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Everything posted by Girzo

  1. Yes, YT changes your rates depending on you audience's origin, language, etc. Not everyone has the same reach. Ask this type of question on YouTube forums, not here. Or Google it.
  2. @moon777light No, no, that won't fly, only if you are super-attractive. I am bad at flirting with new people, too, but with someone you know it's much easier. Imagine you sit with some guy at the table and you just go like: "Hey Daniel, you know, I think you are cute. But don't think anything!". It works even better if you are shy and don't hold eye-contact. He might say something like: "Um, thanks - I think you are kinda cute too, anyways... blah blah." Let him continue conversation, or if he said just thanks, then ask him a question to avoid awkward silence. For example: "What are your plans for today?", ask it with a non-caring voice, like you are not interested, just asking from boredom. He asks: "What do YOU do today?", "Erm, nothing." You know, give him that chance to even ask you, let him notice you may be interested in him, that you are an option. And I know, what I am giving you here might be a totally bad advice, but the point is to try and test out new things. Ditch the useless methods, use the working ones. Moon, if I had to guess what your main sticking point is, I would say it's an inability to establish a male-female kind of polarity. All the guys you know probably see you as a friend, that's why they don't ask you even when you give them subtle signals. To move everything towards the right direction you can ask a guy what he likes in girls. You know, you have to steer that conversation towards sex a little bit. Be playful and honest, he will appreciate. @RichardY That sounds like a great idea. If that had happened to me I would be very surprised and happy that I was the one who was asked, even if I knew it was all random knocking. It would be a very clear male-female type of relation from the beggining. Not a friend-friend one that kills all the attraction.
  3. I will agree that age is the major obstacle there. You don't really need psychedelics now, they are a red-herring, because you have still a lot of other important work to do at that age. I am only 20, but a difference those 4 years of growing and self-actualization made in me is HUGE. Stick to practices, like Yoga, which rocks or finding life purpose or pick up, whatever you like. If you take psychedelics now, you will end up worrying if you have fucked up your body and mind or not. It's not worth it. There's no need to rush that thing. Life is a long-term game.
  4. You CAN start to flirt, too. Just saying. Make sure guy you are hitting on doesn't have the girlfriend at the moment (50/50 chance, don't get discouraged) and go. If he's a worthwhile candidate, he will get that you are interested in him and start leading from there. It's different in every country. Spaniards are very open and easy-going. In Poland it's a little bit different, people are more reserved and rarely flirt outside a party, but still are really open sexually. And I have heard that dating scene is a living hell in Denmark, so it really depends on where you live. I assume that in most of the eastern countries it will be similar to Poland. People sometimes hook up for a night or two, but most of the time you have to be in a relationship if you want to have sex. Many guys won't date you not because they don't find you attractive, but because they are simply afraid of being pressured into a relationship they don't like. Go party with your friends, if you don't have any make some, find a guy you like and seduce him, you know how to do it, every one knows how to. You just need to relax and let it happen by itself. But being a little bit of a strategic motherfucker won't hurt too. So you can plan ahead: How will you leave your friends with this guy? Where will you go, to your place? You can tidy it up in advance. How will you get there? Etc. I am 20, male, virgin, and totally understand your pain.
  5. Dense feeling in my frontal lobe, compared to lightness when meditatitating. Fuzzy thinking, no audible thoughts, no insight other than, when I thought meta about this exercise, then immediately my mind went "This exercise include also that kind of thoughts" and silenced it for the rest of the duration of the task.
  6. In my experience that's a non-existent problem. I would say it's quite the opposite. I feel love the most when there's no boundary between me and the loved one, when we feel as one. So feeling as one with the whole Reality would open the gates for love wider than anything else imagined. Relationship is trying to become one with some obstacles still left. Ideal relationship is no relationship, that means becoming one.
  7. Codecademy used to be a free one. Build a following releasing a "free" unpolished product, then sell the finished version, great marketing tactic. If someone is really keen on starting a path of becoming programmer, then after you have finished your courses, you can get some first experience doing real projects for people on Fiverr and Upwork. But don't expect a high salary there, unless you know what you are doing. And if someone is undecided on whether it's a good idea, or a not-so-good one, to become a coder, then I recommend reading discussions on fastlane forum, they are goldmine of practical infromation and concepts:
  8. Something would happen. You need to wait for some enlightened teacher to take 5-MeO to know what exactly. If you are asking if 5-MeO brings you an everyday experience of a spiritual master, then it does not.
  9. @Akim They. I am a Catholic. The problem with all those noble ideas is that almost no-one in the Church practices them. People get lost in the world of concepts thinking about, instead of embodying them. But even that would be good. I can assure you that most Catholics won't even tell you all the virtues, not to say their components. They don't care. "Bible is right. Pope is right. But I don't even know what they talk about."
  10. @Akim You need a certain level of open-mindedness for discussion to work. Talking with highly dogmatic people about any topic other than becoming more open-minded is pointless. All your words will fall on deaf ears.
  11. @SFRL Oh yeah, Spiral Dynamics, people like this concept. Discussed it a lot with friends. Everyone thinks that they are Yellow or something at first. You need to crush them with arguments so they acknowledge they are only Orange or Blue. They become humble for a moment and then start to protect their color and say that it's not bad to be at that stage and they don't need to advance as they have everything that matters for them.
  12. @MM1988 The dose and intention is the key when it comes to LSD. If he was on a very low dose, then no wonder in his opinion it only amplifies colors.
