "there is mostly no stimulating conversation between" instead of "there is never any stimulating conversation" but its a BIG difference If you want to advance you need to be honest, if you want to criticize someone, you should also mention the positive about them, this overexaggeration creates a tendency to completely oversee and deny whats good about the other person and what that the other person brings to you I cannot believe that you have nothing in common with your partner, your son for one, is something quite important to have in common, and if you guys came together there had to be things you matched about,I'm not saying your criticism is unwarranted or not legit, but it needs to be honest and not distorted What I'm seeing is that your vibration seems to be higher then your partner, and you seem to be annoyed at your boyfriend for being lower, for not being as conscious and awake You said that your boyfriend approached you when you were in a bad place yourself, so in that time he had a higher vibration then you. Now we're here, so you can either give up on your boyfriend because you do not think he deserves you to put in effort and attention into pulling his vibration up, meaning that you would be the one inspiring him, you would be the one pulling him him up this time, either you give up on him because you think he would not make an honest effort, or because perhaps he's not very loving to you as it is now in the relationship Or either you try to love and help him raise his vibration with patience and positivity, it will take patience and positivity, in this case you believe your boyfriend deserves it and you believe he does have ambition and love for life
  12. I used to deal with such problems, and over time it stopped What really helped is realizing that this is your excitement, allow yourself to be this excited, give your body this opportunity, you're so excited you climax almost immediately! Let that be so, it so for a reason When you give presence to this, when you give space to this, then are you truly listenning to whats going on Sex is not separated from spirituality, be mindful, allow yourself to be and you will learn about yourself and life Whats the problem? Society's expectations and pressures, you need to be the man yadda yadda you need to be a beast in bed satisfying your lady yadda yadda, you need to keep going yadda yadda, horse shit Its all dumb horseshit, such big horseshit, when I realized that all these expectations implanted in my mind wouldn't allow me to even enjoy the measly one minute of having sex with someone Not only would I last one measly minute, but I'd feel guilty and horribly about that one minute, Sex became humiliating and a fight against myself to last longer, I couldn't even enjoy that one minute, not even that one minute When you realize how fucked up this all is, you will be like screw it, I will enjoy that one minute, I'll take it, you'll give yourself space to explore this connection with someone else no matter how short ever since then I've had sessions that lasted to half an hour, it varies, its never the same, infinity because life is new and now, and more importantly I do not give a shit how long it lasts, this is zero'd from my mind the girl Women who are present can enjoy a short session as well, and there is always round two And more then that sex is not just thrusting, there are infinite ways onto which you can caress and kiss her, there is so much you can do beyond thrusting, its mindblowing, its all up to your own creativity, sex is really about discovering yourselves with each other, its not about recreating the love scenes we've all seen on tv in movies and in porn The way you have sex can be just as unique as the way your voice sound, as the way you walk, or the way you think, while it seems seemingly simple like "in and out" its not And please dont try to distract yourself to last longer, engage fully in your excitement, if you're going to climax, do it like a champion, enjoy it, be it, thats the way forward Lest you want to end up for the rest of your life having sex worried about your performance even if you manage to last longer this way its a shortcut, its stupid, you only last longer because you dissociate yourself from sex, you're not lasting longer you're simply disconnecting from the experience, be present, live your feelings
  13. Most of us when we were educated by society were harboring the perspective of seeing animals as rather dumb creatures, capable of emotions, but ultimately completely inferior at the mercy of men. In the world of dawkins, survival of the fittest rules, every animal on this planet is at a complete mercy of mankind and therefore its life is a failure, these are the primitive insights of modern science Now most of us who are awake and conscious, are conscious that there is more to animals then the limited measures by which we judge them, we have discovered and explored further then the mere reasoning intellect , and can recognize intelligence beyond mere reason and quantitative qualities, the deeper wells of existence are rich, and animals are taping into these wells as much as we do There is strength in animals, wisdom in animals, deep emotion, and probably ways of existence and connection to life beyond our comprehension Animals aren't dumb at all, in fact they are of the same intelligence as life, that pure intelligence of which every atom of life is made, they flow completely, yet we "rule" the earth First of our all our society ego's cannot comprehend egoless state of beings which are divine, as vast as the universe, and infinite, state of beings so vast the seemingly simple life of a squirrel can be as complex and interesting as a supernova, when you see the life of a squirrel you see yourself as a squirrel, you cannot even begin to imagine what an actual squirrel goes through, it depends even on who's navigating the squirrel The second thing our society ego's have a hard time grasping is true infinite immortality, a divine consciousness that is infinitely immortal could vigoursly enjoy the simple life of a cow, just to go back to other dimensions and civilizations after its cow life, for an infinite being the life of a cow could be as short as a second, it wouldn't be more shocking then you yourself putting on a mask for