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Everything posted by RichardY

  1. @SidBySide The intensive farming, fishing etc. Is only happening because people for the most part, as people live in overpopulated cities. And land ownership is concentrated with a small proportion of the country. The thing is, "necessity being the mother of invention" is a lie. Along with the rest of Plato's Republic. A reason immigration into the US and especially the UK is totally insane. Is that arable land per person is 1 acre in the USA. 0.22 Acres in the UK. An acre of land in the past, 'could' feed a family of 8 on potatoes in Ireland.....Add to that soil depletion, and any number of things that can go wrong. I did some backpacking in BC and Alberta years a go. So heard about the over-fishing from a local person firsthand, on Vancouver Island. Plus the water looked devoid of life. The problem is as people form into gangs, both political and workers. It makes things more difficult for individuals, when it's 2 against 1. Forming a more powerful gang is not going to work as a strategy for survival of humanity, as they fight over resources. A Positive Feedback loop, possibly out of control.
  2. I, look for an end.
  3. @Gnostic Christian Bishop George Berkeley. Gets rid of the whole notion of materialism, all together. "To be, is to be Perceived." However this totally destroys the whole point of Christianity, from the point of forgiveness and salvation. I do believe though it has relevance as far as egregores go. Bishop Berkeley's philosophy has been explored in the movie Cloud Atlas. Matter exists... and that it exists as Bounded and Unbounded, in the form of telesis(teleology) or perhaps "strings". Mind = Matter. I figure, I might as well try and max out the meaning of language to me; depending on a person's metaphysics or lack thereof, various words have no meaning, or make no sense.
  4. @Gnostic Christian The way I see it, is that there is one-'supreme being.' That is divine, and provides a role-model for salvation. Basically, Jesus Christ. Monarchianism(Sabbelism). One Supreme atemporal Being. 3 indistinct Aspects of God. The Father(Time/Telesis), The Son(Object), The HolySpirit(Space or unbound-potential). Trinitarianism. 3 distinct persons of the God head.
  5. Conservatism is total Garbage. It's about monopolising natural resources and the apparatus of the state, to externalise costs. I'd prefer Whigism. But they lost any major political force, when they dissolved into the Abolitionist movement in the USA pre-civil war and were replaced by The Republican Party. And in the UK post WW1 when women received suffrage, and their voting base was large killed. They did dominate in the Victorian era as the Whigs & Liberal Party, and under George II. If any President is that bad, there should be pistol duels, by members of the Senate, at least. Any judiciary can be co-opted by powers, both foreign and domestic.
  6. @Daffcio Nonduality Acceptance of death Nihilistic point of view Point of life Unconditional love "KOTOR 2." & "Dishonored."Ticks all of the points. "Metro 2033". Sort of does as well. "Metal Gear Solid" on the PSX if going more retro. As a cult conspiracy classic I liked the first Deus Ex Game. The whole thing is a conspiracy, the intro & the cover on the game. And the endings. There's certain choices in the game that alter the story arc slightly, that are interesting. It's funny that most people aren't even aware of it on YouTube, videos of it. "Warcraft II" probably impaired my spiritual growth.
  7. Burn baby burn, Disco Inferno! Back when I was in Nam, (9 months a go) I remember the tour guide saying the Vietnamese president at the time was shot and bled to death, within reach of the American embassy. Got to fire an M16 that was left behind on a tunnel tour. A cartridge casing went down my dad back, at the shooting range, made him jump a bit. I suppose this is something else though.
  8. The flip side of Libertarianism would be Authoritarianism. Socialist = Empiricist. Capitalist = Rationalist. Right Libertarianism. Patriarch. Left Libertarianism. Matriarch. Left Authoritarian. Despot. Right Authoritarian. Dictator. Left & Right Libertarianism. Spiritual Leader. Right & Left Authoritarianism. The Fuhrer(Father) Principle. Centre Elitism.
  9. @Bodigger No, I think a "Land Value Tax"(including the ocean, natural resources), on unimproved land. Is a way to go. Was thinking about company shares, as opposed to dividend payments as shown by the Alaskan state example. A Land Value "tax" is simpler, however. Socialise Land, but keep improvements privately owned. The value of land is derived from the community, and not the landlord. If the improvements are socialised as well, voluntarily, then you have communism. Less than 1% of the population of the UK and USA own nearly half the land. Any improvements people make, are consumed as a whole by a rentier class.
