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Everything posted by Girzo

  1. You can throw away such silly models while doing this work, they are of little help. If the scientists working on them lack any mystical insight the chance that they will nail the problem in question is 0.00000001%.
  2. Consciousness is not a state but has the states. If that use of the word doesn't sit with you well then use some other label, like God. What is meant as Consciousness is that non-dual container of all matter/energy and information. The stuff that you can't get more fundamental with. The Source.
  3. I can't imagine being a vegan without eating grains. Why though? Oats are very cool. Millet too. I don't feel like they are garbage at all. Grains = bad stinks of an ideology. There are many different varieties that are for example to wheat as humans are to chimpanzees. I feel like 50/50% grains/legumes meals + vegetables, nuts, etc. work the best for me.
  4. Yeah, but those were actually mostly stage Blue inventions, like old-school workers unions. That's why they started to disappear when stage Orange came to power and are heavily criticized by the economists from 1930-1960. What is proposed nowadays shares the name but comes from a different standpoint. And it shares the names because both stage Blue and Green are collectivistic. In our stage Orange-dominated society collectivism is the future, just not the ultimate future, but a future for now. BTW, the topics of social justice, feminism, etc, have started to gain traction long before the Soviet Union was created, they were alive in the USA and Europe for at least a hundred years by then. You associate them with the Soviet Union, because they lagged behind and adopted it way later. And looking at the state of Russia today one can assume it has been a rather shallow implementation.
  5. You cannot spew such nonsense and demand to be taken seriously. Explain to me why do you think Soviet Union was SD stage Green? It was obviously a stage Red/Blue country, ruled by force, no tolerance for deviation from the official narrative, the God got replaced by a different Big Other, which was the industrial spirit of progress, there was centralized decision-making, the list could go on and on. If you can't make a distinction between that and equality, diversity loving, democratic stage Green folks, then you should educate yorself on both of these.
  6. @SirVladimir I have loved the nurses too.
  7. I have heard it has nothing to do with the "white western civilization", but with the fact that wealthy people in power could historically afford to stay in the palace or somewhere and not get sunburned like the peasants working in the fields. That's the source of whiter = better in places like India.
  8. They plug DMT into the PC and record the screen. But if you are using a Mac, then you need to plug an iMAO adapter first.
  9. @Michael569 no ulcers, just some gastritis. Doc had told me to take the meds and wait a month more because it could heal by itself and it did.
  10. So I hope there is someone knowledgable or who went through something similar. I had eaten cheese with mold and then got diarrhea for a few days. Then it suddenly had gotten worse and I got a temperature like 37.5C, so a doctor prescribed me Cotrimoxazolum. From this antibiotic, I had gotten itches and a white tongue. It didn't help much, so I got prescribed another antibiotic, Azithromycin. It was supposed to cure it in 10 days, but while it had worked and for a day or two I felt normal, then on the 12th day it started going back to the previous state, which is diarrhea and feeling poisoned. Just not that intense. This whole story took one month and a week. Now I am waiting for a visit to a specialist office. I wonder, what can I do while I am waiting? Here's a list of what helps and what worsens the symptoms: probiotics + vinegar +/- fiber -- diary - Being sick for that long really takes the joy out of life. The doc is suspecting SIBO, but I think the doses of antibiotics might have been too small. He wanted to put me on Rifaximin which is supposed to be taken for 6 months and costs a fortune. I really hope someone there has helpful insight into those kinds of issues.
  11. I might look into it if the problem ever returns. *Click, opens OneNote* The info goes into the personal journal.
  12. Here are some more ideas: Selling carbon offsets to businesses Providing technological solutions that help make supply chains transparent Making furniture from eco-friendly materials Insulating houses with eco-friendly materials Installing heat pumps and solar panels Selling HVAC devices with HEPA filters Organizing bicycle tours as an alternative to flying or taking a cruise on vacations
  13. Oh, I forgot to write how it all ended. I will leave a note there for anyone who stumbles upon this thread in the future. So, the whole comedy show lasted about 4 months in total. Started with diarrhea, then there were stomach aches and all kinds of weird hardly digested poops. Doc has prescribed me some generic proton pump inhibitor medicine, that blocks the production of acid in the stomach. I was taking it for like 25 days and after a few days from discontinuing to take it, I could say that everything was completely back to normal. Has medicine helped or was it just time? I don't know. Now I am on a vegan diet and experience no gastric issues.
