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Everything posted by Girzo

  1. That's crazy pricing. I have paid $40 for Tycho's concert. I would much rather do that again, than pay $100 for some random club in Vegas with some shitty DJ's playlist.
  2. I hear this everytime I read about rats on the blog. Rats
  3. It's required to sustain the results of your last 200 hrs retreat until the next one. It's not as beneficial if it's the only thing you are doing. If you have 1-2 hrs I think it's better to do yoga, because you can still the mind but also work the body.
  4. This is a very bad point. I wouldn’t want to live in rural Tibet even 100 years ago, where I could have gotten easily robbed or raped. Simple rural people burn forests to create a little bit of farmland. That and there are many other problems with this point.
  5. DMT is all about the dose. The problem is, when you dose high enough, it’s almost always a different type of high? I don’t remember ever getting two similar high dose experiences, and I don’t mean that in terms of contents, but also „structure.” I crave going back to a „fractal of pure beauty” but cannot find it anymore, only once randomly, on a random meadow, looking at random grass, eh… The most popular motif for me is black void, some crazy stuff happens in it, but still emptiness in the background dominate. Even if a crazy casino carnival type of thing is happening, it’s an experience painted on a black void. The void breaks into colors like lava starting to move or cells of a green leaf growing. When I experience God, then I am the void and I get twisted like a table cloth into the „shape of God.”
  6. Because those countries had had that episode, but already outgrew it. In Poland, between around 1500-1800 polish nobility had believed that they are descendants of ancient Sarmatians, powerful conquerors. I think that if one were to dig, they would find similiar stories in each and every of the countries you have mentioned.
  7. @Leo Gura The metamodernism guys, Daniel Görtz and his friends, that's Yellow for sure. And quite a bit of business people Laloux writes about in "Reinventing Organizations" seems solid Yellow, for example Patagonia's founder Yvon Chouinard.
  8. @Nemra In my country there are actually quite a few good contemplative Christian monasteries you can go ona a retreat to. Although, they require payment upfront, Buddhist retreats, like Goenka's Vipassana are often gift-economy based, as in pay now what you can, support us long-term or help with cleaning and cooking on the next retreats. Christians are more conventional and offer a clear-cut service.
  9. Based. I send love to Martin Ball.
  10. Thanks God I deviate slightly to the autistic side and that's exactly what I dig. I can eat curry everday for 30 years. Love and relationship success awaits me!
  11. I have always heard from people with autoimmune disorders that psychedelics are taxing for them. I've never had an oppurtunity to discuss the issue as to why exactly, sadly. Me, as a person with allergies, I benefit greatly from psychedelics. LSD downregulates the whole histamine system, I can get bitten by giant flies on a trip with no reaction, while normally I would have a rash on half of my upper leg. Hay fever also goes away, but only for a few hours, less, than the whole trip lasts, but there's zero allergy at the peak, so that's important, I can have a peak experience on a beauftiful meadow even in the middle of a summer.
  12. Owen is a predator marketer first who just stumbled upon dating niche and then saw it’s profitable. He is an expert in dating second. It’s not a story of an expert who successfully marketed his services, it’s a story of a marketer who took a persona of an expert, because why not, why would I share profits with someone else, when I can promote their materials AND then promote myself too, getting 100% of profit for myself and at least 50% of profit of all his pua partners.
  13. Owen has been a sleazy salesman from day one. Why would anyone bother with him is beyond me. I remember even Blue/Orange pick-up artists having a low opinion of him back in 2014 or something. Much healthier sources of advice out there. He is so popular because he is corrupt and always has been.
  14. A funny thing is, like no-one ever made a self-sustaining mini biome even here on Earth, much less in outer space. Have you ever read about Bioshpere 2? One of the engineers from that project is the publisher for Alexander Shulgin's PiHKAL book.
  15. Guys, I am just gonna write something and show you how good lyrics work, give me a few days. Then you can take it and try to generate a good song based on that.
