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Everything posted by Girzo

  1. I also think it will be either DPT or 5-MeO-DMT. I don't recall other tryptamines being popular enough to have deaths reported on them. Also matches with short duration and vaporization being the route of ingestion.
  2. The very same people have no problem watching 6 hours of their favourite Netflix show in one sit or play video games for 5 hours straight or listen to podcasts 3-hour long.
  3. The Drug Classroom is great because it does videos on more obscure substances like DPT. Polish drug forum similar to bluelight. Using Google Translate you can find additional info on effects and dosages of more obscure substances like 5-MeO-MALT, etc.
  4. Nobody. But I have introduced some people to Spiral Dynamics and psychedelics.
  5. I live in Poland, the country with GDP per capita equal to 1/4 that of the USA. I never had to pay for a doctors visit, dental care or surgery. Routine health check-ups and blood tests are also covered by public insurance. People are encouraged to do more cancer tests, etc. Employer has to obligatory pay around $200 for public health insurance of every worker (after ending education or 25th birthday). There is option for additional private insurance, almost always given as a benefit to workers by big corporations. I find claims that it can't be done in a country as wealthy as the US absurd.
  6. It's cool that you had told your family and they reacted positively. Funny thing. I had been drawing after my first AL-LAD trip ever and chose similar colors.
  7. Monks rely on their savings or generosity of society/family. People bring them food to their caves and sometimes they have a person who cooks and runs errands for them. Just surviving from farming takes a lot of effort. Plus you need land and property and experience. You can try WOOFing or and visit some farm, see how it's done. Do your own math, there are a lot of channels on YT talking about the topic. But it's not an easy path. Making money online, owning a small business in the city, etc. are way easier ways of surviving.
  8. That's why on every new batch and substance you put like 10 scoops on a scale and see how much approx. one spoon holds. Then do it one more time to make sure everything is right. After you know how much milligrams one spoon carries you can accurately share your dosages. Gemini 20 or similar is enough. You don't really need a more expensive scale.
  9. It's not a problem of using spoons, they are great if you know what you are doing. But people need to read stuff like this first:
  10. I have never touched any phenethylamine but heard that methallylescaline and 3C-P are closest to the real deal that is mescaline. So they might be worth looking further into.
  11. That is after you sort out the situation with your antidepressant use. If you need them only to get sleepy, then maybe you can do without these pills. Talk with your psychiatrist about possibility of getting rid of Remeron. If it's possible, wait for a few weeks after tapering off and then try psychedelics. Now properly prepared and equipped with knowledge about dosing.
  12. You are using an antidepressant which has an unknown mechanism of action with psychedelics? STOP NOW! If it was 5-MeO and not DPT you could have ended up hospitalized. No. It's never great. Have you ever googled Mirtazapine + tryptamines? "it took the trip within an hour followed by a violent seizure. a very dangerous mix. :/", that's enough to scare a responsible person. Without weighing it before on a scale? Then how do you know how much powder your spoon holds? You don't. You probably have underdosed because DPT is so fluffy, thankfully. So no, it wasn't 200 mg. This should be stickied in the first post. Along with some harm reduction guide.
  13. @iTommy 200 mg is crazy even for someone with high natural tolerance. It's a shit-ton of fluffy powder to insufflate. This requires explanation. Did you weight it using a milligram scale? In what time span were you dosing the substance? Are there other substances interfering with your tolerance? Microdosing, tripping on LSD week ago, antidepressants, etc? People mix all kind of stupid shit and then are surprised it doesn't work. Did someone else try this batch and confirmed it's potent? Maybe it has degraded a lot or was improperly synthesized. Suspicious stuff. I would be hesitant to put that much random powders into my system.
