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Everything posted by Girzo

  1. @Outer I have an outsider friend who was smoking weed and getting only A's in school, but he has dropped weed after a year or two (14-16), because it had an overall negative impact on his life. He now excels at an university (25). So, yeah, based on that it seems like weed is not causing irreversible damage to cognitive skills, but it's also not helping to develop them either.
  2. The only danger of psychedlics I really care about is their potential cardiotoxicity in long-term, regular use. Psilocybin is probably not so good for your heart, if you trip on it every month. There's a new report of guy who had a heart attack from taking mushrooms 30 days in a row. I know it's rather abuse, than use, but you still don't know long-term consequences of normal usage. Week ago there was published a study from one of Polish universities, showing that psilocybin creates pathological changes in heart tissue in rats even at low to moderate doses. 5-MeO-DMT is probably safe, as it doesn't bind to 5-ht2b receptor, in which the whole heart is covered and LSD is safe-ish, because it has an unique method of action. Other tryptamines and phentylamines - take caution and beware of the risk. I accept the possible consequences of psychedelics use, but most people may not even be aware that there exist health risks. It's still mostly uncharted territory and we are far from having the perfect drugs. More research needs to be done.
  3. Your life purpose sounds weak. I mean not precise enough. 1) Number one skill is always marketing. If entreprenurship was chess, marketing would be the queen figure. Success of every idea depends on your ability to sell it. 2) Depends on what you want to create. If it's free and you can find a good course that will teach you how to deal with big sums of money then go for it. Starting an engineering business also reqires a degree. The key thing is to make connections during that period and find crazy people who can help you achieve your goals. 3) I have just started studying, so it would be to develop more self-discipline and work ethics, because it is hard to learn them later.
  4. If you're sure it's LSD, I would go for 150mcg.
  5. Yellow movie... That would be a one of Eben Pagan's video courses. I haven't really seen any proper yellow movie, yet. Most of the cool movies like Samsara, Matrix, Blade Runner, The Salt of the Earth, etc., are only green.
  6. What in the world are you saying. You don't want to use computer less, then ok. At least take care and keep a healthy distance from the screen.
  7. @VictorB02 but there's an obvious fact that smoking causes cancer. Healthier alternative is vaporisation. @Ampresus forget about weed, it can be worse for your development than proper psychedelics. Wait a few years till you grow up and try some LSD.
  8. @Ingit You can use computer to study for one hour a day. That's perfect. But, I bet that in reality you use it much more and only spend 1/4th of your PC time on studying (if any). Prove me wrong, but that's what most people do. Gradually cut the useless things from your life and take care of your eyesight.
  9. You only accept it in order to start working on these issues in a healthy manner. Saying "that's who I am" and giving up is even worse than neurotically fighting these parts of ego. Make strategized effort to change your situation or stop posting threads like this one. It's a Self-Development forum after all, not "comfort me in my own little bubble" forum.
  10. @MM1988 With this comment you have proved you are talking shit. Get out of your bubble. If it's your problem, move out. People do it all the time. Dating is very logical, but you also have to put emotional work, which is what most people are avoiding. We live in artifical society, not primal jungle, so artificial solutions like books and video courses are needed. This whole distinction between right-brain and left-brain stinks of victim mentality. Drop it for your own benefit. This is an abuse of a model in order to push egoic agenda.
  11. Benzos are good to have in case of accidental overdose. It's what they will give you at hospital anyways. Personally, I have not had even the slightest urge to use a benzo on any of my trips, but have seen a few reports were people succesfully saved their asses with it. Especially when taking more obscure psychedelics with unpredictable dosage range, like DPT.
  12. I am also doing it since a few years. But standing. It's okay for hunchback, because I don't have any. Do you have something for sticking out butt?
  13. Yup, that hurts the most. Thanks God there's Tinder, a salvation for all the introvert gals and guys. Seriously, that shit works. It's 2018, you probably do everything through internet, so why not date that way, too?
  14. @PsiloPutty Nah, you can meditate with your eyes open, it's only a matter of practice. Samadhi is samadhi, content of mind doesn't matter that much when it happens. @Ingit Legit advice for you from glass-wearing person. Sit less in front of the computer and start doing some sports. Invest in a chair and make sure you sitting ergonomy is right. Keep your phone screen far away from your eyes and don't look at it too often. You can already uninstall all smartphone games if you have any. Make sure to look at a distance during the day for at least two hours. Your eyes will be good then.
  15. Paradoxically, cutting down on tripping and starting yoga practice won't slow progress, but speed it up. I encourage you to experiment and find your balance. Tripping every 2 weeks/month is still hella fast.
  16. @NoSelfSelf you can be attracted to guy with money for different reasons. "Oh, this guy has a lot of money, I want him to buy me things for sex." "This guy earns a lot of money, he's the real deal, he knows how to navigate through life."
  17. I think from time to time about life of solitude. But then remember that there's world out there that needs help and that there are paths to Enlightment that don't require abandoning life, so I stay.
  18. If you were not aware, how would you be able to write this comment? That's an outright contradiction.
  19. @Outer Let's get real. It's ban on an internet forum, not a kick out of job. If they really want, they can take the lesson and create a new account.
  20. That's why there's Kriya Yoga! Takes only 20-30 minutes everyday and works way better than Vipassana in a non-retreat conditions. @Peanut Flu sucks! Hope you get better.
  21. Is it simply something like shortsightedness/myopia or some serious eye problem? Because you know, if it's myopia lower than -5, I would give you a slap for whinning so much. But if it's something worse, then you have my compassion. You need to understand that you are still growing and can always change direction in your life. We live in a society where eyesight is not that important anymore, you can be blind and still have a satisfying life and work on your life purpose.
  22. I would choose a spiritual poetry collection. Probably some of the Rumi's poems. I like it already. And I assume that after Enlightment, it can only get better.
  23. Some mind-fucking game like The Stanley Parable or Antichamber, but made in 2D?
  24. Just do it. This Enlightenment practice, not a magic pill. You shouldn't expect such changes, they might happen, but if you focus on that during the retreat, you will lose time. You will become a better meditator, that's for sure. And maybe meet a few cool people.
  25. No. That's just an ungrounded belief. No, no, no. If you stop using imagination, you simply stop using imagination. Aversion to pain is your own doing. You are meditating improperly, if you fuel any kind of avoidance. I would suggest for you not to mix non-duality with relative teachings, at least for now. It will unnecessarily complicate things. You can go back to it when you get better grasp on both of them.