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Everything posted by Girzo

  1. Solutions to fix climate change. Work on legalization and research of psychedelics worldwide. Reform the schooling system. Fix infrastructure crisis in many parts of the world (including the USA). Find a way to improve food quality and people's diets in order to fight cancer, heart diseases, etc. Basically, any niche you choose in life, there's something that seems totally misguided, waiting for a fix.
  2. @John Iverson Are you doing Kriya? Write down your schedule. I would say don't drop your practice. Just do something simple like Nadi Sodhana + Concentration until you feel better. Unlesss you are really sick, like when you have to see a doctor, then switch to some kind of insight meditation. It probably has little to do with Yoga, more with the fact that you are still growing up and environmental factors.
  3. @peanutspathtotruth, some clearnet vendor says they already have synthesis done.
  4. I have broken-through on 70 mg Miprocin (which I don't recommend, it's twice the heavy dose), so it's for sure possible on other substances. DPT in dosage range between 80-120 mg also seems able to produce a psychedelic samadhi. Although, it comes with the price, bodyload is heaviest of all psychedlics I have known and it's quite unpredictable. LSD will be your safest bet. P.S. 5-MeO-DMT will be finally available soon, in a month or two, so if really want it, you can wait.
  5. You need to dive into books. This one is good: Here are some free resources:
  6. Today I have found a cool non-mainstream medical channel. Teaches prevention and corection of crooked teeth and associated disorders. I am already sold on the idea, as it might be beneficial to Kriya Yoga practice. (Sucction hold described on this channel is basicaly the same thing as Talabya Kriya.) The cost of starting these good practices is also very low.
  7. Vipassana retreats and daily Kriya Yoga. It willl unwire your habits completly over-time. .
  8. Yup, pickled cucumbers work.
  9. Just do it. Don't plan anything, it won't work out. Find a quiet place, take a blanket, prepare some cool music. For the first trip I recommend letting go of everything and closing your eyes.
  10. You don't need any advice for that. You trip, you get creative. You also don't need microdosing. Trip on low or commmon dose and you will be able to contemplate, do art, whatever you want. As for the suitable substance I would pick any of these: LSD (or AL-LAD), Shrooms (or 4-AcO-DMT, 4-HO-MET, 4-HO-MiPT). Bolded are less spiritual. Wish you a pleasant experience!
  11. Green is so cool. It's like a soothing nectar for all the wounds created by stage Orange madness. Be patient. You will like Green when you get there, now you are Orange, not Yellow. These are unmistakebly different stages.
  12. @Mikael89 You are right that you don't have to focus on self-development while aiming for Enlightenment. But, I want to point that there are paths to Truth that will teach you discipline, morality and cure nerosis as a side-effect. Doing two 10-day Vipassana retreats will put you in place where all your insecurities about girls or money or anything really are non-issue. Probably. We are all different as you say, so I can't give you 100% warranty, but I am ok with 90% one. If you are serious about Enlightenment, then you have to try Vipassana, it's free.
  13. Has it really? It took 2 minutes of Googling to find this study: Looks like psi is nowhere near being debunked. More like being proved more and more over time.
  14. You need to have something initially. Like shelter from your parents, a car, or experience in some field. There are many freelance jobs that one can take, or low-entry bussiness ideas like carpet cleaning. These often tend to become a wage-slavery, but at least teach you something more than working typical 9-5 job.
  15. Some foods can't be eaten raw. Some gain nutrients from cooking. It's not that simple. If you burn a lot of calories, for example by riding 100 km on a bicycle, then french fries can't do you harm, only good. When you don't need these additional calories, then I would say stay away, there's no more benefit in frying than extra energy and taste, but there are some serious downsides, like creation of toxic side-products.
  16. There is a lot of scenarios where one can avoid becoming a wage slave. The thing is no one knows you enough to tell which option will be applicable for you. You need to be resourceful. Having a full-time, draining job and working on life purpose as a side task is actually harder than hustling, living on potatoes and putting all efforts in developing LP. It is possible, but harder.
  17. How much strong determination sitting? Between 1.5-3 hours daily? Around a month I think for very noticable results. Below 1 hour a day? Then I think there will be no results for a long time. But I am no specialist in strong determination so take my words with a grain of salt.
  18. I wanted to write a report, but I see I don't need to, because it would be so similar, it's funny. I am too after my first 10 day course. How soon are you planning to go on a next retreat, if at all?
  19. Do you want to be employed, or start your own bussiness?
  20. Why not test both? If you can only buy one then I vouch for 4-AcO-DMT, because it acts shorter and due to that is more versatile. It's not by any means weaker or more "relaxed". It all depends on a dose. Both are great really. It's like choosing Rolls Royce vs Bentley.
  21. When you do sports, your concetration is goal-oriented. In Yoga you have no goals, you just observe what is. You watch experiences coming by and passing away, gaining direct wisdom about how reality works. Concentration for survival vs. concentration for the sake of concentration, that's the difference, I think.
  22. It's impossible not to attract at least one decent guy throughout your whole life. If your looks are the issue, then learn how to do make up better, gain/loose weight to get healtier appearance, etc. If your personality is the problem, then just stick to self-development and work on the issues. Maybe you are not meeting enough single guys for attraction to happen? Solution then would be to start going out more.