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About Lou7

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  1. Greetings. It's not a major issue, but for some time I've been having a little bit of number synchronicity - noticing certain number sequences like 1337 1111 911 etc., occuring in different places - clock, invoice number, views on YT etc. The main thing that bothers me is everytime I see 911 certain circuit fires in my brain to have slight 'I have a bad feeling about this' moment. How do I make it go away? My best guess is it will just fall off and fade after some time. yeah... that's that...
  2. Just artistic ones? Or do they have any meaning?
  3. This is just going to be a simple question; when we sometimes see Leo sitting on the couch in the "Blog" section, there are 3 shelves above his head - and I'm just curious what are those shapes placed on them, because it looks like 666.
  4. Lower consciousness insurance salesman - at least I can be nice to people and tell jokes instead of being mean like a lot of people in my office.
  5. I don't think there is a right category for this question so I'm gonna try it here: Let's say that that you are born in a suburban district of a very poor european country. You managed to move out of your parents' hourse, you work at whatever job to get by and all you own is a small room with a laptop and internet access. You live on minimal means, you have a basic level of education, you're healthy and you know about meditation so you're emotionally stable and happy without much. What would be your steps to get enough money to move into another country permanently and land a decent job in it? You have a lot of time on your hands and unlimited willpower and drive.
  6. I got 2 words for you: ri-ce. And also pasta. I'm switching between those 2 (actually all types of them) and add some some ingredients to them like tuna, frozen vegetables, raw vegetables, cheese, all kinds of sauces and rarely some chicken.
  7. @GirzoGoadupa - it takes place in the south-east corner of Poland, in really beatiful fairy-tale like scenery - the main stage is on a mountain and the camp site is in a valley below it, then again surrounded by mountains. Also there are forests on the other side of the 'main mountain' which are filled with variety of art and all sorts of minor stages with chill music and zen-garden like areas. I happen to take few photos of the view standing near the main stage the morning after the main event (they're too big to post directly), enjoy: http://imgur.com/HsMjhEF http://imgur.com/DeEn1v5 http://imgur.com/hU2pDen
  8. Hey guys I've recently been to a psychedelic themed festival in Poland, I got some pretty interesting experiences which I'm not gonna get into here (some of them enlightenment related, some insights into reality, some trippy stuff) and I've been wondering afterwards what are your opinions on such festivals? There are tons of spiritual people there, high consciousness stuff, creativity, nature, experiencing life as it 'suppose' to be - in primal ways. The mass dancing like this is really a unique experience and a terapeutic one. I just want to hear some thoughts on this topic (Leo's too if possible ).
  9. I have the problem with nailing my 'one thing' whenever I say to myself "now I've got it" suddenly other opportunities come up and I'm juggling like 2/3 things at a time, then after some time my laser focus comes to one, I do that for some time... and bang, here we go again new passion. Let's say recently - I really got into programming and then suddenly without much intention I started to write poetry for myself. Altough I was always fascinated with the concept of being a master in 1 thing I see now that my position is not so bad because over my lifetime I get expertise in a topic and then move to another - the only thing I see I'm behind in life is social life but it stopped bothering me, I don't need recognition, I'm at peace with soltitude or perhaps my environment just don't have that many interesting people.
  10. Altough there might be some ego in 'competing with others' and fact that 'It doesn't do the world any good' don't forget the part that when you compete you can inspire others by your discipline and drive.
  11. It's only my advice so take it with caution: Follow the image that you have of him in your mind if you're finding it resourceful and go with that for as long as you will start to notice some aspects that are backfiring or things that are causing problems in your case, then adjust to them - tinker, modify and again go along with a new version. Rinse. Repeat. You won't be betraying yourself because even if you don't want it your version of him will be modified by your circumstances.
  12. Not sure if I should post it here or in philosophy (in words of Alan Watts 'does it matter?' hehe) but here goes: Today at my job (I'm a bike courier) I was wondering about a lot of topics but the main thing that kept bogging me was the subject of creativity. How does one know what will boost his creativity? I know a few highly creative people who scroll through a lot of memes, even though I consider it somewhat mindless activity they seem to get away with it pretty good (I know all of our brains are wired different but well...). While observing my mind and moments when I got mine brilliant ideas of connecting different areas of interests and passions, it seems like painful thought process on a brink of depression is my thing - I don't know if you have those but I'm talking about a point when you think about something so hard again and again that your body is physically getting tired, you get problems breathing and genereally it becomes like you're trapped in a shell that's slowed down by thoughts. I feel like fueling creativity is a little bit like rolling a dice - you can't really know what will inspire you. Of course meditation worked for me before and it's obvious choice for inspiration but what about doing generally less throughout the day - do you have to be mindful in your actions or think about let's say problem X while doing the dishes? What are your thoughts on this guys? Do you plan to be inspired and go for a certain activity? Do you consciously think about getting inspired while doing it? Do you set a goal/topic to get inspired in or you let the ideas flow?
  13. I got split between 2 roads: 1) academic way of studying the mind - going through psychology to neuroscience 2) merging my interests into something new and unique but to start it I need a 9 to 5 and to get it I decided to learn programming for a few hours a day I've already made my decision to follow my dream and to value creativity over success inside the system. The point is everyday like 2-3 times a day I stop for like 5-10min to wonder what it would be like to go the other path - I feel like we're in times of progress in that field - brain studying, neural correlates of consciousness and I imagine myself doing that discovery (I know - ego) and that moment being totally mystical and magical. What should I do with it? Should I follow those thoughts and just wonder untill it stops after some time or should I follow some neuroscience news Facebook page to stay up to date to quench my thirst about some new discovery? What do you guys advise? Maybe some book about letting go. I feel really guilty to listen to those thoughts especially when I'm doing something productive when they come - it really pisses me off.
  14. The Fountain - I'm very emotionally connected to this movie because I watched it like 2 days after my first not-sure-if-enlightenment experience.