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Everything posted by Girzo

  1. Tony's work had been great for me when I was 14 yo. I totally loved the story about Soichiro Honda and other stuff from his "Awaken the Giant Within" book.
  2. If it is only a concept for you, then yes. For some, it is an actual experience they have or have had. It's not bullshit, you can get more conscious, way more conscious than you currently are and if your identity with a limited self drops, then you are Enlightened. It doesn't mean you can't get more conscious, you can. You can't get more Enlightened though, because you have already dropped the limited identity of being a person. I don't see such a requirement. Saying you are Enlightened when you in fact are is honesty. Why would an Enlightened person not want to be honest? A person claiming to be Enlightened is most likely not that, because most people are deluded and Enlightenment is rare, and not because there is something that stops Enlightened people from being honest about it when asked or when it's appropriate in communication. If you want to frame it that way. You can also understand it as morphing of the present moment. Whether you will treat it as a future goal depends on your level of consciousness. Either way, it doesn't matter how you look at it, you have to do the work to attain it. And you can use any type of framing, you don't have to say achievement, attainment, etc., you can say "uncovering your true self", "being one with everything", whatever. It doesn't change the reality of what it takes to abide in that state. And what it takes is a lot of intense labor. And I use the word labor on purpose because sometimes this work is painful like giving a f*cking birth, yet just like the birth, it's all because of Love. Selflessness is a complicated business. Becoming Enlightened doesn't give you the ability to effortlessly make the most selfless choice every time. It only gives you understanding that no matter what you do, you are acting in the name of the highest Good and Love. Take for example this situation, the malaria-infested mosquito is about to bite your daughter, what do you do: do you kill the mosquito, or let it bite your daughter and infect her? What is a truly saintly, selfless choice in this situation? See, it's not so straightforward. You need to make relative judgments even when being Enlightened.
  3. Hi there, TL;DR in bold. So I am just back from a solo meditation retreat. I wanted to go to Vipassana, but with all the surges in Covid cases in my country in the last weeks I had thought it might not be the brightest idea, so my room it is. It started out as a mixed Vipassana/Kriya retreat, but slowly evolved into Kriya-based one. Yes, I am no good at sticking to the plan. Typical INFP guy here. My Vipassana technique of choice was Shinzen Young's mindfulness with labeling, the "See, Hear, Feel" method. I like it more than the body scaning technique they teach at Goenka's Vipassana retreats. Shinzen Young is an inspiring person, too. It's thanks to him that I started to question if I am not undervaluing stuff like insight mediation and should give it more effort. My Kriya routine is (I have had almost a year of a gap in practicing it and I am just getting back on track since the 1st January, practicing daily): Preliminary Kriya Supreme Fire up to 20 minuntes Maha Mudra 3-12x SantataGamana's/Mukherjee's Kriya Pranayama with concentration at the Third-Eye 108-144x Self-Inquiry or concentration for 20-40 minutes at the end. It takes up to 1 h 30 min to complete. For Kriya Supreme Fire I use Wim Hof-like technique of doing 30 short, sharp inhales and exhales to oxygenate the body, It's super easy to hit 1 min 30 s or 2 min that way. I remember that using this technique I was able to hold breath for 3 minutes in year 2019. So I think that I will switch to full Kriya Supreme Fire soon after the retreat. I had a problem with Vipassana. The problem was I had been constantly falling asleep and lucid dreaming or simply dreaming instead of actually meditating. So 2-hours meditation sit was effectively more like a 1-1.5 hour sit. I even had a dream of me meditating in one place and then after waking up I saw that I am in a completely different place. And I was like, "duh, why is it happening to me?" I know why, it's because I had constantly been laying on the floor with a straight back to give my legs and knees a rest, but it turns out I am godlike at falling asleep at completely flat, uncomfortable floors. But I had to, the knees got such a beating before I started this retreat (I went biking for the first time this year and kind of got carried away), that I didn't want to risk any injury. That's why I have switched to yoga only. You can't fall asleep doing yoga (probably, haha). Here is my schedule for the first 2 days: It's basically appropiated Goenka's Vipassana schedlue. I didn't know what I was doing when planning this up, just went with my mojo and put stuff in there. Too much physical exercise. I had set up timers on my phone to remind me of the schedule and put it into extra-battery saving mode. I then went to improve it for the next two days: This was better, but still not right. The lesson I have learned is that doing Kriya that close before sleep can make falling asleep more difficult, yet I haven't corrected it during this retreat. The schedule I sticked to the end of the retreat is such: Yup, that's 400-600 Kriya Pranayamas a day. But I think this was still ineffective use of time. If I had to start again, I would cut physical yoga asanas (Iyengar) to 1h maximum. Do more sessions of Kriya, aiming for 800-1000 a day, no psychedelics. I would also try to all the Pranayamas as early in the day as possible, to crowd them in the morning and early afternoon. That would be it for a Kriya-themed retreat. I will for sure experiment with other formats, like semi-retreat when I do yoga intensively in the morning and then go about the day as usual, work, etc., for a month. Or do 1-day intensives with 1728 pranyamas on Sundays, for example. 