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Everything posted by Girzo

  1. Real no-self awakening. All the usual "pleasurable" stuff is peanuts compared.
  2. Shanmugam was a user here and he got banned.
  3. Leo's a YouTuber, not a digital artist. It would take him 7 extra years to get the skill to create such thumbnails.
  4. @Hardkill Yeah, of course. I don't even think China would want a stronger Russia necessarily, but they have a lot of business to do with them, so they are not going to condemn the war by putting up sanctions.
  5. Obviously not. They are stock images.
  6. China also needs food from Russia. Chinese people are expecting low crops yields a second year in a row and Russia is an exporter of grains.
  7. @PurpleTree Yes, I even remember this being discussed on this forum.
  8. Nah, an entrepreneur is a celebrity like a rapper. If you want to frame it like that then compare Kanye to Large Hadron Collider, or International Space Station, they are worth even more than Kanye, but still people care about the rapper more.
  9. Is it possible for you to write what tests so people in the future having similar problems and finding this thread might know what has failed?
  10. No. It is still experience. Still the same point of view. You don't wake up to it, you are already it, you are already experiencing God. You only wake up to the bullshit you have been telling yourself as God.
  11. @Giulio Bevilacqua Have you exhausted the conventional medicine approach first and got thoroughly tested by your doctor? If the doctors can't find anything wrong then go to a kundalini specialist.
  12. @Wilhelm44 Yes. And only one point of view exists right now, but other imagined POVs in your POV act as if all other POVs exist too, but they don't. It's something you are creating and at the same time, you are creating a human self that doesn't understand how it is creating all this because it doesn't, it's your godly Self that creates it. Other selves, and your human self too, don't have experience. Only the God-self has the experience, sees, hears, smells, etc.
  13. That's no secret, he has his talking points perfected for 20-40 years of teaching, when he speaks he gives a performance and is not trying to come up with any new insight. That's the guru game you have to play to be the No. 1 Guru in the Whole Country of India. That's not an attack on him, just a recognition of the role he has to play. In the mainstream, he is way more of a social and political activist than a spiritual guru for serious seekers. He would have almost no following if he was doing the second. I remember Sadhguru saying that in his youth that he had a goal of awakening all people in the world in a few years. Then he realized how futile that is and that the world is not even close to understanding his teaching, then he had switched to what he is now.
  14. @Wilhelm44 Because "relative" is an illusion, it doesn't exist, only the Absolute does. That's why there are no bubbles, you are the only bubble. Bubbles are a cool way of conceptualizing this experience of there being other people and interacting with themselves, understanding your life, etc. But that is not Truth. The bubbles are in fact parts of Your imagination bouncing around Your Mind. The truth is only your bubble is real, only it has "substance". There's no person having their own experience equal in validity to your experience inside any of those bubbles.
  15. Because Leo doesn't exist and you only imagine he does. Your experience is all there is. If you have wanted for there to be the "Leo experience" you would have to cease to be who you are and become Leo.
  16. Yeah, the guy on the video is really cool, that's how an attractive guy behaves.
  17. Yeah, it's weird to follow Leo's work sometimes. In my experience, a no-self awakening (I mean a single experience, not a permanent shift) has been way more important and way stronger than any God experience I have got from DMT or DPT. But there's still some world left after you reach the No-self, I guess that what is left is The Self. Maybe the difference comes from the fact that I have spent hours in the No-self state and the DMT peak experience lasts like 3 minutes only.
  18. @Willie And? 400 000 Texans moved to California in that time. Both of these states have huge populations so those numbers are like nothing in 10 years scale. California is still growing in population every year but it's slowing, which is good, because there's a limit to how many people can a patch of land support. Everything when mature stops growing. You know what doesn't stop its growth? Cancer.
  19. Then ask yourself if "dumb af" games are something you want to learn to play or if it is not your forte. If not then look for someone else, you might need to do so anyway because if you don't already know the games she plays you will probably lose before you understand them. Yeah, I suspect so, just have wanted to write a little for myself. Don't take that part as necessarily directed at you, please
  20. @Karmadhi Normies who don't know what they want from life are in a sense harder than hot girls, hard to vibe with them if you are a self-actualizer. And why would you want to try to fight this uphill battle if she is just as pretty as the other girl? She thinks like that, too, it's suspicious, not flattering if you stick to that girl. Why would you listen to a girl complaining during a first date, though? Throw a joke, throw a joke, "OK being serious time!" ... for 30 seconds, then think up a stupid story, throw a joke. Positivity and acceptance. She tells you she is new to the city and doesn't know anyone? Then you say "no wonder, you have had the courage to talk to me then", "I am the state President, I know everyone, I will show you where all the best parties, food is" and you take her to a kebab stall or whatever, randomly greeting people like you know them on the way. You get the gist. Some girls will cringe, some will love it, all depending on the girl and your creativity and delivery.
  21. Yeah, the lack of feedback is the worst part, when trying to improve. That's why having friends with a lot of experience helps because they might clarify a thing or two for you.
  22. Yes, it is. It is basically pranayama and some pranayamas with bandhas and mudras in more advanced techniques. But the guidelines tell you to practice it in a specific way to get specific results. And as said above by @EmptyVase, the accent is put on achieving a meditative state called Parvastha and abiding in it.
  23. @Pete- Weirdly cool video. Hits some core ideas right. Has little to do with Kriya Yoga originating from Lahiri Mahasaya, though. I am also pro-movement, I like Hatha Yoga the most, but I would refrain from comparing 2 hours of Lahiri's Kriya with 15 minutes of gi gong because it's not what you imagine it to be.
  24. Every solid meditation method I know has 2 hours requirement. To do Vipassana they encourage you to go on a 10-day retreat and then practice 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the evening between the retreats, and they advise at least 1 retreat a year, ideally 4 or something, so yeah, meditation takes up time. Does this have anything to do with reality, have you practiced Kriya Yoga, have you talked with any kriya teacher who told you what is good for which people from their experience? Or is it just pure gossip.