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Everything posted by Girzo

  1. It makes sense to look at it as finding a connection with someone, rather than getting rejected. It's a normal situation not to like someone, the connection is uniqe, so you rather should count that, and ignore the rest. Yes, ignoring it is less useful for getting results, but way better for your mind. Use your intuition to judge if you are doing right numbers-wise, not counting how many times you have been rejected. Love man.
  2. Double recommendation on Marianne Williamson. If I ever met a girl my age like Marianne, I would want her to be my wife.
  3. I find it cool there is no AMA.
  4. He is taking about religious fanatics and this sort of people in general. Not people who pursue yoga or art. Isn't it obvious?
  5. It probably depends on what you count as an approach, Leo probably counts everything, even saying hi and girl not giving a fuck at all, an interaction lasting 5 seconds, while someone claiming 20% success rate might be only counting as an approach situations which have turned into an interesting flirty conversation. 3% is the conversion rate I see everywhere repeating in business, sales and marketing. When I was doing ads it was typical for an ad to get that conversion when comparing sales with the number of people seeimg the ad, but counting only the people who had clicked on the ad the conversion would rise to 20-33%
  6. Was it dates or was it sex? You must be quite attractive and have very good logistics if it was sex. If I recall correctly I have had sex with like 1 in 5 girls who went on a date with me. But I am also a noob and this ratio can be certainly improved. But I don't think if want to improve it, having a girlfriend is nice, why chase after new people?
  7. @Superfluo because in his days people were probably saying shit like "My intuition tells me the Bible is 100% right and Jesus Christ is our only savior." The terms change their meaning slightly over the decades, centuries, as the context they are used in changes too.
  8. @herghly I second that. 100 ug of 1P-LSD is like 2 g shrooms.
  9. I meant Maupin being less developed than even the youtubers he criticizes and you opposing this opinion, not him criticising SD. 1. Most of the stuff you have cited is not arguments, just smearing people. If one wants to be liked, if one wants to mean something in the political game, the worst thing to do is to start throwing shit at others. 2. The stuff that could be taken as arguments is so off, to correct it you would have to start from the basics they teach at college. He doesn't construe quality arguments. Not book-quality for sure. Also, why would I put an effort? He is not gonna read it. You are probably the only person on this forum reading him and you are not gonna change your mind. Just a big waste of time to put that effort. Replying to this thread already borders on too much effort.
  10. Jeez, this Caleb Maupin guy is an idiot. The book reminds me of "works" of Dinesh Souza or some other bullshit writing right-winger, but instead of being ultra-American, it's ultra-Soviet-style communism. Both are bullshit ideologies. That level of discourse does not demand a serious response. I wouldn't argue with a kid over politics, and I would neither do so with this guy. No, it's not used towards anyone more left than Bernie Sanders. It's used towards anyone on the left who is less developed than the liberals. I mean less developed in terms of a values set one deems important, exactly the thing that Spiral Dynamics describes. People don't know that model but they can intuitively smell someone less developed than them on that axis. And if you want to oppose that opinion, then is really writing such a slanderous book in an attacking tone a sign of high development? That's not how you do quality reporting.
  11. @Vision use the antihistamines during the summer or get immunity shots this winter for the next season. Why reinvent the wheel, the conventional ways of easing seasonal allergies are quite ok.
  12. Edit: @_Archangel_ I have made a post before checking out yours, this is the shit I am looking for! Any recommendations of other bands? This is a little bit like Tool. If you want non-dual metal, the best way to achieve that is to choose something without lyrics, like music by bands God is an Astronaut or I Am Waiting for You Last Summer, and just smoke DMT listening to it, the DMT being your provider of non-duality in that equation, haha. SD is a very good model to judge the message embodied in an artwork. And I think it's true that a lot of metal has primitive insights to tell, like coming from around stage Blue/Orange. Doesn't mean it's bad, just nothing new. I crave a trendy metal band that has lyrics embodying stage Green or Yellow values, if there really is such a plentiful of them then share it, please. Something with a message like this song, You Me at Six - Our House, but more metal sounding. Bring Me the Horizon is Greenish. grandson is more of a rapper than a metal band but has a harsh sound and still conveys quite a developed worldview in his songs. I would happily hear about more stage Green, Yellow or non-duality-focused metal bands.