1728 x KP should take about ten hours, that's totally doable. If anything, I could have structured this retreat so that I had 1728 repetitions of pranayama per day, yet as I have said, I didn't really know what I was doing there, before this retreat I was doing only 72 x KP per day and didn't know if there's a limit. There is no limit, one can go on and on and practice. The biggest obstacle is finding an assana to sit/lay in for ten hours with a straight back. I have heard you can drink water during the practice, preferably with ghee, but that sounds like a hindu dogma to me, haha. I would try to do it in "one sitting" from 5AM to 4PM and then rest. What I am thankful to this retreat for is showing me the benefits of such a rigid time schedule. I think I will get serious about scheduling my normal days after this retreat in a similar manner. It's something I have never done really, but makes sitting down to do the practice super easy, because you are always well slept, nourished and at the right place when there's the time to practice. About the psychedelics, I have thought that with so much time on my hands it would be interesting to try different routes of administration for DPT. I don't recommend doing that on a retreat, it's just something I have been curious about and couldn't find a better time to do. So, vaping DPT freebase is easy, too easy. I have wasted like 200 mg because I didn't know how to vape. First, I have had problems with freebasing it, the stuff is a very sticky brownish oil and it's such a pain to manage. So after managing to put like 15 mg from the original 60 I have puffed it and felt threshold effects. After some time I tried to put a paste of DPT mixed with baking soda inside the vaporizer with a drop of water, it has worked, but the water was a problem, I had to carefully evaporate it at around 100C and don't know if that cooking hasn't destroyed some of the molecule. I don't know because when was about to take to take a puff from the vape, I forgot to empty my lungs. Before I have exhaled the air, the DPT has condensed on the glass and made everything dirty, I have only taken into lungs like 10% of the cloud and again felt light mood enchancement. That's when I gave up the method for now. Too much pain with freebasing it correctly and it leaves a smell in the room. So oral administration it is. I have taken 200 mg put into capsule and the other day 300 mg. It works, works like a charm. So far the best ROA for this compound IMO. I have bought my DPT at $8 a gram so I don't feel like it's too wasteful to eat that much of it for one and a half hour of tripping. 200 mg is an equivalent of 45 mg insufflated (+ intensity) and 300 mg is similar to 60 mg insufflated or 110 mg plugged (++ intensity, Shulgin's scale), but with no clogged sinuses, bad taste or bleeding from anus. At least with my metabolism. I was scared because of the reports of extra long trips, like 6-10 hours from this ROA on very high doses, but it seems to not be case, it's a standard for DPT 1.5 hour duration, although I can't be sure of what would happen at a higher dose. I don't know anything about tolerance, maybe my 300 mg trip had been weaker because of the tolerance, dunno. Takes about 40 minutes to load when taken in a capsule (might depend on the capsule you have got). What else I have been up to? Read SantataGamana's books, started Peter Ralston's The Book of Not-Knowing, indulged in the poetry of Ryokan and Rumi when had had a break from the meditation. Poetry totally recommended for a retreat, haha. Cooked some good food, worked on mindfulness in everyday activities, had a detox from the internet, video content, smartphone, messenger, etc. Results from the practice: Feeling of a stronger control over the mind and its urges. Slightly elevated baseline level of consciousness. It's not much, but noticable. Learned to do Kriya Yoga well better. Found comfortable sitting postures. Some calm, spontaneus kundalini activity throughout the day. Improved concetration skills. That's it, nothing fancy, no extraordinary experiences. Here are the sitting set-ups I recommend: 1. For Maha Mudra and sitting with legs crossed/half-lotus. The tilt from the yoga block beneath is very useful and adds comfort by lowering the knees realatively to your hips. 2. For additional comfort, put a blanket on top. It's good for cross-legged postion and sitting on your knees if you like to have knees close together and calfs apart. 3. Put a zafu on the side to sit on your knees and have a support for you butt. This position is just as good as a zen sitting bench or maybe even better. You can put a stiff blanket on top to make it higher, but it has to be stiff, it can't be a soft one, because otherwise you will be sliding to the sides and forwards/backwards. That's all I have had to share, much love and peace.
