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Everything posted by Girzo

  1. No, guys Leo is not playing any 5D chess. Use the Occam's razor, he is disagreeing with you, because your position is just stupid, that's the simplest explanation. Mainstream medicine is not all bad. It's overall good, like 85% of its solutions are good. As is in this case.
  2. I do the first few exercises from the Life Purpose Course about value discovery with every girl I date. I just bring paper and markers to a date and we have fun scribbling and discussing our core values.
  3. @Sempiternity It's not about owing anything, but if a girl, a girl herself wants to please a man, it's good for her to know that the cumming part is crucial. The guys who find sex enjoyable without ever coming are extreme minority I think. I am not talking about some kind of higher satifaction, but only pleasant bodily sensations. It's good to satisfy all levels in a relation, the more heavenly ones and the earthly ones.
  4. You can have an orgasm as a male without ejaculating, but it's hard to achieve and most guys have never even heard about it. I have never pulled it out with a girl, though. And edging is cool, too, but after all this toying one would like to actually cum. It means they probably got turned off by something, a thought, a sound, teeth on D, whatever. You could try to act sexier next time or do it in a more intimate setting with such invidual.
  5. Chögyam Trungpa, as heavy of an alcoholic as one can get
  6. @BlackLeopard Why the attack? I do have a girlfriend, and a loving one, we both put a lot of effort into spending quality time together and getting to know each other deeply. But it's both about satifying that chimp fantasy of what is sexy in a partner (female - sexy, male - provider) AND building a conscious loving relationship on top of that. And you can't have the second without the first one. Girls are very stubborn about accepting that reality, that's why I would never communicate in that way with a girl, but my post hasn't been directed at a girl, but a man.
  7. Hmm, you should have no problem finding someone after intense searching. From a societal perspective there is a problem that girls want to partner up, that is partner with someone more successful or older and wiser than them, which creates a pool of succesful single middle-aged women at the top and frustrated young males at the bottom. But you are not belonging to any of the groups affected by that. Male-female dynamics-wise your assets like social position, pay from your work, etc. will probably rise, and assets of a girl, that is her attractivness, will only diminish. So you are likely to find even someone out of your league in terms of looks, because girls know that too and they don't want a male that will leave them for someone younger when the aforementioned effect happens. But I wouldn't optimize for that and instead look for someone in the same league looks-wise, but superbly matched in lifestyle, compatibile hobbies and development level, that is someone at a similar level of values like in Spiral Dynamics model and other major developmental lines.
  8. The realities of kids raised in catholic faith doesn't differ much from those raised in India, religious practice-wise. At least I think so. As kids we were supposed to pray twice a day, some people prayed before meals too, a few times a week also a prayer at school at religion classes which were more or less mandatory (it's easier to attend them than not, plus your parents have a final say, until you are like 13 yo). We went to chcurch for a mass every Sunday plus additional holidays. We had to prepare for special events like the first sacrament by memorizing a shitton of spiritual texts from little books every kid have. There are prayers, commandments, psalms, most common rituals, all the basics basically in that little book. In May we had to attend communal rosemary singing for a whole month everyday, or pray solo in the house, but the communal setup was preffered. Rosemary has 54 beads, you basically have to repeat the same prayer 50 times plus some special ones. I am probably forgetting something, there's a lot of that stuff and I don't participate in it for years already. Yeah, but my point is that stage Blue religion is similar worldwide and still strong in the West, in spite of appearances. I have thought you might find that interesting.
  9. @Preety_India No Preety, you would be better off if you have exchanged 20000 of your posts for a one 200 hour-long meditation retreat. I truly think so.
  10. Aldous Huxley - Brave New World and Aldous Huxley - The Island An interesting read, knowing that the first story has been written before Huxley discovered psychedelics and the second after.
  11. You can take my retreat as an inspiration There are also a few other people who had posted their experiences/tips on the forum.
  12. I have scammed quite a few people as a kid and teenager. I have always been looking for something that people wanted, but I knew was impossible to deliver. The first scam I had ever pulled was "Paypal Money Adder", for real, I had been 11 years old, uploaded a video to youtube with some shitty Visual Basic app and scammed my first dollar. I couldn't believe at first that there were people as stupid as to believe in Paypal Money Adder stitched togerher in VB by some kid and recorded with Camtasia. There were. I have been the first to come up with the idea of CS:GO Case Hack and put a scam website about it, had also some esoteric technical scams with fake mobile game patches to allow playing games written for ARMv7 processors on older hardware, very niche. I have never been scammed on a scale I have been scamming other people, but I am not immune, even though I know most of the trade tricks. I have always rationalized it as doing a favor for the scammed people, as I have been only taking their time and not money and maybe getting scammed by me would open their eyes and help avoid getting scammed by more serious scammers. But I know it doesn't work that way. Some people just are believers, they can get scammed 15 times in a row and not change anything in their epistemology.
