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Everything posted by Girzo

  1. You can, but then you can also do it on 5-MeO only, which is safer and easier to dose. You don't know how the drugs potentiate each other, you don't even know yet how to dose a single substance to get a breakthrough. Don't make it harder for yourself. Follow the guidelines regarding not eating for a few hours prior to the experience and dose accurately, see then if you puke. I never puke on psychedelics (even when dosing high) and almost always go solo. I am not sure to what degree puking depends on the physiology and how much on simply not following the best practice.
  2. Jeez, and not mixing with other substances until you figure out how to breakthrough. Insufflated is ok if you don't know yet how to use it rectally. Ok, wait. What the heck? What thin lines are you talking about? Get yourself a milligram scale if you don't have one. BTW everything you want to know is already in the 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread
  3. @Leo Gura But did you tell them beforehand you have problems with thyroid or something similar? Maybe the strangling story is an "industry's gold standard" when somebody visits them with a certain issue.
  4. What a journey. Awesome work on putting it together. I would love it if it became a viral thing on the forum for people to make their own compilations, heh.
  5. It probably is bacteria. My mom had a cough and pain for 6 months and a few scans of lungs until someone has guessed what it is and prescribed the right antibiotic. Go to the Doc and see what she has to say. If she will want to prescribe you antibiotics, ask her if you can take a microbiological test to determine if it's the right treatment.
  6. @herghly yeah, obviously a state is not a technique, but I have told the guy to concetrate because he is asking what to do in his routine and training concentration is skillful until he will be able to simply sit in that state.
  7. Mahamudra is quite complicated, but Parvastha State just means to continue sitting in a position you would do pranayama in and focus inside the head, or between the eyebrows or 40 cm in front of your forehead. There are many versions. And sit like that for anywhere between 20 min to 1 hour. It's basically the most important part of the routine. You do all the exercises to prepare yourself and enjoy true meditation sitting in that state.
  8. I haven't felt oral 125 mg DPT at all. While 60 mg snorted is a solid trip.
  9. What are your dreams? From what you have written it looks like "I want to get rich quick". What businesses have you started that failed?
  10. I think that a genuine Japanese speaker would say that it's a computer-generated gibberish. It has latin characters in the middle of the sentence.
  11. Even 40 mg plugged is not much. I would do 50 mg and then up by 10 if you are not satisfied.
  12. People experiencing emotional turmoil don't need listening to dry spiritual talks. They need to feel accepted, perfect as they are. That doesn't mean you validate their bullshit stories but just accept the fact that they are there. I am all in for safe spaces. If they lack this element their whole pursuit for change, efforts put into spiritual purification will be just another manifestation of aversion.
  13. This desire for excitement is exactly what makes you feel bland. But don't worry, we all have it. Some people get excited about reading books, it seems you get excited about social interactions. If you really want to get rid of that boredom and confusion then the only solution is picking-up some hardcore spiritual practice. But I doubt you will find this advice useful because you probably already know it.
  14. @Bazooka Jesus thanks, that's cool music. Never really listened intensly to that genre. It reminds me of an anime soundtrack or something like that. I think you might like Kanno Yoko. For LSD I also love Tycho.
  15. This is the closest thing I am aware of He also has a song about 5-MeO
  16. Favourite is very vague. Someone's most-liked charity might be doing relatively little good. Dig into Effective Altruism if you want to make sure your money is having the biggest impact possible.
  17. Hmm, I like to dance and have fun during the come up to put myself into a great mood. Kind of a cheesy Tony Robbins-style tactic, but it works. As soon as I enter the well-known psychedelic space, I turn off the music and sit on the couch or lay on the grass. Trying to contemplate from there, organically without forcing a topic. After reading "Conversations with God" by Neale Donald Walsch, I have thought about trying, guess what, talking with God during the trip. And it works, I might even say I like the dialogue format more than just thinking.
  18. I plead guilty to these accusations.
  19. It's right now around 20% of the minimal wage, but it's not correlated with anything, so it will be worth relatively less and less with time. Monthly. Yeah, the current party is a good governor, they know how to reign power, but they also are SD stage Blue, which means: excessive funding of the Church, anti-EU nationalism, ecological deregulations, coal-based energy, using propaganda in national media to cover-up scandals and weird anti-LGBT crusade.
  20. Raising minimum wages reduces inequalities. In Poland in the last 4 years, we had raises of the minimum wage, tax-exempts for students and social program that hands out $125 for every kid in the household. The prices have risen, of course, but the strength of PLN relative to other currencies stays the same, which means everything imported is relatively cheaper.
  21. I don't know, from what you have posted it doesn't seem so. Posting Spotify songs mirroring your mood is not a plan. No one cares about you personally at the moment, maybe they will in the future but not now. You want to have a store, but don't know what you will sell in it. Sorry, but it doesn't seem like a robust plan at all. How are you going to market that website? And don't say YouTube channel, because then the question becomes how you will promote that channel, which is even harder than the website.
  22. @28 cm unbuffed ok you will have a website, and then what? What's your unique proposition? What value are you bringing to the user that they can't get somewhere else? Because as you have described it now, I would have zero incentive to browse that site, probably like 99% of your potential users. If you are all about creative output then gives some creative ideas how you are going to differentiate from the competition and make people care about your content. I believe thinking about technical details related to web development is very inappropiate in your situation right now.
  23. 4-HO-MET was first synthesized by Shulgin more than 20 years ago. It's very explored and at least as popular as AL-LAD.
  24. @Leo Gura, I guess that's why they wrote: "she'd had the substance tested". You could only harm yourself if it was NBOMe or some other phenethylamine.