halloween, adopting another identity for the fun of an halloween evening! We assume a cow to be dumb based on its life, but who's truly behind that cow or your dog? Who knows, be humble and open Space Lets admit that every animal on this planet is made of infinite intelligence, the same we are made of, then why is there a human society?and not a cow society, or cat society? You have the common answers from science and evolution which looks at physical evidence, physical reality which is merely a reflection of inner emotional reality, the universal connection of everything, in this connection we find real answers What is a modern society? Culture, arts, engineering, invention, production, A modern society itself, takes a lot of space, a society is a place of connection first and foremost, as animals have their own smaller societies As a modern society we can barely connect with each other, we're getting there, our different religions, political backgrounds, skin colours, are dividing us less and less Let alone a different species, there is simply not enough emotional space "love" for other species to join our society, or to start their society on this planet, its a psychic agreement,there is no reason to be found in physical evidence like genes and natural selection, physical life reflects psychic agreements on the level of universal connection, that place of connection from which all life springs forth, physical life reflects what is already decided and agreed upon What do animals have to gain from letting humans take the lead on planet-wide modern societies? From the plane of deepest truth that we are one, and from the truth of infinity, all life is new, all life is being created, energy is infinite, expansive Animals are consciousness connected to our consciousness, deeply we are all connected, meaning that every endeavour we undertake as human society, we share that energy with every life on earth, there is no one really taking the lead, as we are all the animals and plants on earth as much as the these plants and animals are us Why are there people living in mansions , living exhorbiting luxurious lifestyles? Because its not possible for everyone of us to live those lifestyles, not because of physical or logical reasons, because of energetic reasons, the evolution of energy, which is why its good to have this less then 1% percent of humanity living absurdly abundant lifestyles, everything they live, is energy of abundance and will be shared with all of us, its better 1% of us living magical lifestyles then 0% of us, the same with animals, its better for one species to be able to explore a world-scale cultural society then no species at all, in the end we all share these explorations and they will ultimately let us spiral But again this is not a matter of physical limitations, or resources, its energetic In my bold and honest prediction, we are arriving at a stage of critical evolution, where can realize that physical matter reflects our consciousness, science is not going to be outdated but it will become a tool,one of many, to express our infinite creativity, but ultimately consciousness decides physical matter, and if we can come to that of rising energy , with world-wide enlightenment, everything will change, from psychic consciousness technologies, to scientific technology, to telempathy, to dream technology, synchronisation, magical prowess and powers, contact with alien and trans-dimensional societies... There will be more then enough space for animals of our planets to join us in society, with coherent social intellect
  14. It is actually very easy to manifest what we seek, we do it very often When we are disappointed with what happens in our life our first reflex is to seek harder, to seek more optimally I'm here to tell you that there is no problem with your manifesting abilities, life is listening to you What be better is to understand more what you seek, understand your own desires If everything you desire is given to you instantly, investigate what you desire, can you understand what is that you truly see What is the meaning of seeking I proclaim that deeply understanding one's own seeking will lead to satisfying manifestations There is no problem with our aim, we are accurate and on point, but what is it that we're shooting at We easily arrive at our destination but do you truly know where you want to be?
  15. Yea double nummers! I see these a lot, I open my phone and boom its 14:14, I know its not a coincidence because this happens always in times when I have raised my vibration Crazy thing though, yesterday I had a fascination with midgets, I saw a thread on reddit about midgets and I started looking up pictures of midgets, I realized I hadn't seen a midget in real life in yeaaaars, I even doubted if I ever seen a midget in real life.. Today I go to the store to do groceries, what do I see? A woman with a midget body ! Awesome I hadn't seen a midget in years, I can't even remember the last time! Holy synchronisation, in moments like these you know life has your back, it feels great I also went today on a walk in nature, at the edge of a park I sit down, next to me I find a sticker with an animal picture, I take it, it is one of those stickers they give you at the supermarket, on the back of the sticker is something written in french and dutch, in english it would mean "you are now on a ride with real life'' Above the brand slogan, there are some sticker numbers, 3+5, I forgot their purpose but 3+5 is 8, in my book that is an infinity synchronicity, its one of my favourite signs of life
  16. He was certainly of high vibration Also enlightenment is not an on and off switch, it is a gradient Which explains why many on the path of enlightenment still embody a part of the collective misery, although in their own special way, even suicide done by someone of high vibration can carry a lot of meaning So I maintain that no one will fully enlighten unless the whole world is enlightened, it is a collective evolution, we all carry the world inside of us and its emotional plane, as long as a part of the world is sick so will a part of us reflect that
