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Everything posted by Emre

  1. @Nahm Why is it not just your idea that 'all is love' but is absolute truth? If everyting is relative to other how can everything be love, for absolute certainty? I am sure it is not for someone that was raped at the age of 9 and faced his mom's and dad's death.
  2. @Shiva How can it be so? If something is absolute how can it be relative? If _A_ is absolute truth then it can not change for me and you. For example I can understand that colours are relative I mean simply a car that looks green to me might look grey to a colour blind person. And how something looks is all we know about its colour so it is not _absolutley green_ How come absolute be relative?
  3. Thank you, all for your answers. Somethings are clearing up, that's for sure.
  4. A LOT of people that are on a spiritual path they all make this distinction between ego and them. Ego and Me. They see jealousy arising they say 'My ego blahblah' they see something great happening 'Bro that's the real me' For those who share their insights about ego, who is it that shares these insights? Who is it that says that's me recognizing the ego? It is ego. In fact more egos are created and the ego game became like an onion. At the end of the day the 'me' that thinks of this miserable 'ego' says 'Gosh, finally I am free of ego' Free my ass. YOU are the ego but you split it so that even a lil bit of you reamins. So that you will not die completely.
  5. If you watch Leo's videos on ego he says the ego is the observer, literally. Exactly same with Alan Watts. Then, when you watch Eckhart Tolle he says to get rid of the ego you should be the observer. Being the observer is the way out of ego. Wtf? Is there an observer or not? If I go within and say what I feel then the answer is yes. But since my consciousness is at a low level I think it would be wrong to go within.
  6. @Heart of Space Of course. Alan Watts always goes like 'What you have taken to be the observer is just one of the thoughts.' 'Can you watch the watcher? It does not exist!!' and in Leo's enlightenment video he says the illusion is the observer. but then who would it be to talk about ego?
  7. If questioning who you are is the type of self inquiry that we are talking about, I'd say it is rather dangerous. The purpose of this kind of inquiry is to make human beings aware that they can never understand who they really are in terms of the mind. But.. If the one that is doing the inquiry is a neurotic person or just more persistent than normal person he will literally go crazy. Because after a while if you don't tell the children that he can't bite his own teeth, he will break his teeth trying to do so. I just wanted to write this because there may be some people that are so overwhelmed trying to ratinolize who they are in terms of mind. Just keep it cool and be more focused on the experience and if the experience is not coming don't be too persistent on it. Letting it go will make it come itself which is the only way.
  8. How to follow your own way? How can one really follow his own way? That is a problem that's been fucking me for months. How can one choose his own way without being influenced by others when even the options he has are influenced by other people? I mean every step you take, every word you say, every thought that comes to your mind are just consequences of what/who you have been listeneing to, following and etc. and the bigger problem is other people _tell other people_ to be themselves or even sometimes not to listen others. I mean I hope you can see the huge problem here. So my question is how one can really follow his own way?
  9. @zazed That is a question. For example, there is this person that is trying to be exactly like someone else. What do you think will happen if you tell him 'Your thoughts are not you, accept and go on.' he will only be a copycat, a wannabe. The problem with saying 'Does it even matter?' etc. is big one I think. Because it is a very dangerous position to take. Say nothing matters and just go on living. How well do you think you could do? If nothing matters why are you even talking about conciseness etc. @Flow With Life This is more understandable. @aurum That is really good, thank you. But the problem is, I can count you maybe 100s of people that say, that think they are consciously doing these when in fact they ate just lying to themselves. It is very easy to tell when looked outside if someone is a wannabe or is really doing something for the sake of doing that thing. Like I know some people that say they wanted to play the guitar since they were kids. But I really know them, they wanted to do it only after couple of girls said they liked boys playing the guitar. Even they say it is very _authentic_ to them and literally believe it, it is not and it'd be impossible for them to know because they really believe it. My point is why not the same thing would be true for us? And I think this is a paradox.
  10. No, what? This is exactly what the ego is. So by the way I know about your YouTube channel. For example how authentic do you think your channel is? Almost all of your thumbnails are identical to Leo's. Of course I don't mean to be rude here, not at all. But you channel is more like a copy channel of Leo's. By going your own way this is what I mean; creating something that is independent of what is already done.
  11. @Leo Gura Cuz I know whenever I read Nietsche, what I say looks like his sayings. Whenever I listen to Kurt Cobain my attitude looks like his. Iunno man, I feel like there wouldn't be a way to control this.
