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Everything posted by Girzo
It is capable of synthesising DMT and 5-MeO-DMT, though. Hard to argue with that fact.
@Federico del pueblo They did produce them, I think. They weren't the ones to sell it to the US, though. That's what I have understood from the gossip. A lot of stuff busted lately. Even Z-Library (they are still online on Tor). I think DDOSing various dark net markets and Dread are experiencing right now might be a government operation. Just my speculations, but it's weird that things get busted and Tor network gets unusable at the same time
1P-LSD and 1P-AL-LAD are all good, that 1P part doesn't change anything, even dosing stays the same. Maybe at most it takes like up to 30 minutes longer to start but it's the same trip as original counterparts. They were. Who knows who will dominate market in the future, because Lizard Labs got busted. (because of opiods of their production being sold in the US)
@flowboy Yeah, if you have dosed too little LSD you would then be able to take more value out of the trip toking DMT on it. I would use a vape pen with DMT dissolved in e-liquid.
The worst that can happen if you just store it in a bag in a drawer is that it will lose some potency over the years, like 10%.
@Aiwass I wasn't even talking to you but now you made me feel concerned for your well-being. Don't harm yourself.
It can last more than 10 years properly sealed in a freezer. Read on storing tryptamines on Reddit or Erowid or Bluelight.
True. Pick-up guys have recommended Eckhart Tolle and Anthony DeMello to me years ago.
Lower your physical attraction standards. More guys to choose from. I would say the same if I was giving advice to men. People want to be in partnership with someone developed who also ticks all the other boxes. There's a very low probability of finding such person. If someone is super hot, wealthy, and DEVELOPED, then chances are they are already taken, because they are rare, because development needs challenge. Without challenge most people get spoiled. People also get broken from too much challange, so your best bet to find someone psychologically and spiritualy developed is to look for mediocre guys. Most of them will be just that, mediocre, and some will have to offer what you are looking for. You have to trade something for something. Decide what you really value in men, and weight options accordingly. What character traits are a must for you, which are not, etc. Oh, and in the end it's not really about the guy. Your relationships will be as easy as you make it. You have to know your psyche, you have to be stable, plan for difficulties. By difficulties, I mean something like this "I know I will be stressed during the exams, maybe communicate that to each other and not do anything rush during the month I have exams, cool it down." Or stuff like these. I hope you get a gist. My girlfriend and I communicate like that and offer each other support all the time, no drama. If you can't do that for now, don't know how, then it's not a bad idea to stay single for a year or two, or five even, heh, but only if you are seriously developing yourself. Because otherwise the guys you have rejected because they weren't developed enough might end up more developed and more grown up than you.
Has anyone done any serious research on this? What is the toxic part of kambo, is it a substance or protein? How long does it stay in the body? I am not interested in it, but I think those are some basic questions to which everyone partaking in kambo should find answers for themselves.
Girzo replied to Rafael Thundercat's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Bitcoin maximum cap can be removed by majority consensus I think. -
Girzo replied to Rafael Thundercat's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Symbol of stored value to be more precise. It's important distinction, because money, in contrast to real value, can be created and destroyed at whim, while real value like labour, energy, materials can't be. And that explains the rest of your post about how dolar is not so great. Money is just a symbol, that's why it's so volatile. -
@Alex_R A lot of misunderstanding and trauma would happen.
So, I have listened to Hamilton Morris more, and he is aware of the possibility of the aforementioned impurity forming. And it has been studied by Dennis McKenna, from his research it turns out N-methyl-Pinoline is a very weak iMAO, so it's a lucky situation it's not dangerous. So it makes the substance impure, but for all practical reasons you can treat it as pure, after adjusting dosages. I would just recommend to be cautious about jumping to high doses when using a new batch, because 40 mg from an old batch might be equal in strength to 30 mg from the new batch.
I have found one trip report where someone unrelated to the psilomethoxin church has attempted growing it themselves. They have grown sclerotia and took it with iMAO, so it's impossible to tell if it's this compund or just 5-MeO-DMT in water absorbed by sclerotia. But has reported it was a different kind of trip and ended up for 9 hours in the Rainbow Light La La Land. Someday I will hopefully verify it myself. But there's plenty of reports on Shroomery that the method doesn't really work. People have tried it in the past for other compunds. Some scientists have succeded in doing that, we have the papers, OK, but has anyone read those papers and checked how much of the substance shrooms have produced, or maybe they just detected a 4-HO compund in fruiting body and left it there. Because the percentage is a very important matter here. The practical knowledge for now says this method doesn't work.
