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Girzo replied to Thetruthseeker's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
It can't be an integral model then, but something from the lower stages, that is a residue in your mind, something to eventually get rid off or replace with something better. Vaccines are a proven concept, another tool in the medical toolbox, you would be stupid not to use them when the oppurtunity arises. They are the best, realistic solution to Covid. Plus, this is Actualized.org forum. People here are inserting obscure, untested, impure psychedelics up their buttholes. It takes a certain kind of stupidity to be okay with doing that, but be scared of getting vaccinated. -
I read anthropology, sociology, politics, etc. Self-help is boring as hell. The only self-help books I am interested in nowadays are the ones about emotions, managing social conflicts, non-violent communication, etc., because these are the areas I am lacking in from years of being non-duality nerd.
@Intraplanetary My best productivity technique? I am not a very productive person, maybe I could be if reading 100 books a year counted as being productive, but is not in my opinion, haha. But if I want to get some project done or implement a new habit I make bets with a friend. We hold each other accountable for a month and if any one of us doesn't meet the agreed earlier quota of daily productivity, they pay $10 for a charity or whatever for every day they miss.
@hyruga Sidewalk as described by DeMarco include those who are really ballin' in life. MJ is not that stupid to conflate Red with poor, he acknowledged that some Sidewalkers are well-off. He did conflate socialist ideas with not taking responsibility, though. He probably didn't read anything about Spiral Dynamics specifically, but thanks to studying Management and actually reading lots of business books, he had to get accustomed with systems thinking and acquired some notions in his thinking that resemble Spiral Dynamics.
+1 I don't like LSD microdosing. Tried it and found nothing spectacular. If I wanted to microdose, I would just start vaping low-dose DMT everyday, I think the effects would be similar, haha. https://thethirdwave.co/microdosing/dmt/
Found an interesting community on reddit. They have a cool collection of DMT related communities in the sidebar. If it's good enough for Reddit, I hope it's good enough for this site and doesn't fall under sourcing or something. https://www.reddit.com/r/dmtguide/ And here is also a photo of my vape, Ain't it pretty?
I simply hold the postition of not knowing when it comes to aliens. It's not like having a belief on this matter changes anything, so why have one? Believing that they haven't visited Earth, would require me to to change position when it turns out to be wrong, and if I had a positive opinion on that, then I would have to search for evidence and constantly explain myself. Why bother?
Girzo replied to OneIntoOne's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Alex_R I actually feel like DMT is easier for newbies as it last soo short. From my experience best introduction to psychedelics is 50 mg insufflated DPT or, if someone gets turned off by the idea of snorting drugs, 225 ug AL-LAD -
If you have liked Laloux's work, then you will also like Corporate Rebels - Joost Minnaar, Pim de Morree. Corporate Rebels is their brand, but also the title of their first book. It tells stories of some great, inspiring, stage Yellow businesses. Currently reading it. The first chapter didn't impress my though. There is some point in reading books, that you reach after reading lots, where it gets hard to find something that will blow you away, haha.
Girzo replied to Adodd's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Breakingthewall 12 times. It has been my first psychedelic ever actually. Full effects, peak + coming down, last 6 hours and it is not an experience as deep as LSD. -
Girzo replied to Adodd's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I am positive about high doses of shrooms, you just need a perfect setting for 4 hours, when the most intense effects happen. You have to be ready to get pinned for 2 hours to your sofa not being able to move from the bodyload if you happen to get it, otherwise, great experience. No matter how twisted the trip is, I maintain full consciousness over how much time has passed, which is super helpful in not freaking out. If you don't have that ability and can get fooled that you are "trapped in a loop" or something, then make your own judgement wheter you are able to bear it. I think LSD has harsher mindspace than shrooms. Shrooms are easier to manage. LSD is more spiritual, too, though. And better for thinking about complex ideas, refining insights. LSD overall is the superior psychedelic, haha. I would like to have something in my collection that is exactly like LSD, but lasts 3-4 hours. -
Here you go @Intraplanetary Allan Dib - The 1-Page Marketing Plan Cal Newport - Deep Work Cal Newport - So Good They Can't Ignore You Frederic Laloux - Reinventing Organizations (Stage Yellow book about doing business and management. Opens your eyes to what is possible in that game.) George Leonard - Mastery (Do not mistake with Robert Greene's scheisse) Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - Good Business (It's a Yellow book actually, but so what) Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - Flow MJ DeMarco - The Millionaire Fastlane (The amateur sociology part of the book sucks, conflating stage Green with stage Red and calling it all "Sidewalk", while Blue is "Slowlane" and Orange is "Fastlane", otherwise AAA book, the best one on becoming entrepreneur.) Peter Senge - The Fifth Discipline (It's an early Yellow book from the 90., worthwhile read for any business owner, is an intro to systems thinking.) Ryan Honeyman - The B Corp Handbook (Stage Green book on having a conscious business, not sacrificing your values for money. It includes and improves on stage Orange ideas.) Seth Godin - Purple Cow Seth Godin - This is Marketing Simon Sinek - Start With Why Harvard Business Review - 10 Must Reads on Managing People Harvard Business Review - 10 Must Reads on Managing People, Vol. 2 Harvard Business Review - 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself (Unabridged) Jack Canfield - The Success Principles Michael Gerber - The E-Myth Revisited Michael Porter - Competitive Strategy (Business 101, it's a classic academic book.)