  16. It's still music, a cultural product. Lyrics should contain real-world observation, and also paint pictures. Like, you can make some cool lyrics about diamond web to illustrate infinity, and you can use metaphors to tell how you are tangled in the strings of that infinite web and you are not sure anymore who's guiding who, are you the one who moves the strings or do the strings move you? Write a picture of hanging on the string in the infinite black void, that ain't cold, that ain't warm. Do you get what I mean? If there's no story, no commentary with already existing concepts, themes, then there's nothing interesting. And you can add layers, use the clear metaphysical description of some spiritual concept in one verse and then everyday story in another, and both of them progress simultaneously through the song, the deeper the description, the more clear this concept's relation with THIS moment shows up. I could write such lyrics with the help of AI tools, but I would never give credit for that to AI. I am the one who would have to bear the whole creative process, AI can just give you rhyme ideas or connect verses you have already written, so they flow together. Polishing stuff, not the main chopping out of the text. It's just not creative in a cool way that you need to create a successful cultural product. You need that cool-factor. AI's not cool.
  17. The AI lyrics are too in your face. Too straightforward. Where's the poetry and double-meanings and all the cool stuff? It's good as a starting material for an actual writer to write lyrics based on it. The AI lyrics are like a description about what the song could be but are not ready-made lyrics that can be put into a song. They just suck. And the vocals suck too. Can you export the individual audio tracks from this Suno app and fix them in audio editing software?
  18. Sounds juicy, what platforms are they streaming on?
  19. Says man who puts totally mediocre chillstep and pop tunes in his ultimate music playlists Please, listen to some proper rock sometimes
  20. That gives you a right to break previous international agreements and do a military invasion? There are reasons why Russia gave up Crimea to Ukraine when breaking up CCCP. You tell people to not be lazy, but you don't take your own medicine, because I bet you can't name a single reason why did Crimea end up within Ukrainian borders in the first place. Also using such arguments for Donbass is even worse, because minority Russsian is not even a majority, and even if you are of Russian ethnicity that doesn't mean you automatically want to live wihtin Russia's border. You want a deeper answer then string togehter a proper argument. Etc is lazy and not an argument, I still am not sure what is your argument exactly and why are posting Sachs again and again. I like his books, but what does his talk have to do with the fact that Russia is the agressor. The whole reason for the war is "How dare you my slave be pro-European?" The NATO expansion line of thought is an interesting idea when you first hear it, but in the end it's an over-intelectualized approach, as there are way more down to earth explanations for the start of war.
  21. @Breakingthewall I have listened to that Sachs' speech. You need to pin-point exact arguments you want to discuss. It's not clear at all in what context you are replying with that video to my comment.
  22. The fuck what? Ukrainians had pro-European democratic protests for fair elections. Then Russia got mad they can't control them politically so they invaded Crimea and since then only expanded their aggression. The only reason there's still war is because Putin over-estimated Russia's ability to take over the country over-night. There's a clear one-sided history of aggression. Ukraine gets nothing out of these conflicts. The best for Ukraine would be to still control all its territory, have non-destroyed cities and earn money for transit of gas and goods from Russia to Europe. Thus it's clear they had no point in starting anything. It's Russia who wants to control the sea and be in a better position to bully the EU. And it's Putin who has fucked up and is too afraid to pull out of this war because of a fear of losing power due to backlash from that failed venture.
  23. Polish military press releases. I trust my generals over some jerks with names like McGregor or Blinken. Your name doesn't end with - ski or -wicz? Get the fuck off my ears, that's my policy. No, but really, stupid Americans that have no skin in the game, I wouldn't trust them. Anyone who says don't listen to mainstream media is a red flag. Listen to mainstream, but check their sources. Anti-mainstream is more often mental cancer than not.
  24. Right now Russia is advancing, but slower and slower every month. They still control less territory than they did in 2022, and still can't get Ukraininans out of Kursk. Check your info before posting. Far from winning in my opinion. Both sides throw painful drone attacks at each other, in addition.
  25. I would look for someone on the edge of conventional and unconventional medicine. For example a physiotherapist/osteopath who specializes in urology. They are more open-minded and care more about solving mysteries like this than the doctors, because doctors just use a boilerplate protocol for 10 minutes and then pocket the money. With physiotherapist you will get an hour long consultation in the proce of 15 minutes with a doctor and the experienced physiotherapists can have really impressive knowledge on the topic. They will also know doctors they can recommend whom would take you seriously and not just prescribe viagra.