  4. Only if the system has maxed out its output already. If there are unemployed people, underutilized machines, warehouses, factories not used at 100% capacity, then we can all just start to produce more. Still, some inflation would happen, as people would want more of the stuff that can't be expanded or stuff from foreign countries, too. But that inflation doesn't have to mean something bad to a normal person. If the structure of the economy is such that they own little and are in debt, then they benefit from inflation. The real problem is a predatory increase in prices, for example, landlords increasing rents immediately after hearing news of implementing UBI in the country, taking that profit for themselves. It's all complicated and run by greed. The real solution is to make people more conscious and less selfish, not UBI or anything.
  5. @Insane butterfly Every way. If you look into the 5-MeO-DMT Megathread there reports of people both snorting and plugging freebase. I can't tell you exactly how to do it well, as I have no experience with it.
  6. It's not about purity. Fumarate simply has different weight than HCl. It's not an impurity, it is added on purpose to change chemical properties of the substance, to make it a salt. Impurities add up on top of that making it possibly even less effective. Freebase form is the most effective because it has no additions like HCl or Fumarate, it's simply 5-MeO-DMT only. It might still have some impuritues, though. You use freebase mainly to smoke it, but it can be used in other ways too. I would advise against injecting anything.
  7. @_Archangel_ 1. Yes. I don't know why I like this one. It just feels right, I had switched to it after reading Ennio Nimmis' book and seeing Mukherjee's comment that there is no reason to do less than 108 pranayamas, even for beginners and I liked this attitude and switched to this method. I might add visualization of the prana to my technique in the future because it does indeed silence the mind more than just chanting Om, yet is more strenuous to the body for some reason, I probably unconsciously tense up when doing it. I see it like this, you need to visualize to silence the mind, you do it. You don't need it, you keep it simple. 2. I count *144 pranayamas. It is super easy to do. Using your fingers you can count to 144. Use your thumb to count sections of your fingers, you have 4 fingers left, every single one with 3 sections, that's 12 repetitions you can count. Use the other hand to count how many rounds you have completed. 12x12=144. You can use a rosary, rosary has 54 beads, times two it is 108, ideal. I prefer a cheap $5 mala, it has 108x beads. I have used a blue rubber to mark the 36th bead so I can use it to count 36, 72, 108, or 144 pranayamas easily 3. I haven't yet really tried Yoni Mudra. I want to first master the more basic basics so to speak, haha. I might use it in the future. Might learn Navi Kriya and get serious about doing Khechari Mudra, too. Now it's not a priority. How to sit for a long time undisturbed is my number one focus for now.
  8. Ah yes, that's true. Larger amounts snorted feel like your face freezes, are guaranteed to drip down and kick in 5 minutes. Plugging you don't feel at all, but it has caused me uncontrollably to fart with a bit of red blood and some liquid 6 hours after a trip or so, that's why I am hesitant. It would have sucked if it were to happen during the day in a social situation. Dunno, maybe it was a fluke event that won't happen ever again, maybe not.
  9. @The0Self Yeah, it's just hard to convey all that to newbies. I have a friend who had panicked from a legitimate blotter, because "it has taste", but it was a taste of the ink on the blotter.