  17. There is only thing in this world that is truly ugly hideous, that is insulting and demeaning yourself You don't have a free pass to do that because it is your life and your body, imagine someone calling another person hideous, bullying them, telling them they'll never find love, what kind of aura is that, what would you feel? That is what you are doing to yourself, you may think you have a free pass to bully yourself but you really don't, it is disgusting behaviour, the same way you wouldn't want to get to close to anyone that bullies others in this way,is the same way you will repel other people from getting close to you by bullying yourself People know and feel your beliefs, bullying yourself is evil There's only one thing to you have to do in life, is to take your own side, to believe in yourself, to believe and support your own desires, that is all you can do and that is all thats required, life will take care of the rest
  18. How many people where on the planet back then? How many people now? To enlighten now means piercing through the ego energy grid of the entire planet, more then 7 billion people I hope you realize your energy field is not separated from all this, to enlighten now entails probably just as much endeavor as back then, its a different time, different challenges
  19. Why would you trust anyone that tells someone else that they are hideous and they will be alone their entire life? It's insane, it's vile, it's malicious, there is nothing trust-worthy about such a statement It seems you have a deep negative belief about yourself which is why you're latching onto this external statement How does beauty work, Are there men and women who's bodies look conventionally different then the norm?yes, you can have an unusual facial structure, skin disease and whatnot, being very overweight, or very skinny These can in the beginning not make you attractive, especially in todays society where many people hold an ego vibration and they themselves mostly only consider whats attractive to be typically dominating archetypes of attractiveness which are hollywood and instagram attractiveness You may have an exotic unconventional physical body, and on top of that being in a close-minded society that only validates one type of body is making you believe that you are ugly Now it is not because people treat you like someone that is ugly that you actually are ugly reality is fluid, your body is consciousness, you are consciousness, now I will explain how divine beauty works If you heighten your vibration, you would heighten your femimine energy, and I can confidently tell you that a 250lbs women with a high vibration could be the most attractive women on the planet That is only if she tried everything to care of her body and if by some crazy reason she cannot lose weight, will this happen, because beauty is love, love is loving yourself and taking care of your body If you love yourself you will take care of your physical body very naturally you will exercise, be hygienic, seek to eat right,which means you will naturally not be very overweight or underweight, but in rare cases you still become overweight underweight despite your best measures, in this case you have a naturally overweight or underweight body In this case your body knows your tried your best, cause again your body is consciousness, your body will reflect your self-love in its physical reflection, in its beauty, its not the eating healthy or exercising your body that makes you look beautiful,its not about the actual physical, its not about chemicals or losing or gaining fat, its not about toning, its about the intention,your self-love is a vibration, that will let you access your feminine energy, which is a divine presence and will let your body release its divine reflection, completely unique and wonderful Self love is a vibration, its the magic snap that turns the pumpkin into a chariot and the girl into a princess, it has nothing with numbers, science,or logic, or habits, love modifies the atoms of reality, its directly altering reality, but self-love is expressed through physical action within reality, especially as you change your inner beliefs, you will do symbolic physical actions to express that, and these symbolic action turn out to be mostly things like eating healthy or exercising You could not lose or gain a single amount of weight, you could have the exact same body type as now, but if you changed half your beliefs, you would look like an entirely different person, again your body is made of consciousness, of your beliefs, of your love of your hate If you think you can sit in a self-deprecating corner and pout and whine about being ugly, and hoping for life to fix things for you, No, no, no, no, the observer is the observed, you cannot observe your body without altering it The very way you look at your body defines its atoms, and yes if you have an exotic body type there are people out who look at your body in ugly ways, and if you have a very exotic body you have may to fight off the majority of society who looks at you in an ugly way, literally a war of perspective, a war against ego, you have to believe in your beauty, if you can see your beauty others will, eventually, they will not join your perspective unless its literally intense enough in its light love intensity, so in the beginning this will take time as you literally fight off the egotic beliefs of modern society I as a man, throughout , my enlightenment, saw the evolution of beauty in my perspective, before I enlightened, I only considered typical hollywood movie women to be attractive,and only young women around my age, I thought most women were average and some even ugly,older and overweight women were almost immediately average ugly to me, that was my limited perspective As I enlightened I saw more and more beauty, basically where before I considered 13 on 100 women to be attractive, now I see 87/100 women to be attractive, and the number is rising, always rising, I can see the divine beauty in all types of women, all ages, all types of weight, and I honestly feel spoiled sometimes, it toke a lot of getting over my own ego and what society taught me Sometimes Im sad when I see women that could look absolutely beautiful, their physical apparatus is completely fine, but their self-judgement is so intense that they do end up looking ugly, I can see the beautiful physical body being supressed by the ugly self-defeating judgement of giving in to believing that you're