  14. @Lyubov I think there are as many INFPs as INTPs, because they both focus on developing intuition when being adults.
  15. @universe It would be helpful if you could elaborate on ways to turn the interaction sexual. Like, what are the subtle moves you can make while you still feel unsure about the girl? Sober. Yes, I suck that much at dating, my only tactic to get laid is getting drunk. I need some literal explanation. And I am asking for subtle options because I am that unsure about basically any girl when sober that I won't do a bold move.
  16. @Roy that might be true, I have never been in a relationship, I am asking there for the same advice as Space does. But if sex doesn't happen I hardly have motivation to pursue that girl. On the other hand you are right, that has never led me to a relationship. Now I am confused. So maybe ditch the girl you are not trully passionate from the beginning is the right option?
  17. You say so? I must have then a preference for horny girls or be impatient. Can anyone confirm it's a realistic timeline?
  18. Go on a second date and both you get a little bit drunk. You will find that the friendly vibe transforms quickly into a sexual one. Sadly, I don't know any other simple solution. I have the same issue as you, all the girls are like friends or less, until we actually start to kiss and touch, but I don't know how to get there without the alcohol. After we have done something, I want to pursue them more. My idea is that it's all about emotions, doing something exciting together that will leave an impact. Having sex is a good way of making that impact, but there are probably other ways, too.
  19. I have a story on that topic. Last year I was training on a bike on one particular track, and I was like going extra hard coming back home. Saying: God, give me strength, the power to ride faster, I want more speed. I did it many times, always in the same place. And this year I went to ride this track once, but on my new e-bike that rides 50 km/h no problem, and I was like: "shit, my wish has been granted, just not in superhuman strength, but better equipment". God works in mysterious ways.
  20. I like to think I was Red at 8 years old listening to my favorite song by Cascada then, singing "be my bad boy" and making thought experiments for how much money I would kill a person. But to be honest, I was probably deeply entrenched in Blue by then, I was too well-behaved. Red patterns of thought are widely spread in western societies in groups like research chemicals dealers, small thieves, football ultra-fans, various groups with cults of personality. Although I have never met a person whose behaviors would consist only from those typical to stage Red and lower memes. They all have stage Blue ideas back in their head ingrained by the culture. One would have to go to Africa or somewhere to meet such a person. Also, all the Red people I have met in my life are now either Blue, mostly started families and changed, or are in jail.
  21. I like to imagine that chimps now are what people were at Spiral Dynamics stage Beige.
  22. Yet there are also chimps who take care of the weaker members of the group (mainly alphas do that to gain sympathy) or there's this story of a female chimp who took care of a wounded bird.
  23. If I want to trip in the morning I always eat some small hospital-like meal, for example, one sandwich with jam and then wait for an hour. Better to get nauseated from that sandwich (didn't happen to me yet), than fainting from a lack of food (this was close to happening). I am quite a fainty person. Everyone has to suit their own needs. Although drinking a strawberry shake once before tripping was a mistake, I could feel it traveling through the intestines. So, after all, it's better to err on the side of too little food than eating too much.
  24. This not an issue of introversion, but a lack of experience. Being introverted derails your efforts when you are trying to maintain long-term relationships or chat-up a group of people. But 1-on-1 conversations with strangers? You should be ok. In my opinion, it's not that introverts are anti-social, but they just prefer personal interaction with one person at a time and extraverted types prefer doing stuff in a group. Of course, your introversion might have helped to put you in this position of lack of experience, but it's not keeping you there.