Oh yeah, when you have said it... I have also experienced this on LSD. Makes you move or stop, yhym, true. Kind of like you were praying or something. Very stylized, pronounced movements.
@Craigxt22 It depends on what you mean by testing, baically no-one tests by sending sample to DrugsData or similar, it costs $100. But if you want to know approximately the % of purity then it's needed.
That's what I have believed. Now, I am having suspisicions. People are people, labs might cut corners and make mistakes. It's a not so regulated market after all. Assuming it's lab, because as I have said, there are clandestine homebrew vendors appearing on the Dark Web nowadays.
The fact is people have had problems with it and I present a possible explanation why.
Ah, and this N-methyl-Pinoline fromation can't happen from improper storage conditions, so it has to come from synthesis. There is a phot of another 5-MeO-DMT that has been verified to be around 10% n-methyl-pinoline. The person sending reported something off about the smell to be the reason for sending this sample. If I were to speculate. Maybe the lab synthing the Oxalate didn't have everything right and made mistakes. There was a period when 5-MeO-DMT had been scarecly available, then the Oxalate came in. Maybe it had been a first try synthing using a new method for this lab and they made a mistake, some parts of the vessel heated too much and substance degraded, while they only tested for purity the parts that didn't undergo the reaction that formed n-methyl-pinoline, unaware that something like this could happen. It's pure speculation, but labs are people too, and they learn new stuff all the time. AAAND... the Canadians sell Oxalate no more, just freebase. So maybe there really was somthing offf about this method of producing 5-MeO that resulted in Oxalate salt.
Actually, people do, 5-MeO-tryptamine (mexamine) is widely available and legal in many countries. And Hamilton Morris sold like 10.000 copies of pamphlet with synthesis guidelines for amateur cooks (from mexamine exactly). There are also internet forums for newbies in synthesis, I am not talking about the old school ones that have something to do with bees and wasps, I am saying about new ones that take inspiration from TV series and they trade precursors openly. The N-methyl-Pinoline can't be from cut, because it's a by-product (and doesn't appear anywhere ele on the market) of the reaction if there's too much heat, you can see Hamilton Morris synthing 5-MeO in a mexican lab on YT and using dry ice to keep everything cool. Maybe some amateur lab rats heat it too much, rush things or don't have gear to mix everything drop by drop. Here's a graph comparing pinolene with 5-MeO, it's the same substance, just forming an additional ring. The carbon atom from n-methyl group connects to carbon atom on 2nd postion on the indole part, forming a tryptoline. It's a year old info, but I have just found it out. Then we are... in a not so good situation. I am curious if someone who still has cache of that 5-MeO from back then would be willing to test it if it's really clean.
Do you remember times that many people on these forums were reporting that they have to dose like 40 mg or more of 5-MeO-DMT to feel a strong trip? Many people thought back then "must be my high natural tolerance". No, it wasn't. The 5-MeO-DMT Oxalate back then, the brownish product in salt form for plugging or snorting, had been contaminated with synthesis by products UP TO 50%. It was only 50% 5-MeO-DMT in some cases. So maybe the consideration now should be, that 5-MeO-DMT that is too yellow or too brown is not good. Here's the photo of failed, weak 5-MeO-DMT Oxalate Someone tested a sample that was 100% the byproduct, I hope it's only someone's result of attempting to home synth the chem and not something bought and sold on the streets. Here's the photo of 100% synthesis byproduct: Source: DrugsData.org
@OBEler You have called them dealers, they are scammers. Some newbie reading this might get a wrong idea. There already has been a few people on the forums asking similar questions, "like is buying on IG legit?". So I don't think it's far-fetched to think that someone might read it and get the wrong idea.
These are not dealers These are professional scammers. Never buy anything sold on IG or YouTube comments or TikTok It's rather obvious, but I dunno, some people fall for these scams. Even communication channels like Telegram, where real sellers operate, have scammers.
Movement, physical movement, and inner game. You either have to find sanitary conditions (sometimes it's more sanitary in the wild than in WC, heh) and develop a mindset that no-shit in public toilet will harm you in any way. No fly, and no suboptimally ergonomical toilet seat.