  12. @Flow With Life But if what is only meant by this saying is just 'don't believe anything blindly' I think then the people'd choose to say things like that not 'follow your heart' etc. @Leo Gura Believe me I already am not in society and looking at the stars out in the desert. I don't have any social media accounts, not much friends, not going out etc. still struggling with this very hard. @phoenix666 How can you be going your own way imitating someone else man? For sure you wouldn't be same, but you wouldn't be going your own way either.
  13. Allrigh let's say you apply this and the rest for your life. Can't you see the BIG problem here? You are following him, telling yourself you are not following anyone!
  14. I never understand how people can be like that. I mean being that sure of themselves. Especially when it comes to the people that have at least heard of enlightenment. Like are you kidding me? You are being told that your whole life was just an ILLUSION. But now somehow after all you act like a part of it was an illusion which you could never figure out if you were alone, but this part of it is "real as fuck" just as it was real back then when it was an illusion. Are you kidding me? How are you sure you are not literally kidding yourself into something? How are you so sure of what is real and not when you say you have lived in an illusion and have taken it to be real for years once?
  15. We all read Leo's insight on seriousness; which he says that can only arise as a trap of ego and more serious you are more egoic you are.Also he said that any ideology, anything that takes life serious is absolutely WRONG. On the other hand we have Higest Hero's Journey...I mean isn't it DEAD SERIOUS? Isn't this kind of paradoxical or is it just me having trouble to balance the two?
  16. @Paintballer So they wouldn't be any authentic anymore?
  17. @Leo Gura No, lol. I sure can laugh at my own death. I don't understand why people are making it big deal. I mean if you are dead then you wouldn't have anything to worry about. How can 'you'? Because of these paradoxes I can say I didn't start taking any action. Whatever the hell I want to start doing, I see the paradox of it and it makes me 'Maan is that a trap also?' So I have a question to you, should I 'seriously' start seeing my life as Highest Hero's Journey?
  18. If you are a spiritual seeker or having tough times or just into philosophy you have probably heard of Alan Watts and if you didn't I strongly recommend you to listen at least a short talk from him. You would be amazed with his wisdom! So, when he is talking about how one can make oneself a better person he clearly says that this is not possible. He says that especially western people are all out there trying to 'develop' 'improve' themselves when such a thing is not possible at all. "When the one that is going to do the development is the one that needs development; this is just a CIRCLE" he says. What are your thoughts about this view that self development whatsoever is not possible at all?
  19. @DoubleYou So by that the reason that all the problems we are trying to eliminate are here because of the way we are raised? Because if we are missing something that is always here and now the reason we are missing it can not exist naturally and must come with attitude that goes against the nature.
  20. Isn't actually enlightenment craziness/madness? I mean if you think about it properly like 'letting the mind go' etc. these are the basic things that are being said on the path. Even if it can be distinguished from craziness, still isn't there a great risk for going crazy while approaching the techniques?
  21. @Leo Gura You are perfectly right Leo. If Truth looked like Truth to them they'd already be on the path. But at the same time... If any person were to go mad, wouldn't all these things be what he/she'd say? Like think about it. Probably every word would be one of these. This is so paradoxical.
  22. @Leo Gura I started to think this is where surrendering, accepting starts. I mean there is no other way. No person whether he/she says he/she is 1000% percent enlightened could create this thing, this 'I' again. I think this might be the point, where even craziness and madness are accepted.
  23. Well to be clear, I have been on the path myself for almost a year now. And for the last 3 months I have been feeling really strange.The perceiver that we all think to be inside the head, is completely gone. I hear a lot of people talking about this shit, calling it every good thing they know. But I mean this experience is not good for me, not at all. The hardest thing is I can not make myself clear about this because everything I say requires this 'thing' in the body and when I say that I am struggling with its disappearance, nobody seems to be able to make sense out of it. Well this includes 'me' which I am telling that disappeared. Again... Whatever this post was saying simply: What if I'm going crazy?
  24. We are so certain and clear when it comes to free will. Free will does NOT exist, right? It is cool to say this when we are talking about really small things such as 'being mad vs not' etc. but what about when someone kills someone? Or when someone rapes someone? What happens this person looks at you and says 'Bro I did those and I don't care, cause there is no free-will.' like what the heck? Saying there is no free-will leads to this and I think this is so retarded.