  14. I guess until it's legal in the Netherlands we don't have to worry about it. That's where most of psychedelics are synthesized. BTW, have you seen 4-Pro-DMT? Wow, I haven't heard about anyone testing it yet but it might be an awesome replacement for places where 4-AcO got delegalized. If it works, of course. I haven't seen a single raving report about this substance on the internet. 5-MeO-MALT, on the other hand, seems to have significant spiritual potential. While we are on the topic, from rarer 5-MeOs I have tried 5-MeO-MET HCl and it was a mediocre experience, lacking depth. I have yet to try vaping it which might completely change my opinion.
  15. I assume you have never lived in the country. "Minimal" work. If you sit on a bag of money and do it only as a hobby, then yes you might do with minimal work. But as a way of survival? That won't do with minimal work.
  16. I have had huge hopes for smoking and it left me disappointed. The nausea is simply not worth it. It is unique in some way, though. If you are more resistant to body load you might give it a try. You can convert HCl to freebase using the spoon method and then vaporize DPT in whatever device you like. GVG will do. I have used Mr Bald T and it works well for this substance. Don't waste time trying to vaporize the HCl version, it's hard and unhealthy. Suck in vapors intensely using your mouth and cheeks, then try to hold the stuff in the lungs as long as possible. 20 mg is a good starter dose to test the waters (if you vape it correctly). The trip is 1 hour long and ends abruptly going into the best afterglow I have ever experienced on any psychedelic.
  17. Nah, nah. It's a normal psychedelic. You can use it for whatever you would use LSD for.
  18. We kind of have with all those climate changes and stuff...
  19. The now-trendy DPT, of course. 4-HO-DPT is interesting, too. I have heard it's way different from 4-AcO-DMT, which is interesting. Haven't tried it though. Maybe it's the next gem hehe And 5-MeO-MiPT seems cool too. It's similar to DPT in that it connects 5-MeO-DMT-like spirituality with visuals and stuff. The question is, do you need them? Not really, I think they are only for people who are fascinated with psychedelics
  20. You won't breakthrough on antidepressants. !IMPORTANT! While generally taking pure psychedelics on SSRIs is only disappointing and not harmful, beware. Some newbie might think: "Oh someone did DMT on antidepressants and it was an ok experience, so I can smoke my changa." NO! DMT freebase is not the same thing as changa or ayahuasca. While the first combination will be harmless the other two can be deadly because of MAOi content in ayahuasca vine, which results in a serotonin syndrome. Since it's a DPT thread, never try DPT + moclobemide (so called propylhauasca) combo on antidepressants, because it's deadly.
  21. Do whatever you like, but don't then go on the forums saying you have done 40 mg of 5-MeO and it left you unimpressed. That kind of misleading is rampant over the internet. I think it's a good practice to always disclose your possible tolerance before reporting an experience. Like "I have done 7 grams of shrooms 5 days ago" or reporting other drugs you are currently on, like SNRI's. My friend had been once taking some herbal supplements and then was surprised by the intensity of the trip. "No shit sherlock, you have been taking a MAOi. People need to be more aware and cautious of what they put in their body. That's why I don't like a lot of modern facilitators and shamans like Octavio Rettig. Mixing stuff and overdosing on purpose. They are reckless. Btw @Enlightenment, why would you need psychedelics while on SNRI? Is it not doing it's job? I would wait those 3 months, it's not that long. There's plenty of stuff you can do during this period. It's about commitment, if you have decided on giving a chance for antidepressants, then do it right.
  22. What the heck? You are microdosing shrooms analogue along with a lot of random stuff and excpecting it to work correctly? Stop doing all other substances for at least a week and then go into DPT trip. Isn't cross-tolerance one of the first things a psychonaut learns about? And if one of your suplements was an iMAO, you could easily overdose. Be careful. On a side-note, if someone stumbles upon this post. No, you can't take DPT while on antidepressants, it won't work.
  23. I think that's not what collective means. It's more like: human being is composed of billions of cells and gaining insights about "human-hood" does not necessarily mean knowledge about how every single cell operates. Replace human with collective and cell with a person. Here you go.
  24. You thinking "I will go buy some food" and then going to the shop IS manipulating the dream through your conscious thoughts.