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Everything posted by Girzo

  1. Do you ask from the perspective of a sober person reflecting on their trip or someone who is immersed in the experience and doesn't know how to make sense of their suspected delusions?
  2. Taking psychedelics regularly in small doses long-term does not increase risk significantly. You are okay doing that. Doing them daily in small doses, like smoking some DMT every day, could be harmful, because of damage to the lungs and potential effects on the heart, which is full of serotonin receptors, but it's still a small risk compared to drinking alcohol with the same intensity, for example.
  3. DMT vaped from electronic vaporizer is not harsh at all. It hurts the lungs a little, because it's freebase, but other than that it's good. Ineffective though. I manage to only inhale like 20% of what I put into it. Haven't yet had a breakthrough experience, even though I load it with 60 mg. The device is so ineffective, I would have to make two inhales, or maybe set up a higher temperature than 170C and try to get it all in one toke, but harsher. I have to train that inhaling technique and try the mesh method, since I already have a DIY vape, I only need to buy one element. I think about learning the technique on DPT freebase, I remember it is easier to vape DPT than DMT.
  4. @TheAlchemist Can you tilt it and smoke from between 45 and 90 degrees angle? I have a cup vaporizer and it has to be perfectly straight, and me being a total noob always managa to spit saliva into it because of that. Don't ask me how, I don't know how, what I know is that I am no sonoran desert toad and vaping my saliva doesn't make one trip harder, haha
  5. @PonchoTheWizard Plugging with MAOi works. Without not. It still requires big doses which might hurt your rectum. I have been vaping DMT with Mr Bald T, no breakthrough yet.
  6. BATGAP, BATGAP, BATGAP. Buddha at the Gas Pump is the best podcast. Also, did you know that Rupert Spira has his own podcast? That would be a cool conversation. Any of the psychedelic youtubers would be cool. I mean any, they are all cool, even this Adeptus guy. A talk with Rupert Sheldrake would be awesome. He doesn't have a podcast, but could be invited just for fun, like you have done with Martin Ball or this Tripp PUA guy. Tim Freke has a podcast with a small audience but he's cool.
  7. If you are twenty-something then you are probably in your worst period allergy-wise. My doc said it gets better the older you get. I think we are just made to live in Spain, Mexico or some other hot, fun place, haha. When I was in Spain, even during the peak of the pollen season, I had zero allergies, that's probably because of how little plants grew there.
  8. @Jamajczyk There is only one observer. The consciousness in me is the consciousness in you, since it is devoid of any qualities other than being conscious. Your experience is all there is, unless the consciousness chooses to look at the world through my eyes, but then notice that your experience dissapears. There can be only a single experience at the time, but for consciousness it's not a problem, since it's not bound by time, so it can effortlessly create this illusion of there being me and you while in fact we are one. Although, for practical reasons, yes it makes sense to say that there is me before screen writing to you. But it's not absolutely true.
  9. @Jamajczyk You can't see it, so it only exists like that, as something you can't see. You only imagine that there are bees and snakes unless they are in your direct experience right now, but then you imagine that they can see at all. Some things are personal, some physical, and some cultural, it's wise to know how to differentiate between those, but what unites them is that all these areas are imagined by the Universe, so in the end, it's all imagination, but impersonal imagination, not personal of which you usually think when you hear the word imagination.
  10. @Jamajczyk Hi, fellow self-actualizer from Poland! Exactly. The normie stuff like pointless socializing and discussing which artists are cool, for ex., gets pretty boring soon, though. Yoga, meditation and psychedelics is where the fun in life lies, haha.
  11. I saw the title and wanted to say go to Charlie, haha. Turns out he is the first you choose, hah.
  12. Yes, Leo does, and Sadhguru does, too. The video had been brought in the wrong context, as if Sadhguru was talking about hardware in it.
  13. DPT is a mellower brother of DMT. More focused on the outside and physicality, while DMT is internal, eternal bliss. I am not so sure of that description, as I still explore both substances, but this is my first impression. Edit: I have got a better example to illustrate them. DPT turns you into a powerful werewolf that can shoot lightings from hands, DMT turns you into a very wise immortal stone that falls to the floor, haha. That's the difference in vibe.
  14. But Sadhguru made a distinction between software and hardware in that video, isn't it? And said that it applies to software side, so no need to outrun the cheetah, since it's not his claim. He talks about something similar to what Leo described in his latest video about survival forming your psyche and that you can remodel it, untangle from past memories and be ready for new challenges. Sadhguru's too wise to make a claim at Harvard that he can melt physical reality, even if he believes he can do that, he wouldn't show pearls to the swine, haha. I don't think he can, though.
  15. That's New Age. I think if it's underestimated it's like a difference between 0.000001% and 0.001%. I wouldn't hold my breath for a sudden change in a median of level of consciousness on the Earth. I don't know the future, though. Every year new miracles happen, who knows what can unfold in a few next decades. So it's possible, but I am sceptical.
  16. @TheAlchemist So, did you get more experience with this method? Is the smoke harsh or tasteless when vaping a breakthrough dose?
  17. @Megan Alecia Sadhguru being New Age? I think he is more of the Old Age, haha. Sadhguru is great at being what he is. He is a role model guru, knows how the world works and effectively manages big projects and big crowds. That effectiveness means he needs to maintain a certain persona, public image, that some might not like, but which is needed to succesfully deal with politicians and responsibly lead dogmatic hindu believers.
  18. Last year around April I have still had terrible, destroyed gut from antibiotics. This year it's a happy vegan belly full of beans and other fart-producing materials, haha. Will see if it makes any difference, but I don't feel like it does yet. It seems that the weather, and thus the pollen count in the air, has a much more profound impact on the intensity of allergies than any changes in diet.
  19. I have tried the mushrooms, too, they are shite. I haven't really researched what I am buying, just bought a generic brand from a local pharmacy, so it might have been not a fair shot at trying them. The way is to learn to manage this effectively. Antihistamines don't hurt much. After taking them for a few weeks you have more or less tolerance to the sleepiness effect. For now (Baltic Europe) I just go with a big pill of fexofenadine, 160 mg in the morning and plan on adding to it up to 3 times per day 5 mg of levoceterizine, according to the needs when the polen season gets into a full-swing. Fun-fact: LSD works like an antihistamine, so you don't have to take any allergy medication when planning to trip in nature.
  20. Hmm, I have found this note in my OneNote and I think this episode haven't been included yet, someone might add it when updating the textbook later with more notes.
  21. @IamMystic there's a DMT Mega-thread, look it up.
  22. What's even crazier, Shinzen had a serious car accident under influence of LSD in his youth. He has suffered at least some brain damage while being high on psychedelics and I think it might be related to how talented of a meditator he is. He would deny that, though, but for me it's suspicious. Shinzen also had had some weird episodes on his path towards Enlightenment, like hallucinating giant insects everywhere for months as an after-effect from his intense meditation practice, which had eventually passed.