  10. @Revolutionary Think Saw that video, a while a go. With consciousness being primary, "taxing" the machines doesn't really work. Issuing "shares" as a UBI is a possibility.
  11. That is a terrible way of having UBI, paying a 'dividend'. Even if it's now popular. That's the sort of thing that'll lead to even more over fishing, and increasing oil production. If it was changed to issuing 'shares', that would be better, the people then have a stake in the resources. There's lots of abandoned gold and silver mining towns dotted all over the Midwest, one particular town "Victor, Colorado" from nearly 20,000 residents to a few hundred, when Gold was nationalised. So it's not like resources aren't available, the issue isn't with who owns them, but with how they are managed. It is a shame that Laisse Faire Capitalism, evolves into monopoly capitalism.(perhaps with deeper metaphysical concerns). The problem is when the fundamental assets are owned by a small number of people, or chokepoints controlled in a monopolistic fashion. (eg. Land Trusts and Banking) . With cashless societies developing controlled by a few monopoly capitalists (or the government), coupled with negative interests rate that sucking sound is a possibility.
  12. Blood. Not all plants need sunlight to grow, and Grapes need boron in the soil.
  13. I could see how that would be difficult, or impossible. War is doublethink.
  14. Unless the great man is some other guy. The quote I could find on google is attributed to Ross Perot. Who was against NAFTA, North American Free Trade Association.
  15. @Preety_India Christ is "The Archetype of the Self." (The Son of Man). There is only 1 Christ. Mark 10:40 But to sit on my right hand and on my left hand is not mine to give; but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared. "The best of men cannot suspend their fate: The good die early, and the bad die late." - Daniel Defoe.
  16. There's "States" in socialism(Empirical) and "Estates" in Capitalism(Rational). Communism has no state. What I'm suggesting is a Manorial system. So there's a more even distribution of power. Without mass marketing, there can be no Capitalism, a unit of World currency takes over. In the past Gold and Silver. For now the dollar. Would be like originally purchasing land and goods from Ameri-indians, With gold nuggets, lying around for firewater and firearms. If the community is stable it isn't a problem. A manorial system Paid for upfront in blood or compassion, as opposed to in arrears. The kingdom of God is not in word, but in Power.
  17. @Bodigger The "Homesteading Principle" loses it's meaning, when all fundamental assets are owned. Either directly, or indirectly through rentier classes. The board is sold. If based on "economic activity" collecting £200 for passing Go, as UBI makes no difference as a whole. If based on economic activity all that will happen is "rent seeking". The Landlords game or Monopoly. Plus the cost of the bankers fee. If the fundamental assets are redistributed. To base existence level, then people are not dependent on the Government or Corporations. Making possible cooperatives. 1% owning 40%+ of the worlds wealth, let alone, base assets hidden in shell companies. I find it hard to believe they're just that good. Given modern computing technology, management, laws regulation, patents etc. Where is the original creativity? The government does a good job at killing or neutralising people, it should retain that position, only. Socialism, would be state owned assets. Railways, Trains, Hospitals, Oil & Mineral Wealth. Communism, the abolition of private property. It's either Communism or Distributivism. Capitalism and Socialism are false Dichotomies.
  18. @Revolutionary Think An average land value per acre can be worked out per state(based on capital resources, reservoirs, mineral wealth etc), so people would move to areas that can best sustain the population. Whether it's converted to cash or direct local land grants, it would be pegging the UBI to something and not by arbitrary dictate. The point is redistributing the assets and not the produce, or economic activity. So that people adapt to the environment. If a UBI linked to fundamental assets, is used as cash for expenditure on consumption goods, it's does not fundamentally affect the assets of the country or region long term.
  19. UBI should be set to Assets, like land so it varies according to the population. If it's set to economic activity, that can lead to an over exploitation of resources. Depleting agricultural land, aquifers, oil, and fisheries. Whether a welfare state, UBI or combo, better to tax and redistribute, the fundamental assets as opposed to the production from those assets.
  20. Kill the ant, don't kill the ant. Set the whole nest on fire with a can of deodorant as a makeshift flamethrower or buy an Elon musk one.(discretion advised) God will generally forgive, unless you're a Jain, which kind of rules that out, being your own God.
  21. @Aeris I thought it was odd Aldous Huxley, JFK and C.S Lewis all died on the same day. I haven't read or listened to "The perennial philosophy", but I did listen to "Brave New World" on Audible a while a go. 1984 was better written as a novel, although Brave New World is somewhat darker.