  13. Those two sentences describe the same thing, really.
  14. It's actually a good piece of self-help advice. I am actually surprised with this Julien guy. This video has anything to do with non-duality, but that's not a problem of this guy, but a viewer who would like to get a superhealthy vegan burger at McDonald's. The same word can have a different meaning in a different context, burger (Ego concept) at the hipster restaurant is not the same thing as burger at the fast-food.
  15. @moon777light It's hard to reach everyone and make them take part in a poll. I bet that Leo has fairly good statistics of his audience directly from YouTube or other marketing tools and will base his decisions on that. He can probaly see who visits the website/buys products/donates on PayPal the most, too. So don't you worry about that! He will know were to go first.
  16. The only person I can talk about it freely in person is my mother. She is materialistic, but open-minded neverteless, I remember talking with her when I was a kid about possibility of aliens and magnitude of cosmos. Now we have a talk about non-duality from time to time, mainly because my parents see me meditating, watching Sadhguru/Leo, they know what books I read, they see I am cleaning my diet, etc.
  17. What about deviated septum? My right nostril has around 60% efficency of the left nostril. I wonder, while doing Nadi Sodhana I should put more effort to match time of exhalation and inhalation on those two nostrils to say for example 8 seconds, or put the same amount of effort on both and inhale/exhale through left for 6 seconds and through right 10 seconds. My intuition tells me the first option would be better, but I am not sure.
  18. @phoenix666 If you have results from other practices and don't feel like it's a wasted time then keep on doing them. The point is to cut the ineffective one's. BTW, your post is kind of mental masturbation. Go test Kriya and then compare if your previous techniques were really that effective.
  19. It's highly controversial. Non-duality can be misunderstood, especially by suicidal people, resulting in even more damage. My deepest realization to this moment was when driving a car. I was intensly focused on the road and my thoughts had wandered for a second towards metaphysical question, then I saw that all is nothing and never existed. It was very positive, but to be honest, if there was a road accident going to happen then I probably wouldn't fight for my life, I would simply let it be. That's how powerful this realization is. I think it may be the same for depressed people. If they are already on the brink of commiting suicide, then Enlightment experience might be just a green light for that, with very high possibility of killing themselves during the trip. I don't know for sure, I am just guessing. So, maybe not 5-MeO, but low dose of AL-LAD would be more suitable?
  20. Man, you know nothing about money, it's clear from your responses. Read "The Millionaire Fastlane" or something similar to get to know the basics. I am for the car idea and other alternative lifestyles, but it's not as easy as you think and you need to manage money even better than when renting a flat. Check out, maybe it's something for you. Volounteering, you can discover many new different things this way.
  21. It doesn't matter. The sentence is correct, because there is a corellation between what you experience and electrical signals in a pink blob called the brain. You only make a mistake when you are trying to deduct existence of objective reality based on that fact.
  22. On medium to high doses there is a lot of stuff happening with your cardiovascular system. You can start to loose feeling in some parts of the body. Some little vein can pop, for example in a tongue, which hurts a lot and creates a taste of blood. Your heart can start beating really fast. You can have problems with catching breath. You can feel all kinds of painful sensations in your head. Don't freak out when you start to experience that kind of stuff. If you take known substance in amounts considered normal by psychedelic community, then you are safe. Problems start when you take the wrong substance, for example DOB mislabeled as 4-AcO-DMT, then you can take a ludicrous dose of one substance, that would be considered normal for the another. Other common mistakes are taking NBOMEs, thinking they are LSD or thinking that if new substance you have has similar name, then the dosage will be similar too, that's not true.
  23. I second that it has nothing to do with dark room retreat. If it's really 300ug then you are in for some really interesting and intense open-eye visuals. Please, tell us how it went after you trip, I am curious. I bet that you will want to leave the room after few hours into the trip, but who knows what will really happen.
  24. I desire relatonship and consider myself a happy person at the moment. So while craving for happiness is a factor for some people to get into relationships, I think there are other forces at play there, that decide whether you want it or not. Like, it's whole new field to explore and it's exciting.
  25. Changes are for sure permanent, which is CRAZY at first. You start wondering if you are not getting insane. I know it's a goal of every self-actualization technique is to make a change in life, but no method I know does it so radically and fast as psychedelics, which is scary. For example, in the beginning I didn't even know what a mind without verbal thoughts is. It was mind-shattering and so joyful to discover Eckhart Tolle's works and notice gap between thoughts for the first time. I could only notice it for a few seconds at first. Now after few months of tripping I can sit in no-mind state for long minutes and sometimes I become aware of things I couldn't have imagined back then. Reality feels mysterious and magical now, before, I have thought I have figured it all out. I have became so much grounded, the way I walk has changed automatically into something more balanced. I am starting to feel deeply connected to my feelings, I have been detached before. I have got many juicy insights from my tripping that became incorporated into my everyday life and meditation habit. I have discovered completly new ways of thinking and accessing reality, unspeakable. Improving my diet became effortless to some extent, junk food simply started to taste terrible. Few tips for fruit-bearing psychedelics practice: do it once a month, baby step your doses, be in your best condotion - mentally and physically. I feel like the longer the period inbetween the trips, the more juice you can get out of it. Going too fast makes your insights half-baked, because you don't really have time to incorporate them into your life. That's why I don't recommend doing them every two weeks, even though the substance would work as it's meant to be. I feel often like some parts of the last trip echo in my life. It likes to loop and repeat. If the trip was weird, I might be weirder than usual for a few weeks. If it was loving, I will be extremly open and warm-hearted towards people. You get the point. For me classical psychedelics like LSD or shrooms push towards one direction - it's called AUTHENTICITY. Really, these substances show you what you are at your core.