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Everything posted by Girzo

  1. Haha, I have had a very similar experience, but with a plot twist. Where your apartment became fairytale-like after ego-death, my room got back to normal. Which was even weirder then the weirdest visuals, because that's not what you expect on a heroic dose. To be honest, that's not what you expect on any dose: to see the world "normally", but in an ego-death state.
  2. @Goodpeace Freebase can look like that. My pure white DPT after freebase conversion looks way worse than this. Test it first though.
  3. @Shadowraix It's a great starting substance, but you outgrow it quite quickly. I can confirm the zombie factor that Psychedsubstance talks about. You don't remember clearly first 1-2 hours of the peak. The visuals were beautiful for me, but what I liked the most is how kinesthetic this substance is. Much nicer body feeling, clean physical euphoria that LSD lacks. On LSD your body feels alien, on AL-LAD it feels super-natural. You also have this feeling of total control, you are the supervisor and can think about whatever you want. It lasts around 8 hours, too. That's why I think it's a good choice for a beginner. It lacks depth, though. Induces a lot of nostalgia feelings too. My first trip was on AL-LAD, here's what I had to say about it: "I am actually amazed by the visual part of the trip. It's nothing like what I have expected. It has this 80's vibe to it, very colorful with taste, not like all those psychedelics renders on the web. Smooth gradients, no contours, simple shapes. Sometimes vibrant, sometimes bland. Very clean and geometric, symmetric patterns." Compared to other psychedelics it's way more cartoonish. Yup, AL-LAD has a specific style, but I like it. Overall LSD seems to be a better and safer choice for spiritual work. Though for a first-timer, AL-LAD is a great substance.
  4. @OBEler It's hard to get lately. But yeah, AL-LAD would be the best. Dosed in 150-225ug range. For LSD/1P-LSD I would not go higher than 100ug because it lasts longer than Alladin and might be harder to control.
  5. Sometimes they do.
  6. Yup. Regardless of whether Sadhguru would be for or against substances in private, he can't ever say it publicly. He works with government and runs a non-profit with 9 million volunteers. That's one. Two: he is a responsible guy teaching millions of people, he would never recommend something as potent and unpredictable as psychedelics. I feel like even his yoga techniques are watered-down so people don't harm themselves. He probably doesn't want to give people smoking pot all day doing nothing an excuse, too. That's a trap many people fall into. They bullshit themselves they are doing spiritual work, when in fact they are looking for a high, some experience. But this trap is broader than this. It also includes jockeying on the forums, reading countless books on spirituality and "meditating" with a crazy monkey mind, etc.
  7. No. Just no. Can we stop spreading false scientific theories? 5-MeO being produced purposefully in the body is a bold claim and I am not aware of any evidence that proves it. Yes, it's a cool guess, but don't state it as a fact, please.
  8. @CreamCat What stops it from having a will? But first, how do you know it having a will is not another story?
  9. In Poland a chunk of non-classic psychedelics have been intentionally left unregulated during last delegalization of research chemicals, because of their low abuse potential. Which leaves me optimistic for the future, considering that Poland is now ruled by a right-wing catholic party. If they don't ban psychedelics then who would dare to. 5-MeO got delegalized there in 2015 along with many amphetamine- and mdma-like substances. 2C-x's and NBOMe's got banned, too. There are a few reasons for that but mainly it was because of this association with other problematic drugs like 4-MMC or A-PVP. Sellers had some psychedelics alongside those harmful substances in offer and they all got banned after a rise in death statistics caused by aformentioned drugs.
  10. Personal Journal. For personal things. Mainly expressing emotions. Purpose of this journal is to keep track of habits and emotional state. Legend: = 2 points up | = 1 point up | = neutral | = 1 point down | = 2 points down (compared to day before) #1 + I keep on rocking that meditation habit (Strong Determination Sitting +1h). +- I did some exercise today, but could have done more. +- I have got binge eating attack today, but it was just bananas and some bread. It's getting better, last time it was a full cake. - I am lying to myself so freaking much, talking bullshit to others, just unconcious stuff.
  11. Here is my DPT trip report.
  12. Near to Forest - DPT, 60 mg 12.05.19 // First trip after a few months. Insufflated, 60 mg straight from the bag (not the brightest idea). Lying on a meadow, I got sunburned a little and a headache. The trip started with nausea and fainting-like feeling, so it wasn't too pleasant in the beginning. I will never snort again, it sucks. I don't like unpleasant sensations on the tongue too, but that's the body load. SPIRITUAL INSIGHTS: No breakthroughs. I have talked with My Self about good and bad. I can only do Good and nothing bad. I crave the comfort of knowing what is good effortlessly, but setting the rules about what is right is not right in itself. So, I can't do that. So I have to live from my heart and authentically, which is hard. But I like it, I like that it's hard. It's a game of setting limitations upon yourself and breaking through them. I have tried to see the substance of the universe, but couldn't really wrap my head around it. Enlightenment is all about unknowing. Conceptualization is the mechanism of creation. But it itself is a concept. So can it be true, or did it just create itself? But if it created itself, isn't it true? It's all just one giant mind. The body is but one tiny little figment. All is alive. Everything around me (at least in the forest). If you want to communicate with God, it won't be on a thought level, but beyond. COMMON WISDOM: I should keep doing Kriya Yoga, it's the most important habit I have at the moment. The second thing on the list of growth-potentiators is just living in the world. Having a business, girlfriend, etc. It will grow you a lot. About 1/2 the potential of yoga. The third position is taken by books and gathering knowledge. It's too passive to be as effective as previous activities. About 1/4 the potential of yoga. People are lazy and love to copy-paste, that's why they create monocultures and boring forests. I will put more effort into journaling, it's time-consuming but worth it. I will also track my time better.