@Chi_ He has said that he now only eats chicken with salt, until his serious gut problems heal.
10/10 Leo would probably say 8/10, because Bernardo is not God-realized, haha.
Ah, I have forgotten Strasssman, but you already have read something from him, soo Martin Ball and Christopher M. Bache are the most practical authors on my list.
@gggkkk I can recommend you a few books. There are no practical books about psychedelics, as the most practical thing is just to take them, haha, but a few of them might catch your attention. Here are the books I have read, alphabetical order, favourites in bold: Aldous Huxley - Island (Literary classic, it's very interesting to read Brave New World first, written before Huxley discovered psychedelics, and then the Island, which is a reply to that story changing the vision of the future from dystopia to some kind of low-key, realistic utopia.) Ayelet Waldman - A Really Good Day (Book about microdosing, written by a normie who had nothing to do with psychedelics, interesting.) Brian C. Muraresku - The Immortality Key (Newest anthropology book about ancient drug use, also touches on subjects of pagan death cults and pagan-christianity continuity theory. Written by a researcher who has never done psychedelics, on purpose, so his work doesn't get demonized or labeled as ravings of a lunatic. Interesting as fuck.) Carl L. Hart - Drug Use for Grown-Ups (Responsible drug use, decriminalization advocacy, full of captivating personal stories. Dr Carl Hart is someone who wears his heart on his sleeve. Great guy.) Christopher M. Bache - LSD and the Mind of the Universe (Story of a hardcore philosopher who dosed extremely strong LSD doses twice a year for decades to do his research.) James Fadiman - Psychedelic Explorer's Guide (Oldie, not that goldie anymore, haha. The content of this book is normal knowledge on the internet nowadays.) Jim DeKorne - Psychedelic Shamanism (Dangers of choosing that path. Some interesting points made.) Mark Fisher - K-Punk Politics (Has a chapter at the end from his never finished book about "Acid Communism", because of the suicide he commited. ) Martin Ball - Being Human (READ THIS SHIT, the finest biography of the finest 5-MeO-DMT researcher) Martin Ball - Being Infinite Martin Ball - Entheogenic Liberation Martin Ball - God's Handbook Michael Pollan - How to Change Your Mind (Various interviews, stories and a personal adventure of discovering something new. Typical Pollan's book, but about psychedelics. Great.) Rupert Sheldrake - Ways to Go Beyond and Why They Work (Has chapter on psychedelics if I remeber correctly, but overall it's a worthwhile book. Rupert is similar to Leo in my opinion.)
