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Everything posted by Girzo

  1. @SriBhagwanYogi Go to, type in "Kriya Yoga" and choose a book you like.
  2. Am I blind or no-one has yet posted Infected Mushroom here?
  3. Studying at college is way harder than most people imagine and you will be regretting not knowing more or not having better discipline.
  4. Isn't a year off more than enough for completing LPC?
  5. @Jordan94 Dynamic meditation is OSHO's idea. Made for people who can't meditate properly, so those techniques are thought to make you tired and surrender to the practice. I am not sure, if that's what you are looking for, since you have no problem sitting through 10 day Vipassana retreats and practice daily. It's aimed more at people with crazy monkey-mind. I think instead of putting more and more hours and looking for new practices you simply need to put more effort into refining the techniques you already know. Mastery = number of repetitions x quality of repetitions. If you are doing sloppy meditation for 1000 hours, you will be sloppy meditator forever. And btw, any yoga can be done 24/7, because there different exercises with no limits and mantras, etc. Plus you can't really beat effectiveness of mindfullness, if you have a lot of time. Shinzen's one is great and can be done during many other activities. If you can't force yourself to spend more time on those techniques, that's okay. Personally, I wouldn't switch to any inferior technique, but simply accept the fact that it's my limit for now.
  6. If you see decay of results after Vipassana retreat then Kriya might be for you. It's enough for me to keep the fire from retreat to retreat and I don't do daily Vipassana practice, only Kriya. Breaking through once or twice on a psychedelic might also show you a new direction for your practice.
  7. Doing physical exercise in order to improve mental performance. Taking efforts like meditation to develop effortlessness.
  8. There is a guy @Azrael, who has claimed getting Enlightened through 5-MeO. You can read his trip reports.
  9. Do you really lack confidence in all areas of life or just around people? Because you may simply have social anxiety and then it's the only area which is affected. In that situation saying that you truly lack confidence would be an over-statement.
  10. I too have used PayPal account with no CC. It may seem like you have to use one, but you really don't.
  11. @Serotoninluv I sometimes imagine Spiral Dynamics tier 2 as power rangers in their colorful robots ranging in colors from beige to green unite into one big robot, which then transforms and changes color to yellow.
  12. There's nothing to guess or wait for. Think about possible solutions to your stress, like for example attending psychotheraphy, try it and see if you get any improvements or not. If not then look for the other possible cause or test different solution. Also to avoid getting sick it's good to tune in to your body and notice early signals of you getting sick. Then act on it immediately using immunity boosting meds or home remedies. Often it's enough.
  13. @zambize If you want something that has that hint of science, then you might consider reading Ken Wilber's works, if you haven't already. I recommend "No Boundary" with all of my heart.
  14. There were thumbs up in the past. And they probably won't return. They were removed, as people were bragging who has more of them or only reading thumb-uped posts, etc. I think it's better the way it's now.
  15. Contamination happens sometimes, but it's very rare. I know a story of a Polish vendor who was selling 5-MeO-MALT contaminated with an NBOMe. Both are psychedelics, but one is dosed in 10-40mg range and the other up to 1.2mg. The first has a duration of a few hours and the other can last for days. So you can imagine how scary combinatiom it was or even deadly in some cases. Some people got hospitialized. How could they have protected themselves? By choosing the safest ROA for this compound, that is oral. The only victims were those who choose snorting. Why? NBOMes are inactive orally, but work very well by snorting. How to avoid falling a victim to such mistakes in the future? Look at vendor's reputation, the one that made this mistake had it mixed, ranging from terrible to OK. So don't buy from questionable sellers. Also look at other items in their inventory, if they sell both fentanyl and psychedelics, I would question their integrity and doubt that they have the best intentions for the buyer in mind. Also be cautious around psychedelics vendors who sell exotic substances like 25C-NBOMe or 5-MeO-pyr-T, as you don't want to get those compounds by a mistake, so use your test kit.
  16. I love bicycle touring and kayaking.
  17. Elderberry syroup. It works wonders, but as with other solutions you have to drink it appropiately early, otherwise it won't work. Every summer I go and gather the flowers to make my own syroup. It's a very simple process. If you feel like it's a virus infection, then Neosine is a valid solution. It boosts immune-system.
  18. Pointless. Plugging won't be more effective for 4-HO tryptamines than ingesting them the oral route. (Psilocin in mushrooms is 4-HO-DMT) Plus why on earth would you want to put dried mushrooms up your butt. Maybe some liquid psilocybin extract, but not whole shrooms, it sounds ridiculous.
  19. Vaporizing HCl is ineffective. I never know how much went in. With freebase, it melts almost immediately and vapes cleanly with little to no residue. It's way more intuitive.
  20. Count me in. I always have similar ideas after attending a retreat. Is this a case for you?
  21. I have revived the journal as it's one of the most effective practices one can have. Looking in retrospection, I don't know what has made me to stop this habit. It will still be mostly private, but I will try to update it from time to time with some content. Here's a recent trip report: Contemplating The Future - 5-MeO-MET, 17 mg 22.11.18 // Taken at night, at home. Oral ROA works flawlessly for this compound. Trip closed in two hours. Easy sleep afterwards. THE TEST Took this substance with goal in mind. To try to figure out the next step in life, pushed by growing dissatisfaction with formal education and my personal inability to perform. Conclusion is to finish the current course I am studying (two months left) and go all into creating marketing bussiness. That is if I succeed at completing the course. If not, then I am not developed enough to succeed at having a bussiness and have to work on myself, by working for people and attending retreats. THERE'S NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT Higher inteligence has devaluated my worries and told me to focus on Enlightenment, as this is the real thing. All else in life is just a decoration. ABOUT THE SUBSTANCE It's more of a stoning drug than anything. Slight alternation of thinking, bodyload and noticable, pleasant physical buzz. Increased concentration, clarity of vision and depth of sound. No visuals. It was definitely a light dose.
  22. Stuff like this happens, it's not important what exactly it is. The lesson here is to notice that all those states, no matter how unusual or spectacular, are impermanent, so they can't satisfy, nor harass. By focusing on impermanence, you will grow in wisdom. It's a traditional buddhist approach.
  23. Fellow INFP here. My dating life is a badly written drama. Just as most of my novels from teenage years. Sometimes I feel on top of the world and crush it. The other times I can't force myself to even say "hi" to a girl. Emotions rule my effectivness at game, which is far from ideal. There's no easy solution to that problem. Hard work on inner game is needed. You can also put some system in the place that will force you to take action, when you can't motivate yourself naturally. Like schedule that on this day of the week, let's say Wednesday, you approach at least two girls and say, at least, "Hi!". You can also deliberately schedule time to go to a party and set a goal of setting up a date with one girl met at that party. Such rigid, goal-oriented approach is counter-intuitive for INFP, but works.
  24. 4-AcO-DMT works great. It's basically shrooms. I would also recommend 4-HO-MiPT, if the first one is unavailable. It's quite well suited for spiritual pursuits.
  25. I would vote for Heraclitus. The "everything flows" and "you never step twice into the same river" guy. Maybe Socrates, who knows. And definitely not Marcus Aurelius.