  10. Yup, it's exactly as described. And I like it, haha. It's the same as smelling your own sweet fart and enjoying it, weird dirty pleasure. What I don't like is that this smell stays in the air for a long time.
  11. @Leo Gura High doses required. They burn the ass. Do you have an opinion that snorting DPT is more potent than plugging or is it roughly the same for you?
  12. In the lungs? I don't feel anything in the lungs, even when tried to vape HCl. It's super clean. But I only have a handful of tries under my belt and not a full-blown breakthrough trip yet, so maybe that opinion will change.
  13. I am not a chemist, but from my calculations in the head it seems that 5-MeO-DMT Fumarate needs about 30% higher dosage than 5-MeO-DMT HCl. So yes, you need to dose more of the Fumarate version.
  14. If it's a ridiculously high dose, it might have a slight bitter taste.
  15. LSD for me is 10 hours, For example, I wouldn't call what happens at 8 hour mark "after-effects". @Twega So did you take it, how was it?
  16. Guy showing these graphs and saying "ooh, the money printer go brr look at all this debt, what a mess, they are destroying the economy" is a total bullshit and a sign that a person saying it lacks any serious economic education. This debt is not really a debt like a kind of debt you take for a house or a car. It's just a fancy way of creating more money, many countries with big enough reserves and foreign trade could erase their debts in an instant if they wanted to (I am not sure if the US is that kind of country, probably yes), replacing it with printed dollars. So it's size alone is not a problem, you need to take other factors into consideration to judge wheter the sum of debt is making a negative impact on the economy. Plus the stimulus checks won't cause high inflation or harm the economy in any way. They are helping, because people lost jobs and income. Without income they can't buy and pay for anything causing even bigger stagnation, so they need it. Printing money only causes inflation when a whole infrastructure is used at maximum efficiency (machines, trucks, factories, etc.), there is no more accessible resources (wood, metal, cement, oil, etc.) and everyone is in the workforce. Right now there is plenty of under-utilized infrastructur and plenty of jobless people, so printing money causes no harm. The only bad thing about this Covid economy stimulus stuff is how it is distributed, a big portion of it going to big corporations, based on ideological position of trickle-down economics, which doesn't work in reality, causing income inequality to rise, because of companies holding the money in accounts instead of investing and spending. Which is obvious, why would you invest during a crisis when the future is uncertain? Trickle-down economy is such an idiotic postion.
  17. @Mel B I have tried 200 mg and 300 mg orally. It works well, no bodyload. I am interested in trying a higher dose. Oral is superior to plugging for this substance. Yes, vaping is probably best. I need to find a proper way to freebase it in bulk, because I have only HCl in stock. I don't know how I have made the spoon method freebasing work a year ago, I cannot reliably repeat it without wasting material.
  18. @Vignan What you have is a standard size blotter. It's impossible to tell the dose buy its look, LSD is dosed in micrograms, it's such tiny amount, on a paper blotter there can be anything from 50 mcg to 600 mcg. I haven't heard of stronger blotters this size than 600 mcg.
  19. Wait for Neuralink or other technical solution to expand human mind's capacity. Till then keep reading and noting the classy way. You don't really need to remember much. Have a few of your favourite talking points written in a journal and maybe try to improve on them after reading some new book, or add a fresh talking point to your library if something in that book has been that phenomenal.
  20. Yeah, it's irritating as hell when all the advaita guys answer topics with their absolutistic bullshit unasked, when the OP clearly wanted an answer from a relative domain of life. I call that unskillful application of knowledge.
  21. I have disliked the guy on the first sight, not my cup of a tea.
  22. @bazera Kriya Yoga is basically meditation for dummies. It's a set of techniques that you do in order to enter into a deep meditative state at the end of a routine and hopefully abide there for some time. If you have natural talent at meditation you might not need it, but it's still worth a try to see if it, maybe, will allow you to enter deeper states of concentration and relaxation.
  23. Nah, to be a great mystic one shall do lots of psychedelics... and meditate even more.
  24. Also, stage Yellow from Spiral Dynamics corresponds to color Teal in Ken WilbEEEr's model.