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Everything posted by Girzo

  1. Eban's courses are good, but personally I wouldn't buy them. His advice over-time has become the generic information. Course building niche is one of the hardest to enter unless you are doing something unique, like Mindvalley or Leo.
  2. "The Mind Illuminated" Or "Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha" by Daniel Ingram, it's free on his website:
  3. @Rasheed Whether the numbers hold some valuable information that helps you survive or not, it has nothing to do with it having a meaning. It's still deeply meaningless.
  4. Yeah, mild psychedelics are the best for fixing non-spiritual life problems. Mushrooms or 4-HO-MET are easiest to source relative to how simple they are to use.
  5. @V-8 I have told you that there obviously are levels beyond Coral and you give me an essay on empiricism and science. How is that appropiate? Where have I reffered to science, logic, space or time? Nowhere, because I didn't. There is Absolute Truth and Relative embodiment of it. Spiral Dynamics is a model that operates in a relative domain and there you can always make progress, finer and finer distinctions or gain deeper insight. You may be the most awake being until you aren't, until there comes something bigger that you were not aware of before.
  6. Have you ever taken any psychedelic besides marijuana? I have heard of people taking psychedelics while on lithium without bigger issues. But you know, it's a matter of dose. If you take high dose of magic mushrooms while being on high dose of lithium, that's just asking for trouble. Choosing the lowest dose possible is less risky, but still is not safe and you have to think very carefully whether you are willing to try it. Being bipolar you are not only risking to trigger a seizure but also mania. The one psychedelic you definitively have to STAY AWAY from is LSD.
  7. Personally I have not, but I know that it won't change the trip and you risk having a seizure. Are you currently being treated with lithium? For what reason?
  8. I don't know where you have taken this idea from, but it's not true. The world of Form is constructed as such that there is always a being more capable than you. As you are a god to some bugs or bacteria, there must be beings that are this way to you. So you can evolve in that direction forever. It might be that at some point this model will break and be no longer suitable to map your progress, but that doesn't mean there are no more stages. Some other model would need to be constructed.
  9. That is not my advice. I have said to start meditating for an hour and then only listen to exactly these videos that have "Yoga Meditation" in name if you can't stand meditating for an hour using your current technique. Meditation, even guided, will do you more good than watching non-duality videos. But do whatever you like.
  10. @Nak Khid Man, I really hope one day you change. Now there's no talking with "we". If you really want to be so close to Truth stop using pronouns at all and make every sentence impersonal. "The post was written.", "The soup was eaten".
  11. If you knew what God is you would know that dog poop is indeed God.
  12. Everything that happens is real, but can have different qualities. That's why you can walk through hallucinated or dreamt wall - it lacks quality of physicality, but that doesn't mean it's not real. It is simply what it is. There are no planes of reality. Everything is just one Reality. The distinction between dream and waking state is something you have constructed. If you invastigate it closely with enough consciousness you will notice that the gap between those states doesn't exist and it's one seamless experience without begining or end. There is only Consciousness, so it's pointless to say "your consciousness" as it implies there could be some other kind of consciousness. The thing you currently identify with is more of a limiter of consciousness, than consciousness itself.
  13. What kind of devilry is that. "We" is not an accurate pointer. Togetherness is not something that can be found in a direct experience, it's a construct of a mind that is rooted in duality. That's why masters use the term "I", it better cuts through the bullshit. There are a lot of tangents on which contemplation of "who are we" can go wrong, rendering it completely pointless. In my opinion "who am I" question is more fool-proof. But no-one forbids you from doing spirituality your way, just don't say bullshit about it being the only right way.
  14. @Arzack Don't worry about that, both are awesome. Don't blindly follow what Leo says, maybe for you 5-MeO-DMT will be a much deeper experience.
  15. Nah, I don't think Leo won't be reading books. Maybe meditatation and consciousness sections won't be growing but there are already like 50+ books there.
  16. Learn to meditate for an hour. One hour is very good for beginner, you should be able to do it by now. If you went to Vipassana course, they would tell you to meditate for 2 hours, but you don't need to do that much for now. Start with just one hour in one session. If sitting for one hour by yourself in silence is too much for you to bear, then I recommend listening to Rupert Spira's Yoga Meditations on YouTube. They give you a structure and motivation to finish this one hour session. Rupert Spira, Yoga Meditations, really recommended. It's hard to find a better teacher than Rupert, he has depth and uses easy-to-understand language.
  17. Haha, welcome to the world of online marketing! It's so easy to make money through scammy tactics, no wonder so many people use them. I have done it as a kid and it was easy for me then, it would be even easier now as an adult. Psychedelics and knowing about Spiral Dynamics don't automatically "cure" one from being Orange. I have friends who are like this, dipped their toe in the right things but lack seriousness, so their growth is slow and limited.
  18. I have also noticed people who deal well with bad trips and don't give a damn about meditation. But usually, they have some spiritual knowledge, so maybe it's that ability to name the experience, map it somewhere, that helps too even if you don't meditate.
  19. @remember I think it was Alien movie reference.
  20. If you are very analytic check out Todd
  21. That is exactly why Poland is now governed again by a right-wing party. It was always the same rhetoric of the corporate liberals, "we are better than them". It doesn't work anymore.
  22. Haha Sorry, but here you have splurted a lot of non-sense. What kind of meditation were you doing and how much time exactly did you spend deliberately meditating without distractions? I guess what you have been doing shouldn't even be called meditation if you can't see a difference. Start a proper meditative practice like Kriya Yoga or Vipassana and leave the bullshit behind.
  23. For people under 25 it's equal to being a doctor or an actual lawyer, at least I think so. People know it's good money and so many people do programming now, I don't think any stereotypes hold.
  24. Coke-head I must be a one too.