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Everything posted by Girzo

  1. No wonder. But how can we communicate then? You are asking people to watch an hour long video and get into some Anna von Reitz rabbit hole, but you yourself don't want to watch at least a single video on Spiral Dynamics, which is a must have for writing in this particular sub-forum IMO. Eh, no-one here wants you to leave, but be here to learn. The worldview you are promoting is just simplistic and people here are used to discussing politics on a higher level. It's hard talking with you, because of how misguided some of your points are, for example saying that the government is some inherently evil, greedy institution, like it was not doing anything useful for the society. Do you like read any books on politics, apart from this government = evil, "some Other is trying to control us" rabbbit hole? Yes, I am aware I am very confrontational, please understand I don't have too much patience for having the same discussion over and over again, with people who accuse others of not doing the work but themselves never going out of their comfort zone.
  2. @Chrism It's clear you haven't studied anything politics related in college or even watched Leo's videos. Please go and watch at least Spiral Dynamics series on channel. The epsiodes on Liberatrianism, Authoritarianism & Democracy, Authority, Conscious Politics would be cool, too. Otherwise, how we can even have a discussion? This sub-forum is dedicated to systemic discussion of politics and social issues. Stop this constant gaslighting and watch the episodes on Spiral Dynamics.
  3. I am out. This forum doesn't need such information.
  4. @Chrism You don't seem like coming from the position of not knowing. It looks more like "I have holes in my knowledge and I fill them with wild claims, which I then propagate further. For sure, you can watch Leo's videos and then make an ideology out of it. But that would just mean you are misapplying what you are being told. Are you here to develop yourself or act like a know-it-all? You know that we are not falling for that stuff, anyone who takes self-dev seriously has outgrown such conspiracy ideas long time ago.
  5. Guys, do you even watch the videos Leo releases? You are literally posting there a theory that the US is rulled by some European bankers and governors from England. How does that not immediately light up in your mind as lunatic ravings of an ideologue is beyond my imagination. It's the classic ideological structure of conspirational stage Blue people, guys in England will say some shit like this about France. Poles have a very similar story of Kingdom of Lechia, the supposedly great slavic empire that fought back Alexander the Great and Cesar, but then got dismantled by a conspiracy of Germany and the Vatican. It's the same bullshit all over the world in 1000 different flavors. The pattern is clear.
  6. Yup, and in comparison to banks you also have to add the time wasted on educating people, online support on trading platforms, all the work of coders who work on the infrastructure, and resources spent on manufacturing mining devices and creating buildings to keep them in.
  7. @Preety_India He talks about a situation in Poland, haha. After the Poles are closed in their homes you can't vote guys.
  8. @diamondpenguin Leo didn't vouch for witchcraft in that episode. Just told to you to research everything for yourself. For all you know witvhcraft might just be a bunch of nonsense. Or not. Go research, don't ask others.
  9. @The Don If your policy is to roll-back everything Obama and destroy institutions that keep check on capitalists, then yeah, Trump's a prolific president. I wouldn't call that creating laws. It doesn't make much sense responding to you, because what you have said on the previous page is pure nonsense. Conservative Christians not imposing their will on others? Just give them four more years and with domination in the Supreme Court, they will roll-back abortion rights and declare anything related to the LGBT+ unconstitutional, for example adoption by the same-sex marriage. They do that all over the world, they will do that in the USA once they get enough power.
  10. @Frenk For sure, study basics first, like listen to 40-50 hours of it, do yourself a crash-course on spirituality. Yet, only go deep and invest hundreds of hours after doing psychedelics. It will be a way more effective use of time.
  11. But it's a good point to take a psychedelic first and then study the theory, it makes so much more sense then.
  12. Because maybe the whole interview was f*cking bizarre, with for example some audio guy interrupting and saying he suggests to keep dating Rudy's cousins and not this journalist. He would need to have less than half a brain not to get cautious about this whole situation and pursue anything sexual with that girl.
  13. By obeying the Pope and translating his words you mean making sure to let everyone understand that the Pope is AT MOST accepting the existing status quo and everyone who thinks the other way around is deluded? Because that's what they are doing.
  14. Sadly, high voter turnout doesn't protect the people from making the wrong choice. We had presidential elections this summer in Poland with almost record turnout at 68,18% and the conservative candidate won again. This week the conservative party has applied a request to the Constitutional court, which they have made conservative by exchanging judges at the beginning of their term, and rolled back the right to have ANY kind of abortion! Now you can't even have an abortion when the child is going to die at birth due to birth defects or when it poses a risk to mothers life. Go people, vote Biden or you are risking worse things than this in your country.
  15. 25i-NBOMe, cheap psychedelic phenethylamine with similar potency and duration to LSD, sold often as fake acid. But it doesn't have to be this particular substance, there are many different variations of NBOMe's, each one would get you in the trouble. People have lost limbs due to vasoconstriction when overdosing phenethylamines.
  16. @Pookie The problem is that this sentence and its conservative interpretation is a pile of bullshit.
  17. Dunno, apps seems superior to normal dating to me. I swipe like on every girl I can, write with most I can and go out with as many that I liked that I can. It's ultra efficient. Normally you would go out twice or thrice a week to a party and maybe get a single date out of that. With an app you can go on a date three times a week and skyrocket your dating skills. And due to corona and lockdowns? Twice as many matches as usual minimum. Every girl sits on apps right now.
  18. @Claymoree Go fact-check any of my 1,500 posts. I am waiting eagerly for whatever "not nice" you will come-up with, haha. I think he will flee the country and become an internet celebrity peddling conspiracy theories or something like that.
  19. @Claymoree What the heck, go fact-check anything that comes out of Trump's mouth. It's mostly empty bragging or lies. Multi-account? They are not allowed on this forum.
  20. Bizzare material, indeed. Feels like watching some desert tribesmen listening to Jesus' talk in Galilea around AD 27, something like that.
  21. If there's that many good evidence for the case of magic (telepathy etc.) being real, why is it not widely accepted? Is it really because of materialsim being a dominant dogma in science or something else is at play? Why high-level scientists who for example claim that reality is made of consciousness differ so widely in their explanations, while scientists who work on typical materialistic research often agree? To what degree can we trust science? How easy it is to manipulate it for companies or malicious agents seeking their own benefit? Where exactly the intelligence is visible in the process of evolution? Ok, there are a few processes that seem intelligent happening on the cell level, but haven't been those processes developed through random mutations first? Why are sceintists so alike to libertarians? Libertarians believe in perfect free markets just as much as scientifc people believe in the process of peer-reviewing. How can they be so blind to its failures? Sorry for offtop, but is it really? How do you know how a flat earth would look like in your direct experience? Maybe what you see is one face of a cube, or it's a part of a cylinder. Round objects with big enough radius seem flat. Have you looked at it with enough attention to determine it's really flat?
  22. I would like to hear something about the trouble with collecting the right kind of data and then making a correct assumption from that, basically how self-delusion or paradigm lock can derail reasearch at the very beginning.
  23. And that's what sometimes makes small talk before or after yoga classes irittating. I don't know why, but I had that expectation that people investing time and money to learn yoga would be the most developed people I can find in my city. Turns out 1/3 of them is conspiracy nuts and the rest doesn't care about spirituality in a deeper sense at all. But the same happens in psychedelic circles. There are people who are like "LSD is cool, but you know what else is cool, Meth." or "If government wasn't stealing my money through taxes I would be able to smoke pot everyday and drop acid whenever I want."
  24. @Preety_India Shows him as he is. Pretty good I would say.