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Everything posted by Girzo

  1. What you are doing is pure rhetoric, or rather a logical fallacy, trying to undermine my position by saying that I must doubt myself and still holding that position even though I have told you that's not a case, I am sure of myself. There's no logic or argument in that, just an appeal to my non-existing emotions. People on this forum do a shit-ton of logical fallacies, even in this thread there's a lot of them. I know, I know, logic is not the proper way to truth, etc. What I am saying is, before transcending it one should try to somewhat master it, because otherwise this transcendence is more like a regression. I think that's in part why Leo has released episodes about self-deception yeeaars ago and only dives into God stuff now. That's the proper order of mastering life.
  2. The point is there is only one avatar with consciousness you can be sure of having consciousness, you. And if there are other consciousnesses, you can never be sure of their existence, because everything you encounter is your consciousness, you can't distinguish between your own consciousness and influence of some other consciousness. If I understand correctly Leo says a. Other consciousnesses probably exist, b. We can never be sure of it, c. It doesn't matter though, because God is Gods, Gods is God
  3. Not really, there's a lot of quality Buddha at The Gas Pump podcast's guests, who have had comfy childhoods and lifes. The only guy I know in real life who went to realise this fantasy of going to Tibet to meditate in the mountains have also had a comfy life and has been a doctor before going on a journey. So, yeah I don't buy it. Your past is probably not corelated in that way with how spiritual you are.
  4. How does that compute with your belief that the Earth can sustain 100 billion humans or something? It's a stance of integrity. I am not a killer and, I wouldn't want a system that forces anyone to become an executioner. It's not a matter of being Green, it's hard to find a doctor to administer the lethal dose even with Blue or Orange values system. There is relative harm in putting someone in prison, but it's somewhat reversible, not always, but sometimes. Death penalty is absolute harm, there's no undo button.
  5. It's a circle, but there are so many of the circles that they are actually a sphere, but there are so many spheres and they are all touching that actually you can go in any direction.
  6. Nothing. There's a lot of people on these forums with touchy-touchy stomachs. I am one of them, but don't give a heck about eating mushrooms. Altgough, I like the addition of lemon, and eating some ginger as a ritual.
  7. @Leo Gura actual mushrooms are for people who like mushrooms and don't want to get involved in the grey or black market of drugs. All kinds of mushrooms are fun to grow. I like Oysters, they are like infinite food, tiny straw bale costs $1, add some corn or whatever and you get tens of kilos of protein and various other diet elements.
  8. @Razard86 Make a tea, drink only liquid, throw out the rest of the mushroom without eating it. You get a bit less potency but don't eat the mushroom body. I personally find it pointless, cubensis seems in taste like a normal edible mushroom, it's not that terrible.
  9. Can we stop playing this "I am now so Enlightened, wow" game? How many identical threads with people behaving in the same way do we need? Same old story. People grabbing for attention, this one I would say even unsuccessful compared to previous posters like this.
  10. @UnbornTao What exactly? You have quoted nothing. I am a fervent zealot of Nothing. But on a serious note. No. Asking questions is a rhetorical device. I need no help in sorting my worldview, all good in here, thank you.
  11. You mean a day before session, and then going there to integrate the experience? Then I think it's okay. Anything else I would consider stupid.
  12. I don't feel like Turquoise is an appropiate label to use in regards to gurus and mystics of the past. It's hard to tell what this label really means even today, are people with characteristics ascribed to Turquoise even really there and is it really a next step, or maybe a different path. I think Leo did a kind of disservice to the community by teaching using Spiral Dynamics as a practical tool without warning enough that it is based in weak science and that it needs a lot more of scientific work to say anything sure about it. Did they? What about wedic soma drink and hashish? And did they really achieve high consciousness in more reliable manner than what we have today? Because what we have today without drugs is not good. A few Enlightened individuals and even less Enlightened teachers with millions of seekers and students left in the dark. I suspect it has been similar back in the day. The techniques for raising consciousness all work a little bit, but mostly suck, because they require waaay too much work.
  13. Isn't taking drugs a thing humans do? It's important in almost every culture.
  14. You mean Snapchat scammers? Snapchat dealers do not exist, and if they do, they are an utter idiot who you shouldn't interact with, because it might be contagious.
  15. There are trusted darknet markets with trusted sellers with years of transaction history that can't be faked. Dreaddit is a dark net version of Reddit and I recommend using it instead. But only for looking for knowledge, opinions and reviews, not engaging directly with scummy people.
  16. Will work, but you have to use it up fast, or it will degrade in that solution. Impractical unless you want to trip a lot in a quite a short time frame, you would have a few days until it losses potency. Vape liquid with freebase in low concentration is more practical and lasts longer on a shelf.
  17. @Raptorsin7 reading your posts is insufferable, you've made me remember there is an option to ignore users. For anyone one who doesn't know about this option, here it is:
  18. 100%, if by wisdom you mean ability to see his childish behaviour as childish cosplaying of a wise man and by capable being able to use your talents in skillful ways to achieve your goals. And also, it's an unecessary comparison.
  19. @Raptorsin7 yes, TJ Reeves was an idiot and 1upper from the day one. The guy was boasting about how many upvotes he got on his posts, and doing some weird calculations to prove that he gets more upvotes per post than Leo. That's not wise, it's cringe and chilidish. The only thing is he was not judging people with more money or girls as better, but people who in his opinion were more of a Super-Saiyan Stage UberCoral Peaceful Warrior. It's the same game though. The same game children play by competing who will get the highest level in an mmorpg or get the highest kda in a shooter.
  20. @8gates If you are obsessing over him, then yeah, I am talking about him too.
  21. @8gates Andrew Tate has a big black hole between his ears. But... 19 year olds are not known for their brains either, so maybe they make a good match, huh.
  22. @8gates Go on a walk through a forest, it will be good for you. Much better than fantasizing about fantasies of some bald guy on the internet.
  23. My brain is rotting even thinking about that this topic ends up on these forums. It's reminiscent of a "discussion" with my friend that Logan Paul is some kind of genius for being so popular and scamming so much people. I have to disagree, any idiot can run these scams. It's just that if you would try it you would get sick at the thought of what meaningless shit you are doing with your life and they don't have that reaction. It's depressing to be a scammer. Entertaining Jordan Peterson as a serious intelectual on these forums was on the verge of stupid. This discussion is wayyy beyond stupid.
  24. @Dark_White if you like reading books then go read Hanzi Freinacht's "The Nordic Ideology" or Frederic Laloux "Reinventing Organizations", they show "stage Yellow thinking" in practice. Maybe seeing the fruit of changing your thinking will encourage you to do it yourself. Both these books have audiobooks.
  25. @The Mystical Man the Great Courses are better, but many courses suck. Socialism vs Capitalism one was so bad it was funny.