  13. You wait however long you want to wait. Why invent some stupid rule, what if she wanted to do it on the third date but had her period that day? And a girl can have some more reservations if she is still a virgin. It's a pointless idea to put such a hard rule in the first place.
  14. No, it's not that. It's because the EU can still break at any point and then tell me, who would direct the military, who would the single army attack, and who would they protect if a conflict arises? It's the US that invests crazily in the military and stirs up conflicts everywhere in the world. The EU has a different set of values, it's not an excuse not to bomb some shit in the Middle East, it's just knowing that bombing shit doesn't really help. You w It was Stalin who said "Ok, USSR is now a communist country! We did it!", without actually achieving its goals, just for propaganda reasons or something. In Poland, we refer to that period as it has been called by our own party, that is communism, or use the name of the country PRL or name of the party PZPR. Only hardcore socialists advocating for 75% income taxes over $125k/year argue that in Poland the system wasn't communism and should be called something else.
  15. Not in the slightest, 0% chance. Total red-herring. The only reason he won the first time was that people were ignorant of how much of a conartist he is and thought instead that he is an acomplished businessman. He isn't.
  16. What? Every EU country has their own military. NATO already unifies in some way all these European armies together, and with the US and Canada too, so there's no need for creating another organization to enable cooperation for only European militaries. The EU has strategic prgorams to additionaly redistribute wealth to militaries of countries that are on the borders of the union. EU is not like the US, to have only one single military, you also need to have only one central bank, EU is not yet integrated that much. WTF? Poland is an EU country and a literal ally of the US for decades. You probably meant Belarus.
  17. DMT Yoga Intimacy
  18. If I recall correctly the sucessful ones were all mild cases. I think psychedelics might also help someone slightly autistic or someone who has suffered mild head injury. And you guys talking about kundalini, if you are not some kundalini masters who have been practicing and teaching people for 40 years, I don't believe you. Most of psychedelics are novel, their effects in the context of eastern systems like kundalini are not well tested.
  19. Okay, okay, a lot of stuff going in this thread, haha. If anyone is interested in actual science then psychedelics are NOT damaging any part of the nervous system and actually they HAVE protective and regenerative effects, but just slightly, nothing spectacular, they won't heal schizophrenia. We don't know a lot about them for sure, that's why more research is needed.
  20. @Opo The smoked and aged part could be the problem.
  21. @Windappreciator it is not, you can read Chouinard's Let My People Go Surfing, or chapters about Patagonia from Reinventing Organizations book by Laloux. I find that serious discussion of solutions to climate change is more often Yellow than Green. Green in business is more about inclusion and communication at work and not aligning personal purposes of workers with a purpose of the organization, so both can benefit, which is a main factor that distinguishes a stage Yellow business, that attention to purpose and leveraging natural talents of your workers towards achieving it. It's hard for me to put it into words and not make it sound like Orange, hah
  22. Patagonia is tier 2 because of how well it treats its employes, has REAL commitments towards environmental impact and knows it's place in the system, which is not able to do much when it comes to climate change, but anything is better than nothing.
  23. Casually hit DMT over the table, from a meth pipe.
  24. With ceramic cups? They are ok for 5-MeO, but have a few problems. The substance gets into corner of the cup where it doesn't evaporate, so it's hard to dose accurately, hard to find the right temperature, heats up very long and drains battery. The mesh is soo superior to ceramic, you have to try it to know why. I guess the most sure way is to count for how many seconds you have inhaled it. Up it by a second starting from 3 s until you reach something like 12 seconds or do 5 second inhale, then 5 another second inhale if the first one wasn't enough, until you find your sweet-spot.