Girzo replied to Aaron Truth's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Pilgrimage of Self When you start doing Vipassana the recommended path is something like that: you go on a 10-day meditation retreat, then after it practice meditation 2 times a day for 1 hour, you do that by reducing the amount you sleep by 1 hour, so it effectively takes only 1 hour from your day, then you strive to attend at least one 10-day retreat a year. Something like four 10-day retreats or one month-long would be ideal, but often not feasible. The 4-hour a day, month-long retreats are cool too, they just require lots of determination. You would have, if you had done 5 x 100-hour long retreats. But 500 hours dispersed daily throughout 5 years? Unlikely. -
Girzo replied to EntheogenTruthSeeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
If you were talking about Buddha or Muhammad the way you talk Jesus, the people would have the same issue with your behavior. It's not about content, but delivery. -
Girzo replied to EntheogenTruthSeeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@EntheogenTruthSeeker You are too open. You need to balance openness with groundedness, otherwise you are just acting crazy. Read Peter Ralston's "The Book of Not Knowing" if you haven't done that yet. It would be very helpful to you. Look for chapters about "Grounded Openness" and any chapter about bullshit. -
Take it. Don't look for herbal alternatives in that case, because if doctor's antibiotics are a grenade, then herbal alternatives are napalm air deployment all month long. That something is natural doesn't mean it's gentle or more holistic. You are good, you have a diagnosis. It's way worse when you have just IBS without a known cause, becuase it adds up to the stress. But, H. Pylori, it's a daily bread for gastroenterologist, they should be able to help you.
Girzo replied to Thetruthseeker's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Thetruthseeker That's why they are Green and not Yellow, hah. I don't know of any stage Yellow person who's anti-vaxxer, at some point in your cognitive development such notions start to seem stupid. The thing is, you can be Green with a terrible epistemology. Like all the stuff with crystals, astrology, etc., it's 90% bullshit, and when you start to ask people for reasons why they adopt these believes you can get really scared. I have a female friend who does yoga, some full-moon prayers and stuff like that and... oh man, the way she makes sense out of the world, it terrifies me. I lack words to describe what is scary about it, but it's like she lacks some mental tools to distinguish what's worthwhile of trust and what's not. She also holds strong belief on topics she has no idea about and has no willingness to learn about them. It's not dogmatism per se, but some stage Green version of it. -
@PonchoTheWizard Minty's is a niche, but very practical YT channel. Love it. Man, I can't rave enough about the emesh method. I think I will buy a few spares in case something faults. Golden method. Vaped 25 mg today, it's like a dream.
Girzo replied to Aaron Truth's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You would be better off if you have been doing like special weekends when you meditate 12 hours a day, or do a month of meditation where you meditate 4 hours per day for a month. Otherwise, you are not really aiming at Enlightment, but maybe stress/anxiety-management. -
Okay, I might have some ideas for you, radical or not, you might like them. So, let's start point by point. Cabin, I have thought it through, is not really a sustainable choice. You can have higher level of living and more possibilites living in a small apartment in the city. Costs are similar, cabins are actually quite expensive. You don't need to live in the forest to do spiritual work, haha. And you are young, so sex oppurtinities, etc. Having a girlfriend/boyfriend (whatever rocks your boat) is cool, you can move to a cabin when you are older. Could be possible, but there's a lot of competition of people who love this job and also what if you would be mediocre at it as you are at IT jobs, wouldn't that also be psychologically draining? For an easy job for an easy buck, I suggest helping younger students with Maths. It should be easy for you to find clients, because of having Computer Science-related degree. It's good money, nice job, better rates than entry graphic design jobs, you set the hours. I would only go for the web/graphic design if you want to build sales skills, because that's the only reasonable way to make good money there, to be a great marketer. You can go serve on retreats, do volountering from Workaway.info, etc. for two years if you have such a need. Good option if you want to explore the world and meet interesting people. Possible, but hard to do. Need some education in that direction or a lot of connections. You would have to save some money and buy tickets to the psychedelic conferences whenever you can attend one, check your local drug activism organizations, or become a great entertainer and start psychedelic-related YT channel, TikTok, or whatever social network shit there will be in the future. Only you can know how much you love running. If you want to know a perspective of someone who did decide to pursue that path, then Rich Roll has written a cool book called "Finding Ultra". Journey from obese lawyer to ultra-marathon runner. If you have waited for so long, then I would wait till the end of school and do it as a big event to end that chapter of life and start a new one, just how Leo described in of his best epsiodes "Life Unfolds in Phases..." or something like that, I don't remember the exact title.
Tried it. Doesn't work. I mean I feel the effects, but they are nothing? Vaping 40 mg in 4 rounds would make more sense because the 10 mg feels like a trip and not just post-yoga effects like the 5 mg dose does.