ugly, this is the one thing that is truly ugly, betraying your physical body, your self-integrity, this is true ugliness, and it does get reflected in how you look, which makes you believe you're right about being ugly, but its the exact opposite Now on divine feminine energy, divine feminine energy is released with self-love, grooming , a certain openness, divine energy is divine, it changes the way you walk, you take up certain manners , gestures,it makes your natural smell as a women a hundred times more intense and magical, its what they call "aura", your voice changes,its tone its fiber becomes magical, elf-like, princess-like angelic, mother earth-like, it can take many forms, and this has nothing to do with your physical body, it has only to do with you believing in your own feminity, that you are a whole women This is not about being worried about others, its not about attracting others or making them admit you're beautiful, its about falling in love with yourself, with your physical, exploring this bond, this feminine energy, being who you are One funny thing, the more beauty I could see in women, the more women seemed to notice me as well, before enlightenment no women would look my way ever on the streets, I was like a ghost to them, now women look my way a lot, Did my physical body type change? My face? Hell no, its all inside, its real beauty, its divine beauty, and this beauty is native to all of us You cannot wait for life to convince you that you are beautiful, only if you convince yourself to see your own beauty, will life take care of everything else, of everyone else
  20. Spirituality is a paradoxical evolution, ultimately your rationality should fuse with the irrational, that is to shed the light on what seems irrational To abandon rationality to dive in a ocean of chaos is reckless, unconscious behaviour Both rationality and acceptable portions of mysticism should heighten and feed off each other Thats my opinion
  21. This is the end of seeking behaviour When you fully understand that you don't want to do this anymore, and yet you somehow keep doing it Meaning that the last energies of momentum are being acted out,you seem to be going through the motions, when it comes to this stage it is not going to last long You've stopped feeding the momentum with thoughts and desires, its running on past "fuel", but it really won't last long Just observe whats happening, realize that your vibration has shifted, but it takes time for reality to catch up to you, yes even your day to day tasks This is normal, just keep your intentions clear, you want the seeking to stop, keeping navigating this course This is really the opportunity to step up and be the captain, you do not take hints from circumstances, not even your own emotions and actions, these things do not define you, you define these things Your emotions and actions follow you, make your will clear, define your beliefs, this is what he tipping point between letting emotion and actions dictate you or you dictating them looks like
  22. Quite so, sometimes you have to walk through empty halls before you reach the next room But I am very optimistic, I do not deny bad experiences, they are an aspect of infinity, they can however remain mere foggy possibilities, I believe we can all consciously chose to crystallize good experiences, if we acknowledge that our beliefs are essential to this
  23. Guys, you realize we have also have women in this forum? So can we stop demonizing women?it is not very respectful Yes, some women suffer from ego issues, as much as men do, they have just as we incarnated in this world and plane called earth to make the best of it, they are our accomplices What do men with ego do? They bully, murder, go to war, oppress, enslave (have you seen many female bouncers and security guards?) What do women with ego do? Yes they might go for the bad guys, they might look down on you and act like bitches or try to rob you with child support or somehow rip your soul out in mysterious ways It is well said that men the to hurt and kill physically while women hurt and kill emotionally Who cares in the end, those of us that succomb to ego suck balls and make this a hard place for everyone, but there are good men and women, and it is up to them to lead by example If you've had the lucky opportunity to have a loving mother you know how strong women can be, how loving they can be, how good they can be Even tho it seems they keep those good qualities for their families and for a select amount of people, these qualities are there But you will not be ready to see strength in women unless you see strength in yourself Especially if you put women above yourself, I have done so in the past, I wished for way more intimate relationships with women , I felt completely unsatisfied, and saw them as higher then me, I know what some of us feel here, I have not had more intimate relationships, my wishes didnt come true but I did stop to believe that there's something in a women which I lack Two people do not come together to fulfill each other, they come together to expand Now I can see woman as they are, soul mates on this adventure, accomplices, its a matter of building a world together, a civilization, men help women, women help men, women help women, men and women help men and so fort We are building reality as it is,it only takes one world-scale enlightenment for everything to change, forever
  24. I've always felt like I was going to be the last one to disappear and turns out it really is so I stopped believing in people in the human and ego sense, I see them as part of one life-form, I even see family and friends as such, although it was harder, first strangers disappeared, then acquintances, then family and friends it is not a concept as much as it is organic, something has disappeared in the face of other people... that something that made them human, that made them 'seriously real', now I see more flesh, more skin, more hair, as if I was looking at my own hand or leg, it doesn't feel like there's someone else in behind But me, I'm still here, but these prolonged periods of solitude have left in me moments where I weirdly stop to believe in myself, its a rather strange feeling I my world I am the last human alive somewhat, and I hope to die soon, so that I may be free