  13. @Endangered-EGO Big figures like Sadhguru, etc. are claiming siddhis are a thing and that they have experienced them. You would have to categorize a lot of mystics as partially deluded if you don't want to accept their claims. Enlightenment teachers, when you dig info on them or watch lots of their videos, will sometimes affirm siddhis as valid and something that has happened to them, but as it is not Enlightenment they deliberately avoid this topic. I won't throw examples from the top of my head as it's a topic I have zero interest of and always have had none, but I remember encoutering such affirmative accounts of "magic powers".
  14. @vindicated erudite PsychedSubstance has been addicted to a lot of stuff through his life, amphetamines for example. I don't remember details.
  15. @trenton Read "Reinventing Organizations" by Frederic Laloux or "Corporate Rebels" by Joost Minnar, Pim de Morree. "Let My People Go Surfing" by Yvon Chouinard is a great read, too. Don't get into gaslighted into thinking better business is not possible. It is, and there are already concrete examples of corporations that have gone that way. Someone just have to scale those solutions, reinvent them in new sectors, it could be you.
  16. We are all responsible, there's no-one to blame but oneself. And I don't think we have yet the technology or organizational solutions to fix the environmental issues/climate change. If we did, they would have been already solved, but they are not. We have to develop the technology and come up with new ideas that can spread through society. Everything we have come up to his moment is not enough. It's not as simple as to say "get rid of plastic wraps", because that would interfere with food supply chains, which in turn could result in more food getting wasted, which could mean more fossil fuels burned per nutrition produced than simply using a plastic wrap. Maybe, maybe not. The thing is, it's complicated and there are no simple answers. Also if you would want to get rid of single-use packaging, you have to equip people with their own durable containers, which is an initial investment, it's worth it, but still an investment. And the biggest problem when you get rid of individual packaging I think would be pests in the store, infesting the flour, beans, etc. It would require effort from merchants to protect from it. Every single issue is complicated like that and someone has to make improvments to the whole process so it can be accepted by mainstream. It's so hard to change people's habits, especially related to food, sex and comfort.
  17. Yes, because in systems there are tipping points and chain reactions. After you introduce change to some variable, like CO2, you throw the system off the balance, it takes time to regain that balance and until it happens there are disturbances in how life processes happen, and those disturbances result in needless suffering of hundreds of millions of living beings. You have got a point in saying that climate change is not important, it's true. What's important is the environmental crisis, all the other shit we do apart from burning fossils, like releasing toxins to the atmosphere, introducing invasive species on purpose or by accident, destroying rivers, forests, farming monocultures, etc. It all reduces humanity's ability to respond to changes in environment, which results in more disturbances, which are hundreds of millions of lifes destroyed, even if you assume some scenario like "at most 5% of humanity will suffer". That 5% is already hundreds of millions. And really, I think that a billion will suffer the progressing destruction of environment. There is little alternative in a current socio-techno-political landscape, so we, this young generation, have to be the be the ones who will come up with clever solutions.
  18. I vouch for yoga. The combination of breathing and movement works the best. After some time you can cut down on yoga and just meditate or do pranayama more, but first you have to build a foundation for a few years. The classic Hatha yoga or something similar not modified too much and not too fast will be the best.
  19. I think, get a hold of some breathing technique, like Wim Hof, or Holotropic Breathwork, or yogic Pranayama, then learn some instrument, like didgeridoo or drums, get some boho style or hemp clothes. This plus mushrooms, you can call yourself a shaman for me Breathing + music + psychedelics, it's all you ever need.
  20. You have not taken 5 mg and 10 mg, you have taken an unknown amount. Probably less than that. I would guess your spoon holds around 3.5 mg on one side and 7 mg on the second side, but it's just my guess. It depends on how fluffy the powder is. You have to up the dose spoon by spoon, plug two big ones next time, then three, because 100% two won't be enough, because they are not 10 mg. And don't fucking smoke HCl from an aluminium foil, that's a terrible idea. HCl will burn and you will be vaping the foil only. If you want to vape it, convert it to freebase first.
  21. If you want to be more eco choose a bike or e-scooter instead.
  22. @blankisomeone The second one will probably have no effect on you if the first one was so bad, you can take it.