  13. Survival in the Dark - 1P-LSD, 150mcg 09.06.19 // I haven't tripped on LSD for almost exactly a year. Totally forgot what it's like. 150 mcg dose had been unexpectedly potent, which made us a little bit scared. Tripped with a friend in the wild, outside the house with a bike. A funny thing had happened in the beginning, because I accidentally spit the blotter and had to look for it on the ground. 5 seconds rule. We were constantly trapped in loops, going on a pilgrimage towards the church through the meadows. It was hard to fight gravity when walking up hills. The road seemed endless. The world seemed very uniform, geometrical and divided in chunks. Animals looked funny and were constantly morphing. We were a little bit scared at times and totally unprepared for the intensity. Body load is a hallmark of this trip. This powerful energy vibration was traveling through the body and didn't give us rest. Not once have I felt pleasurable in my skin. It was a little bit draining. I suppose not having slept had a lot to do with this fact. Everything in the visual field was simplified and full of neon colors. Nature was bright and rich in detail. It was delightful to look at the world, but on the other hand, the environment constantly had that vibe of cheapness and impermanence. SPIRITUAL INSIGHTS: No solid breakthroughs, but very close. I was merging with mind content and getting lost in an absolute perspective. I became aware of the relativeness of size. I can now understand how a fly is not different in size from a planet. There's no you, just this constantly changing mind-field. Language broke every time I have tried to put an insight into words. Life is not different from a trip. It's a little bit more dense fragment of the fractal called life, but it's still its part. Everything is impermanent. COMMON WISDOM: I do a lot of projection. It's not possible to read someone's mind or emotion, it's always a prediction of what they feel or experience. It's better to assume that I don't know what others are and why they do what they do. Fast before the trip for 8-10 hours, or at least be after poop. Having content in the intestines is one more factor that contributes to the body load. Actually, you can fast more not only before tripping but generally in life. It's healthy. Take care of your rest and well-being, so they don't become an obstacle to realizing your fullest potential.
  14. Meadows of Heaven - 5-MEO-MET, 25mg SET&SETTING: Lying on a meadow, alone, beautiful sunset and clouds. ROA & DURATION: Insufflated, the substance has a nice fruity smell and is comparably mild in taste. Duration: 2.5 hours, peak around 20-minute mark. Feels like a toy. Not really what I have expected. It has the same characteristics as 5-MeO-DMT, enormous lucidity, clarity of vision, no visual distortions, slight auditory effects. Slight body rush, moving becomes hardly possible, no joy, no sadness. On the come-up, I have experienced a burst of energy coming from the bottom of the spine making me erect. What comes next is quite a shock, in terms of how vast awareness gets and how much a field of vision expands. I had asked myself if that Void is really where I want to go, is that a goal in my life? Then I saw that there's really no good alternative. I have looked at how successful/unsuccessful my life is in human terms and concluded that I should really enjoy life more. On the come-down, I had that well-known feeling of rewiring in the front of a brain, between eyes, nice and pleasant. It didn't take me where I wanted to go. This experience stays nowhere close in profundity to a reality-shattering moment induced by 70 mg of 4-HO-MiPT. There are three options: the dose wasn't enough; the dose was enough, but I am a hard head; this substance is not what I am looking for. Listened to this on the come-up:
  15. Although if you can get 4-HO-MiPT or 4-AcO-DMT or 4-HO-MET - any of these would be a better newbie substance.
  16. @Joscha Yes. Get a scale, a drug testing kit and start low. I would suggest starting at 30 mg and incrementing up by ten milligrams every trip until you hit a sweet spot. Insufflated or plugged. I know a few people whose first psychedelic was DPT, mostly positive experiences on 50-60 mg insufflated. But start lower because potency of this substance varies in individuals. I guess it depends on body-weight. For a 75-80 kg male 60 mg is a good choice. It could be not for a 50 kg female.
  17. It seems so. I have tried vaporising it using baking soda freebasing method. It's the worst bodyload I have ever experienced. Very nauseating, naturalistic visuals and experiences of body transformation. Felt like becoming a werewolf. I wouldn't recommend vaping. Also ate 130 mg once. Waste of material, not even a threshold dose.
  18. It's super-easy to contemplate on DPT, but not so easy to breakthrough. It's benign in nature, but bodyload can get uncomfortable (snorting RoA contributes to it). Reasonable dosage range for snorting is 40-60 mg, haven't gone higher because it's already a lot of stuff to snort, the powder is very fluffy. Yet to try plugging.
  19. If you have an account on the main site then log in and go to My Products. There you will find audio downloads where this episode is still available.
  20. @electroBeam I have not, but it's basically shrooms from what I know.
  21. Going over 5g is not that radical. It's way easier to breakthrough on 8g dose than on a 3g one. But you need to know what you are doing. It will be scary and harder on your body. I suggest doing it only in perfect conditions, solo.
  22. I bet my money again on DPT. Vibrations, ideal for plugging, longer duration than 5-MeO. The only thing that doesn't match is that most people who have experienced both wouldn't say it is more non-dual than 5-MeO-DMT. But in my opinion they might have not dosed enough to experience the Damn Powerful Tryptamine fully.
  23. This video has helped me to reconcile and integrate my own LSD trip. I particularly have liked the part about zoom in, because I couldn't find a way to frame this insight.
  24. The truth is it's good to do them all - karma, kriya, bhakti and jnana yoga. A fool-proof path.